God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1245: full scale invasion

The true **** didn't reply, and seemed to be surprised by the other party's choice.

"Based on your achievements, you can become the second God of Creation in the barren land for seven thousand years."

The true **** retained him, and he spoke highly of it, shocking him as a heavenly being.

People from the blood and fire tribes had fear in their eyes.

This Ye Que actually has such terrifying aptitude.

They believe in the judgment of the true God.

If Ye Que chooses to stay in the barren land, then the blood and fire tribes will be in trouble.

Although they also have creations.

But the creation of seven thousand years is not only powerful in strength, but also has a transcendent level in identity, status and aptitude.

With these identities and status alone, Ye Que was enough to crush them.

"Go back!"

The members of the Blood Origin and Fire Origin clan shouted in their hearts.

The number one person looked straight at Ye Que for the first time.

The rest of the divine creations looked at him with terrified eyes.

The true **** persuaded him to stay, and even said such tempting words.

Who is willing to leave here!

All eyes were on Ye Que.

Everyone is waiting for him to choose.

"Please God forgive me, I still choose to go home!"

Everyone went from being in awe of Ye Que to treating him as an idiot with just this one sentence.

"Once you go back, you will never come back to the wilderness again, your aptitude will be ruined, and you will be destroyed along with the adversity."

"You, you can think about it!"

The True God was not silent, everything was expected, and now we just waited for Ye Que's answer.

"There, after all, is my home! No matter how strong your cultivation is, what's the use of not having a home."

Ye Que can get more resources here, and can continue to add rules here until reaching 99 rules.

Originally, before, he had many laws that could be integrated into the blood of the Dharma body.

But he didn't do that, but chose to use the sacred tree for cultivation method.

The reason is that I still want to break through and become stronger as soon as possible, and sprint to the 100th place, so please make a move once.

And the purpose is also very simple, that is to go home!

"I choose to go home! Please the true **** open the ancient god's universe door! In this life, if I can't come, I won't come. I don't want to live alone."

Ye Que has a bottom line.

Seven thousand years?

Misfortune entered the universe of the ancient gods, and the universe of the ancient gods could not afford to wait for a hundred years.

After hearing this, quite a few people looked at him with a slight change in their eyes, and many of them expressed admiration.

If you choose to stay here, you will be a creation in seven thousand years, with a high status, and you may have a chance to attack the true god.

If you choose to go back, not to mention creating things, it is difficult to achieve Dharma creation, and you will be trapped in the adversity universe for a lifetime, and slowly die with the universe.

Two choices, two extremes.

Ye Ruoren chose the second one.

There are those who say that he has true feelings and righteousness in his chest.

There are also those who say he is an idiot.

"Okay, I will open it for you..."

Before the true **** could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a voice.

"No! Liar Ye, you are not allowed to go back!! True God ancestor, don't promise him, ancestor, you, you, Hatsune, please!"

The creations dare not interrupt the words of the true god, one can imagine how much vibration this voice caused.

Ye Que knelt down on one knee, didn't look back, didn't look up, but his heart was touched.

He could imagine the scene of Sheng Hatsune kneeling on the ground begging for the true God.

Zhenshen was not angry, but just sighed: "The choice is yours, you can't force it, Hatsune, go back."

There was a power in the voice that no one could match, and it drove Sheng Hatsune back.

Ye Que was silent.

He heard silly crying and silly cursing from behind.

He was cruel and indifferent.

This is not his home after all.

The universe of the ancient gods, a place where he bleeds and suffers.

It was also the place where he met his lover and brother.

It is also a place for him to meet the old patriarch and Gu Fayue who carefully cultivated him.

There was heartache and hatred there.

But there are also memories of warmth, touch and laughter engraved on the heart and soul.

How could he give up such a place that affects his whole body and mind.

"Even if this place allows me to become a creature, or even a true god, what's the point of being a true **** alone! Holy Hatsune, I'm sorry!"

True God, staring deeply at Ye Que.

The eyes of the true **** have seen through the creatures in Ye Que's body.

However, the true **** chose to be silent.

The door has been opened by the true god.

Ye Que got up and walked in without looking back.

Behind him, the silly crying and cursing sound was so heart-piercing.

In the universe of the ancient gods.

In the boundless starry sky and dark void, the cosmic sea runs through it.

The once cosmic sea was full of unknowns and mysteries.

The current cosmic sea is the beginning of disaster.

Eternity entered the universe of the ancient gods from the universe sea, and destroyed this universe bit by bit.

Drops of black sea water overflowed from the cosmic sea and dripped into the starry sky.

No one can bear these pollutants.

Even the dark void will become riddled with holes, and eventually become the tomb of the universe.

boom! !

A drop of black seawater fell from the universe and melted a huge planet. It continued unabated, smashed the mysterious black hole, and finally shattered the starry sky and buried it in the dark void.

Presumably, the least impact is the dark void.

Dark Void beings can survive even if the universe becomes the Great Tomb.

So, they couldn't wait to invade.

Two months ago, the thirteen-star ancient **** was seriously injured, and the creatures in the starry sky shrank into the pure land.

Seeing this, the True King of the Dark Void decisively launched a full-scale invasion.

The true king is the supreme king of darkness and space.

He led twenty creations to fight against the thirteen three-star ancient gods in the cosmic sea, and then sent five creations to join the battle.

To this day, the blood of the Thirteen Three Star Ancient Gods still flows in the cosmic sea.

"Protoss, respect the dark void! Destroy all creatures in the starry sky!"

Protoss' method of making, facing the dark void temple, kneeling on one knee.

"Star Demon Race, respect the dark void! Destroy all starry sky creatures!"

The star demon clan's method of making is also facing the dark void temple, kneeling on one knee to show their attitude.

"My Prophet family also respects the dark void, and seeks for the dark void every opportunity to destroy the starry sky!"

The prophet family also joined the dark void.

In the dark void temple, there are still creator gods.

"If you want to join the Dark Void, you have to come up with something practical."

The creator gods of the dark void make decisions in person.

The gods created the law and sent the heads of the two gods of the void: "The pure land of the extreme southern starry sky has been wiped out by our gods, star demons and prophets. Tens of millions of creatures, no matter how strong or weak, have been wiped out by us." !"

The Star Demon Clan sent one of the rulers of the Extreme South Pure Land, the head of the Star Soul Clan, and respectfully said: "This is the head of the ruler of the Pure Land."

"Except for the six realms being sealed by the Creation Shield, we have wiped out all the starry sky in the extreme south. In addition, we have specially left a few people behind."

Zaofa of the Prophet Clan knelt down and said.

"Oh? Who are they?"

The dark void creation asked.

"A group of people who are closely related to the eleven-star ancient **** Ye Que! We can use them to lure Ye Que to show up."

"Although Ye Que is only a fourth-level deity, and he can't even beat quasi-creative spells, he has great growth potential and is cunning. He poses a certain threat to the future of the dark void. I think we need to lure him out and then eradicate him!"

Zaofa of the Prophet Clan said with a sneer.

"Sure! From now on, you are my people in the dark void. Next, you need to attack the pure lands of the extreme north, the extreme west, the extreme east, and the central starry sky! As for the matter of the Good Fortune Gate and the Good Fortune Cauldron sealing off the God Race and the Star Demon Race ...I will find a way to break the dark void, and let the creator gods of your races get out of trouble!"

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