God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1290: Boss Ye is crazy

Long Yuanshi was playing with the wine glass, talking and joking, and put great pressure on Sheng Chuyin.

Sheng Hatsune wiped away tears, and when he was hesitating, an unexpected guest interrupted the current atmosphere.

"It's not good! Something happened!"

A tenth-level god, with blood on his body, flew in front of Long Yuanshi in a panic, speaking very hastily.

Long Yuanshi was displeased, frowned and said: "Come to me at this time, if you can't tell me why, you will stay here forever!"

The body of the tenth-level **** trembled, and he said in a trembling voice: "Ye Que kill...kill..."

"Kill what kill?"

Long Yuanshi was furious.

With so many ways to hunt down and kill, is it possible that Ye Que can fight back and kill them all?

Isn't this funny.

"Ye Que is crazy! He was very embarrassed when he was hunted down at first, but later he found a secret method, which can use blood to find the blood's kin."

When the tenth-level **** said this, everyone's expressions changed slightly.

"What do you mean? Tell me in detail!"

Long Yuanshi felt ominous, and felt that something was going to happen.

"Ye Que can use secret techniques to find members of the Longyuan, Blood, Hongyuan and Fireyuan clans."

"He is now... now madly killing all the gods of the Hongyuan, Blood, Fire and Longyuan tribes!"

After finishing speaking, the tenth-level **** knelt in the void, closed his eyes tightly, and prayed that he would escape.

There is no time to think about the methods of those present.

All his thoughts were focused on Ye Que.

"After hunting for five days and five nights, I still couldn't hunt him down."

"And he's getting his revenge..."

Zao Fa present was pale, with anger in his heart and worry in his eyes.

"I am a true **** race, he dares!"

Long Yuanshi slapped the gravel table with his palm.

"Zizi!! Of the 348 gods of the Longyuan clan who entered the barren source, no matter how strong or weak, he has already killed 167 of them!"

The gods of the Longyuan clan, stained with blood, flew weakly in front of the Longyuan stone, and died of serious injuries when they finished speaking.


The bodies of the practitioners shook, and they all realized that something had happened.

It's not that they never thought that Ye Que would take revenge.

But on the road to the wilderness, there are various methods against Ye Que. Ye Que's self-protection is a problem, and he can't take revenge at all.

But the facts in front of him are cruel.

Ye Que really escaped the chase, and started a cruel revenge, even the Longyuan clan.

"Report!! Of the 198 gods of the Hongyuan clan who entered the barren source, no matter how strong or weak, he has killed 162 of them!"

"Report!! Of the 208 gods of the Huoyuan tribe who entered the wilderness road, no matter how strong or weak, he has killed 174 of them!"

"Report!! Of the 204 gods of the blood-born race who entered the barren road, no matter how strong or weak, he has killed 184 of them!"

The news one after another spread to this place and echoed in the void, completely changing the expressions of the law-makers.

"This beam is completely settled! But our family can't afford the price!"

A fire source clan's second-order creation method murmured, with a gloomy look in his eyes.

He wants to throw the pot away.

"Find another method to blame! Say it's time to make Ye Que, causing Ye Que to kill a large number of gods of our clan!"

The Fafa was thinking about it in his heart.

Although, the Huoyuan tribe and Ye Que's Liangzi formed a knot.

However, the price is too heavy for the Fire Origin Clan to bear.

Those gods are all the fresh blood of the ethnic group, and there is a high probability that they will become the existence of law-making or even creation in the future.

The ability of the core race to stand on the barren continent is closely related to these fresh blood.

But now, it's all gone.

And it was the Fa-makers present that caused the ending in front of them.

It was they who teamed up to hunt down and kill Ye Que, and finally drove Ye Que into a hurry before killing the gods of the clan.

It's not just the law-makers of the Huoyuan tribe who think so, but the law-makers of other tribes are also thinking about how to escape the guilt within the tribe.

"Ye Que!!"

Long Yuanshi's face was pale, and he roared angrily and madly.

He never expected that he would come to this day.

I thought it was a game where the opponent would die.

Unexpectedly, the loss caused to them by the other party was simply a heavy blow.

The Longyuan Clan couldn't afford it either. Ye Que killed nearly two hundred of the more than three hundred gods.

All of this is because of him.

It was he who colluded with the Hongyuan, Huoyuan and Bloodyuan tribes to create the current mess.

"Shoot together and kill him!!"

Long Yuanshi went crazy, and the power of the super-top second-order method suddenly spread.

However, the surrounding Zafa tacitly fell silent.

"What? You still want to quit? Let me tell you, there is no way out! Only by catching him can the loss be minimized!"

Long Yuanshi gritted his teeth.

"Ha ha ha ha hiccup... What if I can't catch it? It's been five days! My liar Ye is very capable, you all are waiting for revenge!"

Sheng Hatsune wiped away tears and laughed.

Her voice was especially piercing and clear in the quiet atmosphere.

But these words are extremely reasonable.

I have been arrested for five days, but I haven't been caught yet.

If they go again, it will only anger Ye Que again.

As a result, even if they catch Ye Que, all the gods on their side may be wiped out.

This price is too great, so big that a group of people will experience a boundary gap in the future.

"Shut up!"

Long Yuanshi slapped him, and there was a force in the void that ruthlessly fell towards Sheng Chuyin.

boom! !

A palm as white as jade struck from a deeper place, directly dissipating this force, and it fell **** Long Yuanshi's face without weakening.

"who is it?"

Long Yuanshi covered his face and was furious.

"Don't take your anger out on my princess of the Shengyuan clan!"

The blue-eyed girl walked out from the depths, and the aura of the top-level fourth-order method overwhelmed Long Yuanshi so much that he didn't dare to say a word.

"I just called you, you didn't come! Why are you here now? I won't accept your help!"

Sheng Hatsune ignored her cousin, she was really angry.

"I just wanted to see how capable this genius who was prophesied by the true **** and possessed the qualifications of creation for seven thousand years is. Of course, I will keep in mind whoever dares to persecute my family's Hatsune."

The cousin was helping relatives and not outsiders, and her fierce eyes fell on Long Yuanshi, which made him dare not show any anger.


Sheng Chuyin just ignored her cousin, moved aside, and sulked alone.

Long Yuanshi was no longer in the mood to worry about these things. He glanced at Zaofa present with his sinister eyes, and said coldly: "No one can stay out of the matter! If we attack together, the chance of him escaping will be even smaller! It's the most important thing!"

"Of course, if anyone remains indifferent, I, Long Yuanshi, will settle the score afterwards!"

After he left a word, he fought outside together with the rest of the Longyuan Clan.

"He raised the butcher knife, so he won't choose to put it down!"

"Long Yuanshi is right, if we attack together, Ye Quejue will have no chance! Go!"

"Ye Que, Ye Que, this time, you did something that you will regret for the rest of your life! I will definitely let you suffer ten thousand times of pain and die!"


Create one by one, kill them all, the momentum is mighty, unrivaled.

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