God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1246: Slashing in the realm of the gods

"Sure! From now on, you are my people in the dark void. Next, you need to attack the pure lands of the extreme north, the extreme west, the extreme east, and the central starry sky! As for the matter of the Good Fortune Gate and the Good Fortune Cauldron sealing off the God Race and the Star Demon Race ...I will find a way to break the dark void, and let the creator gods of your races get out of trouble!"

The gods, star demons and prophets, in order to take refuge in the dark void, destroyed the entire pure land of the extreme southern starry sky.

They joined the dark void as they wished, and joined the camp against the starry sky.

In the entire starry sky, there are still many weak races, even primitive life forms.

There are too many of this kind of starry sky life.

Some of them are unknown, living in a certain starry sky.

But when the Dark Void approached, their fate was sealed.

The dark void is another mirror of the starry sky. They have invaded in an all-round way, and their destructive power can be imagined.

Countless souls died tragically.

The starry sky creatures hiding in the pure land can only rely on rare creation-level weapons to resist tenaciously and with difficulty.

In a certain star field in the extreme southern starry sky.

There is also a living planet in the star field, and the life inside is in the farming era.

They don't know that there are stars beyond the sky.

What's more, they don't know that their so-called world is just a planet.

Now that the pure land in the extreme south has been destroyed and the entire starry sky has fallen, it will only be a matter of time before they are discovered.


A bright light lit up, it was the sea of ​​law raging in the starry sky.

In the sea of ​​stars, there stood a humanoid monster with two horns.

It is a first-order creation method of the dark void, followed by thousands of gods, and countless **** kings and **** ruins.

They are like locusts, raging everywhere in the starry sky, even the Death Star.

"A planet is found ahead! It's a living planet!"

There is a message from the gods.

"Life planets are hard to find, let me devour them!"

Dark Void made a method, opened his **** mouth wide, and there was excitement in his eyes.

He walked out with great strides, surrounded by the sea of ​​laws, and one step [Begonia Bookstore www.lvshuw.com] reached tens of thousands of stars.

In the starry sky, it is an invincible existence.

Soon it saw a green planet teeming with life.

"It is your supreme honor to swallow you personally!"

The Dark Void Constructor stretched out his hand and grabbed the planet.

Its palm shakes the starry sky, trying to cover that planet.

The surrounding dark void gods followed in awe. In their eyes, the lifespan of this planet has come to an end.

The life on the planet watched this scene helplessly, confused and terrified.

Also at this moment, a ray of light lit up in the dark distant starry sky.

The light was like a spot of light at first, but in an instant, it turned into a brilliant divine light that could illuminate the starry sky.

That light, illuminating the planet, drowns the darkness.

This star field was completely covered by the radiant divine light, and the Dark Void Constructor and the gods all squinted their eyes, not knowing what the light was.

But soon, they knew what it was.

That's... the light of the gods.

Within the light, there is the breath of a ninth-level god.

"A mere starry sky **** dares to act presumptuously in front of me!"

With a wave of Dark Void's magic hand, the hand grabbing the planet turned into endless darkness and devoured the light.

"Destroy him!"

"Starry sky, starry sky creatures are not allowed!"

The dark void gods are roaring.

But in the end, it didn't happen as they imagined.

The divine light is getting stronger and stronger, and the darkness of the law cannot be blocked.

Dark Void Zaofa was startled, he opened the eyes of Fazao to look, and saw a majestic figure walking towards him in the divine light.

"Ninth-level god, I use the power of law-making, and you still don't escape?"

Make a cold drink and reach out to grab it.

"It's you who are going to escape!"

The voice from the majestic figure carried suppressed sadness and anger that even the starry sky could not bear.


Zao Fa's laughter stopped abruptly, because his hand was cut off by the other party's divine light, and it was broken inch by inch.

"court death!!"

Frightened and furious, the sea of ​​laws turned into a giant beast, rushing to attack the ninth-level god.

"The Pure Land in the extreme south is gone, and you must be buried with me!"

There was a monstrous killing intent in the voice, and the light that bloomed from the figure turned into divine knives, beheading the giant beasts gathered in the sea of ​​law-making.

boom! !

The sea of ​​law-making was also cut off.

The Dark Void was horrified: "Shoot! Shoot all!"

In his rage, he shrunk the sea of ​​laws, turned it into hundreds of millions of magic knives, shattered the starry sky, and wanted to bury the ninth-level gods in the dark void.


More than 8,000 Dark Void Gods, millions of Dark Void God Kings, and tens of millions of Dark Void God Ruins made an instant move.

The dense mystic arts filled the entire starry sky, trying to annihilate the ninth-level gods.

This starry sky is shaking, collapsing, and shattering.

It cannot afford such a horrible attack.

"As cosmic beings, what you want is to destroy, not to resist disaster together! There is no need for the dark void to exist!"

The majestic figure holds up the starry sky with one hand, and steps on the dark and empty ground, like a cosmic giant, holding up a piece of sky in this dark and desperate starry sky.

He stretched out his right hand and punched slowly.

That punch contained the anger and roar of the gods, setting off endless rays of light, swallowing all the darkness, and shattering the hundreds of millions of magic knives created by the dark void.

It was unstoppable, and it shattered the secret arts of eight thousand gods, annihilated the peerless attack of millions of **** kings and tens of millions of gods.

All was annihilated when a terrible roar fell on the ears of all Dark Void beings.

It was only at this moment that they reacted.

All their attacks have been crushed by that punch.

Dark Void made a law, turned around and ran away.

There was fear and horror in its eyes.

This ninth-level deity is unusual in that it can easily shatter its attack, and it has also shattered the attacks of so many gods, **** kings, and gods.

It is necessary to ask a stronger method to destroy the god.

"You come to the starry sky, don't go back!"

The ninth-level **** climbed to the top of the starry sky in the light, and the supreme immortal momentum bloomed from his body.

He was holding the sword, and the law was poured into it. With just a wave, the starry sky of hundreds of thousands of stars broke instantly.

Like a piece of paper, suddenly split.

And the creatures at the crack were not attacked, but obliterated.

Thousands of gods, millions of **** kings, and tens of thousands of gods were wiped out at the moment the starry sky broke.

All surviving dark void creatures collapsed completely.

"I will pay for all the sins you have done! From now on, start with your dark void first-order method!"

The ninth-level gods stepped out in one step, as if they had traveled through the ages and time, and stepped heavily on the body of the dark void.


Zaofa screamed, his body collapsed, blood flowed profusely, and the sea of ​​law collapsed.

It fights back forcefully in pain.

"You are not worthy to fight with me!"

The ninth-level **** withdrew his sword, stepped out of the storm of law, and tore apart the first-level method of making the dark void.

It doesn't even have the qualifications to resist.

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