God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1247: People who shocked the Pure Land

The ninth-level **** withdrew his sword, stepped out of the storm of law, and tore apart the first-level method of making the dark void.

It doesn't even have the qualifications to resist.

In front of this ninth-level god, the first-level dark void creation method has no resistance and completely collapses.


The surviving dark void gods, **** kings, and **** ruins collapsed in an instant.

They want to run to the dark void in the darkness.

But the ninth-level gods don't give them a chance.

In the starry sky shrouded in bright light, a piece of sky blue light lit up.

The blue light that day was very beautiful, but besides the light, there was also a sound of wings resonating.

A tenth-level **** in the dark void looked over, and his face changed drastically: "It's a star sea worm!"

chi chi chi—

Nine dark golden star sea worm kings roared ferociously, leading countless billions of star sea worms, turning into a sky-blue sea tide, surrounding and nibbling these gods, **** kings, and **** ruins.

Finally, annihilation.

The starry sky returns to calm.

That figure stood quietly in the starry sky, like an eternal and immortal statue.

In this boundless, cold and dead starry sky, he looked small and lonely, like a wanderer who couldn't find his hometown.

The buzzing sound resounded, and the sky blue tide slowly swarmed around him, giving him a little bit of color.

"let's go."

The figure randomly chose a direction and left.

Soon, he left here, as if there had never been a law-making level battle here before.

The green planet is back to its former self again.

Suddenly, a big hand full of bright light appeared, covering the entire planet.

The creatures on the planet thought the end of the world was coming.

"Don't panic, enter my body and stay for a while."

The ninth-level **** stretched out his hand in a distant place and grabbed the living planet away.

This is really... holding the sun and the moon and picking the stars.

The starry sky in the extreme south is quiet.

When the high-level creation method of the dark void came, everything seemed to have never happened.

"How many times has this happened?"

The high-level method said with a gloomy face.

"In the fifth case, all the first-level creations are completely invincible, and they are instantly killed by the ninth-level gods. Even the second-level creations cannot suppress the opponent. If you are not careful, you will be counter-killed!"

There are gods of the Dark Void who gather news of such events.

"Ninth-level god-slashing method?"

The high-level manufacturing method gritted his teeth, he was shocked and irritated.

"Please come to the extreme southern starry sky with Dayan Zaofa, let it deduce who it is, who has this ability! Starry sky, there can't be a second magic **** level evildoer!"

The high-level method made a deep voice.

"The Great Evolution Method is attacking the pure land of the starry sky in the extreme east, I'm afraid..."

The dark void **** replied tremblingly.


The tone of the high-level method was cold.

"Yes Yes!"

The Pure Land of the Extreme North.

The **** of law, Gu Fayue, returned with scars all over his body.

Behind her, Zaofa followed, and behind Zafa, groups of starry sky gods or **** kings, dragging their wounds, dripping blood, pursing their chapped lips, silently followed Zaofa back.

They blocked this wave of dark void invasion.

But the price was very high, and there were countless casualties.

Behind them are corpses.

Jin Duande also lost his previous optimism, picked up his broken arm, and connected it to himself.

Here, as long as you don't die, you are slightly injured.

Everything is carried by oneself.

dead, it may become a burden.

Look at these corpses, they still need to be taken away.

Although, it's a must.

But no one wants to be a corpse, a burden.

The earth dog sighed, no longer had the energy to argue with Jin Duande, followed the starry sky army, as if to hide himself, and entered the pure land silently.

Die Tinghan and Huang Youyao supported each other and followed the Fashen, their faces were sad and numb.

They see no hope.

Even, crying can be heard all around.

Only by raising their heads and looking at the creation-level divine sword above the pure land, and the eye of law-making under the divine sword, can they give them a spiritual support.

"The Pure Land of Extreme South shouldn't be destroyed so easily..."

Die Tinghan whispered, the little girl is still the same size as before, but the smile and liveliness are gone.

The two ponytails she wore to dress up are gone, and her hair is hanging behind her back, not as agile as before.

Huang Youyao was still the same size, but she was empowered by the God of Law, temporarily turning into an adult.

She has never been held back by others, and she still goes to the battlefield.

At this time, Die Tinghan was being comforted.

"They were exterminated by the prophets. The prophets, gods and star demons are traitors of the starry sky."

There was a deity with half of his face destroyed, gnashing his teeth with hatred in his eyes.

It was a hatred that betrayed the starry sky, a hatred that could not be resolved by a sea of ​​blood.

Everyone was silent.

"Brother Bai Yechen, Brother Gu Cardinal, and Brother Qi Wangshu are all in the Pure Land of Extreme South."

Die Tinghan wiped away tears, looked up at the creation-level divine sword, and murmured: "And Brother Ancient God, you are so strong, where are you? I miss you so much!"

The Dharma God at the front is the strongest in the Extreme Northern Pure Land.

In this wave of dark void invasion, there was a creation. Fortunately, the level of this creation was very low, so she resisted it with difficulty.

But what will she do when more creations come in the future?

Moreover, the dark sea water in the cosmic sea is constantly destroying the starry sky.

It is estimated that within five hundred years, the starry sky will be destroyed, and the dark void will become the grave of the universe.


What a luxury.

Hearing Die Tinghan's words, she, who had been holding on all the time, also had red eyes.

The inexplicable disappearance of the ancient **** of good fortune made her absent-minded for a long time, as if she had lost her spiritual support.

But she dared not show it.

She is the supreme **** of all living beings in the extreme northern pure land, and the spiritual pillar for all living beings to survive with difficulty.

She took a deep breath, suppressing the depression with no end in sight, the despair of seeing no hope, and the sadness of losing some kind of support.

Everyone is struggling to survive, why bother to show that sadness.

The army of the extreme northern starry sky marched in silence, the wounded did not make a sound, endured, and the dead were pulled back to the pure land for burial.

That blood stained the starry sky.

Everyone knows that the future of the starry sky has no end, but no one wailed and complained.

The atmosphere is very heavy.

Also at this moment, the Eye of Creation under the Creation Grade Divine Sword lit up with a purple ray of light.

The light shines on the pure land, and finally restrains the light, condensing into a purple old man.

All the creatures in the starry sky looked over with anticipation in their eyes.

The old man folded his hands behind his back and clasped his fists at the Dharma God: "I am the creator of the Far East Starry Sky, Dharma God, a ninth-level **** suddenly appeared in my Far East Starry Sky, but you sent it here?"

Everyone thought there was some good news, but unexpectedly, it was just a ninth-level god.

In the Pure Land of the Far North, there are tenth-order gods and quasi-made methods.

Although I don't want to ridicule, a ninth-level **** really can't afford to make much waves in such a big scene.

Dharma God froze for a moment, shook his head and said, "I didn't send it from the Pure Land of the Extreme North. Besides, no one should send a ninth-level **** to die, right?"

The old man sighed, suppressed the shock in his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "You don't know, this ninth-level god, with his own power, destroyed ten dark void creations, and brought 80,000 dark void giant nests. Millions of dark void gods were wiped out by this ninth-level god."

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