God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1288: chaotic dream

There is also a gap in the strength between super-top-level methods.

But generally speaking, the gap between ranks is not that big.

The genius girl in front of her is a super-top fourth-order method, and she is quite strong in the same top-level realm.

Now, she was shocked by the scene in front of her.

"You actually ruined my Hatsune family! Change your mind, I'm going to kill you!"

The girl had blue eyes, and when she became angry, her eyes were dark blue.

With a bang, the power of the fourth-order top-notch method directly pushed Ye Que back.

Ye Que felt so tired, he hurriedly explained: "Hey, listen to me explain."

"I don't listen, I don't listen! In short, you must pay the price!"

The blue-eyed girl broke out, and the sea of ​​laws cleared the way to suppress Ye Que.

"Oh, cousin, what are you doing!"

Saint Loli came back to her senses. When she saw the scene in front of her, how could she remain calm?

She immediately stopped in front.

"You actually... you were kidnapped to such an extent. Although cousin Sheng Tianming said that he would marry you to him, there are conditions!"

The blue-eyed girl's eyes were burning.

Hatsune is so innocent, she has been ruined, yet she still wants to help Ye Que.

She must have been tricked.

"Why do you smell so strong of gunpowder? If I mess with Hatsune, do you still need to stop me?"

Ye Que's face darkened, this guy was too impulsive.

The blue-eyed girl was really taken aback when she heard this.

Not to mention those creations, even Shengyuan True God would not let anything happen to Hatsune.

But the scene just now made it hard for her to believe what Ye Que said.

"That just..."

she asked.

"This girl is thinking wildly!"

Ye Que held his forehead and had a headache.

Sheng Hatsune blushed and said coyly, "Is that called random thinking? I'm called planning the future!"

Dele, these words can explain everything.

The blue-eyed girl calmed down, but she also gradually became speechless. After a long time, she finally opened her mouth and said, "Anyway, I will keep an eye on you, Ye Gushen! Before you break into the top ten within three thousand years, you won't be able to Come on Hatsune!"

This is the condition of seven thousand years of creation, both holy and bright.

Ye Que twitched the corner of his mouth, he wasn't worried at all that he would mess around, on the contrary, he had to worry about what Sheng Chuyin was going to do to him.

Boys must protect themselves when they go out.

This sentence is not out of nowhere...

Sheng Hatsune is so funny, he has an extraordinary talent for driving. Once he learns it, it is estimated that he will go faster than the speed of light as soon as he steps on the accelerator.

A small storm just passed.

Ye Que went back to his residence in the Shengyuan Clan, fooled Sheng Chuyin along the way, and really let him fool him into a few good things.

"This is the tattooing liquid I saved up. I usually drink it before entering the wilderness road. Here, Liar Ye, I'll give you a few bottles!"

Sheng Chuyin was really fooled, and willingly gave Ye Que half of his few raw pattern bottles.

The Shengyuan tribe is rich in resources, but they will never give resources to juniors for no reason.

Everything depends on herself. Sheng Hatsune has certain privileges. As long as she opens her mouth, there will definitely be a lot of resources sent, but she will not use them.

Therefore, these tattooing liquids are all saved by her hard work. (I feel sorry for Hatsune for three seconds, Bitch Ye is not human)

Before Ye Que took it, he sighed and flicked a few words, such as Hatsune is really a good girl, and I, Ye Que, really didn't make a wrong choice.

"Which one of us is with whom!"

Sheng Hatsune patted Ye Que's arm, covering his face with classic hands, shy and pleasantly surprised.

After Ye Que drank it, the law got a lot of improvement.

The magic lines of the law of chaos and destruction have collectively increased by 25, reaching 525 magic lines.

"In the next two days, it's time to adjust your status and prepare for entering the road to the barren source!"

Ye Que still had a bit of conscience, so he stopped fooling around.

night comes.

He did not choose to practice, but slept like an ordinary person.

This is also a way to adjust the state.

Not long after falling asleep late at night, a hazy dream appeared in his mind.


The giant tortoise roared and swayed in the dream.

Immediately afterwards, three giant chaotic tortoises with a height of one million meters walked out of the mist.

They have an incomparably terrifying aura, and chaos surrounds the tortoise shell, which can accommodate everything and repel everything.

boom! !

They took a step forward, shaking the ground.

Ye Que was suspended in the clouds, watching the giant tortoises leave, looking at them, followed them unconsciously.

Then, he saw an extremely shocking scene.

The three giant tortoises came out of the mist, landed in the northern part of the Eastern Wilderness in the human world, and stopped in front of Ye Tiandian.

Roar! !

Another roar came from Ye Tiandian.

Immediately afterwards, the Xuanwu sky tortoise, Guixu sky tortoise, Leiyin sky tortoise, and Guangming sky tortoise flew out instantly, turning into hundreds of thousands of meters high, before landing in front of the three giant chaotic tortoises.

Three giant chaotic tortoises and four powerful figures from the Xuanwu family gathered together, and they roared to the sky.

The sound instantly awakened Ye Que.

"Hiss~ what is this?"

Ye Que was awakened, looking back and forth, he was still in a certain residence of the Shengyuan Clan.

It took him a long time to calm down his emotions amidst the surprise.

"It seems that I haven't had a rest for a long time, which made me dream about things that shouldn't happen, hey."

Ye Que lost his sleepiness, got up and walked to the yard, looking at the night sky, motionless, like a stone sculpture.

at the same time.

The universe of the ancient gods, within the sealed six realms.

In the North Sea of ​​Darkness in the human world, there is lightning, thunder and mist.

This should be a common occurrence in the sea, but there are not only wind, rain, thunder and lightning, but also the power of the six samsaras.


Lightning and thunder fell on Beiming, and the dazzling lightning light instantly illuminated the sea of ​​Beiming, reflecting three terrifying figures of giant tortoises from the sea.

At that moment, Ye Tiandian's Xuanwu, Lei Yin, Guixu and Guangming all sensed.

However, the first ones to react were not them, but Xue Lingluo, the Lord of the Six Realms.

"Among the six reincarnations, have creatures from a long time ago come out?"

She looked at Bei Ming in the world and murmured.

"According to brother Ye Que's instructions, for the safety of the six realms, all creatures that come out of the six realms of reincarnation will be killed."

Xue Lingluo wants to implement this regulation.

But this time it's a little different.

Just before she was going, four powerful members of the Xuanwu clan showed up and wanted to go with her.

Let's talk about Ye Que.

In two days, it will arrive soon.

The road to the wilderness has opened again.

"This time, strive to get a higher ranking and get more tattooing liquid! Break through to the tenth rank of gods as soon as possible!"

Ye Que stood on the square, looking at the dense crowd of geniuses with a cold expression.

On the square, members of the Huoyuan, Bloodyuan, and Hongyuan tribes looked for Ye Que indifferently.

In addition, Long Yuanshi is also looking for it.

"This time, you will die on the road to the wilderness!"

Long Yuanshi said to himself coldly.

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