God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1287: a conjecture, a delusion

Elder Hong gasped, stepped back three steps in a row, his face flushed red, and he couldn't say a word.

"your eyes…"

He didn't know what to say.

"Humph! This old-fashioned guy is too disgusting! Liar Ye, let's go! I will show this memory crystal to my uncle, uncle, father and mother."

His Highness Hatsune's words are not insignificant.

"I want everyone to see clearly the true colors of the Hongyuan Clan! From now on, the relationship between the Shengyuan Clan and the Hongyuan Clan will be completely severed!"

What Princess Loli said made Elder Hong turn pale with fright.

He would not doubt whether Sheng Hatsune had this ability, and the ugly scene on the engram alone was enough to worsen the relationship between the Shengyuan clan and the Hongyuan clan.

Offending a true **** core race...

This is an extremely bad thing for an ordinary core race.

And all of this was caused by his impromptu intention to exterminate Ye Que.

"That...Actually, we can have a good talk."

Elder Hong took the overall situation into consideration, and began to humble himself.

"Heh, so that's the virtue of the Hongyuan clan?"

"My family remembers."

"Well, we also remembered it, and we will show it to the elders when we go back."

The people around watching the battle also have their own thoughts.

Knowing people, knowing faces but not knowing their hearts, they know now, so they must be on guard.

People of the Hongyuan tribe are so disgusting, other tribes will definitely have the impression of being on guard when it comes to transactions or certain cooperation.

Elder Hong's body trembled, the more he looked at the situation, the worse it became, his mind went blank, and he thought of something big.

"The image in the eyes of other races is gradually collapsing... This is the trend of being marginalized by races, think about it, Elder Hong!"

Ye Que sneered, and took Sheng Chuyin away.

"Liar Ye, you are amazing! I will be very happy to marry you in the future!"

Sheng Hatsune has always kept the words of his brother in his heart, and he took it seriously.

As she spoke, she covered her flushed face with her hands.

This loli is rich, naive and funny, and quite straightforward. If I teach her to drive in the future, I think she will be able to.

Ye Que:? ? ?

What the hell?

"Although I want to degenerate, at least I have to save the universe of the ancient gods."

He thought about it seriously.

Ye Que ruffled Saint Lolita's hair, said nothing, and returned to the Saint Source Clan.

Seeing that Ye Que didn't speak, Sheng Luoli was still stroking her messy hair. As an optimist, she thought that boys always want to save face, so I'm sorry to say it's okay, I'll take it as your acquiescence.

So thinking about it, she felt shy again.

As he walked, Sheng Doubi covered his face and yelled strangely: "Smelly liar, how dare you treat this princess so rudely..."

Ye Que:? ? ?

This is more funny than loli, are you imagining?

Where did this go?

Ye Que shook his head and checked the panel data.

Pretty much the same as before.

The only things that motivate him are still these few things.

as follows-

[At the first level of the method: open the ninth jade pupil technique of the reincarnation eye (the final reincarnation eye, nine jades in one)]

[At the first level of the method: open the third pupil of the eye of good fortune]

[Unopened Bloodline 8: Chaos Power of the Ancient God (Fully closed bloodline, open reminder - die in chaos, live in chaos, wake up from chaos)]

[The Chaos Power of the Ancient God: In the silent bloodline, there is blood that tolerates and isolates all things. Once released, the ancient **** can evolve all things, open the eyes of chaos, and break the barrier of time and space]

"The eye of reincarnation is finally reaching its limit!"

Ye Que was a little excited.

He currently only has eight jade reincarnation eyes, and if he opens another jade, he will get nine jade reincarnation eyes.

At that time, nine jades will become one...

He remembered the description about Jiuyu's reincarnation eye in the data.

【The origin and extinction of all things are all tied in one eye】

"At a glance, life and death at the edge of the palm! This life and death at the edge of the palm has a lot of interpretation meanings, and it is estimated that it can cut off cause and effect!"

Ye Que took a deep breath to suppress his excitement.

Opened at the first level of crafting.

His first goal now is to reach the tenth rank of **** as soon as possible.

"It's not difficult to break through to the tenth-order god. You just need to increase the number of the two major laws of chaos and destruction to 1,000."

"Currently, they have 500 spells, just add another 500 spells."

Ye Que glanced at Saint Lolita.

"Oh! Liar Ye, you are so bad!"

Sheng Doubi didn't know where he was thinking, there was autumn water in his eyes, and he clenched his fist and hit his body, which turned out to be limp.

Ye Que said:? ? ?

This is purely your own random thinking, okay?

"You are too bad!"

Saint Lolita opened her mouth and bit him.

Ye Que said he was speechless, bite it as you like, our skin has been hacked so many times, it's already as thick as our skin.

Look at the data again.

The third pupil technique of the eye of good fortune will also be activated at the first level of creation.

Here comes the motivation.

"Hey... the opening of the Chaos Bloodline seems to have been completed a lot!"

Ye Que was startled.

The opening prompt should be: Swallow the source and replenish the veins, merge with the chaos, die in the chaos, live in the chaos, wake up from the chaos.

But at present, many hints have been reduced in the data, only remaining: dying in chaos, living in chaos, awakening from chaos.

"Swallowing the source and replenishing the veins, the reason why it can be completed... probably because I came to the barren source continent. All the power in the universe is born on the basis of the source. I **** the ubiquitous source of energy, and I can naturally Swallow the source and replenish the pulse."

"Chaos merged... My turtle form has merged with the source of the law of chaos, and my ancient **** form has also merged with the source of the law of chaos."

"Now, all that's left is to die in chaos and live in chaos."

This thing needs to be studied carefully.

He has nirvana, he can die several times.

Putting his heart down, Ye Que was ready to fool Saint Lolita. (I feel sorry for my Highness Hatsune)

He stretched out his hand, put it lightly on Saint Lori's shoulder, and said earnestly, "Hatsune, do you have tattoo liquid or fire fruit..."

However, this guy hasn't completed the Dafa of fooling around, and the atmosphere is distorted.

St. Lolita didn't know where she was thinking. As she walked, her legs were slightly clamped. Her face was flushed and her body was limp. From time to time, she would scold Ye Liar a few times.

This time, Ye Que clapped his hands, opened his mouth, and immediately made Sheng Luoli squirm: "Liar Ye, you are so rude to me, if I marry you in the future, oops..."

This coquettish appearance, she left here to direct and act on her own?

Ye Que tried to wake her up with a dark face, but something bad happened unexpectedly.

Sheng Hatsune's father is the second child in the clan.

At this time, the daughter of Sheng Chuyin's uncle's family, who is also a super enchanting genius girl, just flew out of the world of Saint Source, and saw Ye Que touching Saint Loli head-on.

And St. Lolita's appearance at that time was very bad.

This super monstrous and talented girl was stunned for a moment, then suddenly shouted: "Ah! You are a pervert! You actually raped my cousin!"

Ye Que:? ? ?

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