God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1289: hunt down

Wilderness road.

call out-

Ye Que turned into a black shadow, and rushed through the passage like lightning.

His speed is so fast that the gods can't catch it at all, and only by creating a method can they see it clearly.

boom! !

Behind him, there are three Dharma-making statues chasing after him.

"After chasing you for five days and five nights, you still have such physical strength, but for the next four days, I'll see how you survive!"

These three statues are people from the Blood Origin Clan, the Hong Yuan Clan and the Fire Source Clan.

They have offended Ye Que to death, so the only way out is to kill Ye Que.

But this guy is too cunning.

Every time they want to catch up, the opponent will change their identity and disguise, making them helpless many times.

"Sure enough, he also has some special powers."

"In Huangyuan Continent, any power under the influence of Yuan will become weight, but there are still some rare and incomparable abilities that avoid the influence."

"Ye Que also has it, and this ability should have something to do with camouflage."

The faces of the three Dharma-makers were ugly, and it was extremely difficult to chase a ninth-level god.

I don't know how many people want to laugh at them.

call out-

The strength of the three major methods are all at the fourth or fifth level. They are very strong, and their speed is astonishingly fast. It didn't take long for them to catch up with Ye Que.

"Destroy him!"

The fifth-order method made a move, and a ruthless chop split Ye Que.

"it is as expected!"

The face of the fifth-order construction method was gloomy.

That Ye Que is fake.

The real Ye Que changed his identity to disguise again.

"damn it!!"

"Look again!"

The three of them were so angry that they wanted to curse, and they could only continue to search in desperation.

And Ye Que had already disguised himself as a middle-aged man.

Feeling the wound on his back, he slowly recovered from Nirvana, and let out a long breath, but his face was still pale.

For five days and five nights, he was hunted down by the three major creation methods, and Nirvana would not be able to sustain it without using the heart of good fortune.

"Being consumed and hunted down by them many times, Nirvana is also approaching the limit, so let's hold on."

Ye Que was not able to escape successfully every time, and was killed by these three creations several times, making Nirvana almost reach the limit.

He suppressed the killing intent in his eyes, wandering around the 30th to 40th rank.

"Get out of the way! I am the **** of the Bloodborne Race!"

In the 36-segment area not far ahead, a blood-born **** appeared.

Ye Que took out the knife indifferently, and cut it straight up.

There was a click.

The god's soul was shattered by Ye Que's power, and his head fell to the ground.

Opposite this deity, another 36-stage deity was stunned.

The person who was still alive just now disappeared in the blink of an eye?

"Brother...Brother, I will give you the seat."

The **** was so startled that he hurriedly withdrew.

Ye Que remained indifferent, took away the treasures from the corpse, then threw the corpse on the stele, and said indifferently: "If anyone comes to ask, just say Ye Que killed it!"

After speaking, turn around and leave.

He put away the knife, changed his identity, and continued to wander.

Not long after, the three statues came to the stone tablet.

"My blood-born god, this is the 15th **** to be beheaded!"

The blood-born clan's fourth-order manufacturing method, gnashing teeth, with hatred in his eyes, and the flames in his chest, which cannot be restrained or vented, made his face ferocious.

His heart is bleeding.

Those who can come to the road to the barren source, even compared with other geniuses, are much mediocre.

But at least in terms of the speed of raising the realm, it is not easy.

There are not many gods of the blood-born race who can enter this place.

Now, in just five days, Ye Que beheaded and killed 15 gods!

"The gods of my Fire Origin Clan have also been beheaded 13!"

"14 gods of my Hongyuan clan were beheaded!"

The three major lawmakers were angry and helpless, this must be Ye Que's revenge on them.

The other party can pretend, and the disguise is very deep, it is difficult to find, they are powerless.

"We must find him!"

The three regretted chasing and killing each other, but the matter had come to this point, it was useless to regret, they could only ruthlessly kill each other.

In the depths of the ranking monument.

On a stone tablet, there are stone chairs and stone tables.

Long Yuanshi was sitting on a stone chair with a wine glass in his hand, playfulness and laziness appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"You stopped me, are you trying to make an enemy of the Shengyuan clan?"

Sheng Hatsune was very angry. She was blocked by two statues and couldn't get out. Even threatening suicide was useless.

"Hatsune, I'm doing this for your own good, don't get too close to people from small places, he will dirty you."

Long Yuanshi spoke earnestly.

The status of the Longyuan clan and the Shengyuan clan are shoulder to shoulder, he is not afraid of this girl messing around, if she stops her, she just stops her, what can you do to me?

"Why do you stop me! Brother! Brother! Come quickly!"

Sheng Hatsune had no choice but to go to the deepest point, the number one shouted.

"Stop shouting, Sheng Tianming did not enter the road to Huangyuan this time, but went to the secret realm of Huangyuan."

Long Yuanshi has already laid out the layout.

Taking advantage of the absence of the 7000-year creation, he led people to stop Sheng Chuyin in advance, so that Ye Que would not have the means to protect himself.

Then, he communicated well with the blood-source, Hongyuan and fire-source tribes to send people to hunt down and kill Ye Que.

Sheng Hatsune cried angrily: "Cousin! You must be here, don't ignore me!"

This is her first call for help.

"Hatsune, stop yelling, no one will take that country bumpkin seriously! You really should reflect on it, what's wrong with us being right?"

Long Yuanshi got up, holding the wine glass in his hand, elegant and arrogant.

He chuckled: "I am the son of the patriarch of the Longyuan Clan. No matter my status or potential, I am the best. You marrying me is the best destination!"

"I would rather be single for the rest of my life than marry you!"

Sheng Hatsune was angry, that look made Long Yuanshi feel strange and dangerous.

"Is it?"

Long Yuanshi was angry, but not at Sheng Chuyin, but at Ye Que, a country bumpkin.

Without his appearance, Sheng Hatsune would never look at him like this, let alone say such words.

"Wait, when the surname Ye is sent over, I will let you witness with my own eyes how he was killed by me!"

Long Yuanshi smiled coldly.

Sheng Hatsune's heart skipped a beat, he was afraid.

She was frightened, her eyes suddenly softened, and her tone of voice was a little begging: "Don't do this, I...I...I will never scold you again."

Long Yuanshi was overjoyed that things had turned in the direction he wanted.

But he is not satisfied with this.

"Just don't scold me?"

He chuckled.


Sheng Hatsune also begged in his eyes.

As His Highness Hatsune, who is loved by thousands of people, it is the first time for him to show such eyes for Liar Ye.

"In this way, you swear by Huangyuan that you will become my fiancee and marry me within ten years! Not only will I not kill him, but I will let him live!"

Long Yuanshi revealed his purpose.

Swear by the wilderness, even the true gods cannot violate it.


Sheng Hatsune refused without even thinking about it.

"Then... I can only order more creation methods to hunt him down. Of course, I will not let him die immediately, but send him to me. I will tear his skin bit by bit and torture him alive die!"

Seeing that Sheng Chuyin was easy to deceive, Long Yuanshi threatened him with a vicious voice.

Sheng Hatsune was helpless, and was frightened and cried again.

"Sheng Hatsune, don't think that he can get out alive! No one can help him, he is hunted down by seven or eight gods, he can't live, unless you agree to my conditions!"

Long Yuanshi smiled softly, his tone was extremely confident and confident.

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