God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1211: what rank are you

There was killing intent in Ye Que's eyes, and he said indifferently: "I know what my family is like, but there is one thing, I think my family is not as good as you, that is, I don't talk as much as you do!"

The man in fire clothes was furious, with murderous intent in his eyes, and growled: "Do you have the guts to say it again?!"

"You like being abused so much, are you sure you want to listen?"

Ye Que was so angry that no one would pay for his life, and he yelled at him when he opened his mouth, which made the man in fire clothes angry.

"Don't say any more, if there is any conflict, it will be resolved after going to the road to the wasteland!"

A strong man who couldn't see his true face spoke.

"If you dare to enter the barren source road, I will completely kill you!"

The man in the fire suit grinned grimly.

The other man beside him has silver hair and indifference in his eyes. Hearing this, he frowned slightly: "Huo Ming, your goal is to rush into the 500th place, not to fight with a small person!"

"Brother, don't worry, it's just a matter of two or three tricks!"

Huo Ming respected his elder brother very much, suppressed his anger, looked at Ye Que coldly, and said nothing.

"You are an ancient **** race, a noble race in my barren land. It's a pity that when your race opened up the ancient **** universe, a true **** was born, but you didn't return to the barren land. You committed a big crime!"

"Now, the universe is once again polluted by taboo darkness. Do you remember to ask me for help now?"

The strong man who couldn't see his true face clearly was asking for a crime.

Ye Que remained silent.

If what the other party said was true, then the true **** of the ancient gods had an accident, and might have been killed by the taboo darkness.

But this basis can only be established on the basis that what the other party said is true.

"Don't say any more, the thirteen-star ancient gods of their clan have already knelt down to the Huangyuan elders to admit their mistakes, so there is no need to target a small ancient god."

The strong man sitting on the first seat couldn't see his face clearly, so he spoke indifferently.

Ye Que's body shook.

The old patriarch kneels down?

Killing intent flashed across his eyes, and he stared at the strong man coldly and said, "Are you true gods?"


The strong man sitting on the first seat seemed to feel the anger of the little ancient god, and smiled lightly, dissipating the light from his face, revealing a vicissitudes of life.

With eagle eyes, he stared at Ye Que and said, "I'm just an ordinary creator god, why, can't the thirteen-star ancient **** kneel down?"

"May I ask which elder you are!"

Ye Que said coldly with a cold face.

"The elders of the Huoyuan clan, the elders will have three hundred elders and patriarchs, and I am one of them. Do you need to ask?"

The fire source clan elder said indifferently.

"We are also members of the Fire Origin Clan."

Huo Ming played cruelly, seeing the ancient **** deflated, he was very happy.

Ye Que remembered them deeply, and said coldly: "You can't afford a peak creation to kneel down!"

"Hmph! If he hadn't knelt down, you wouldn't be here today!"

The fire source clan elder said indifferently.

"Is it your chance?"

Ye Que asked back.

"He is responsible for injuring the 13-star ancient god. I gave you the opportunity. Come today, our elders will tell you that you can practice on the road to the barren source, but don't make trouble!"

Another strong man who had not spoken all this time made a delicate voice. From the tone of his voice, it should be a strong woman.

Ye Que glanced coldly at the elders of the Huoyuan clan, and didn't speak any more.

He didn't expect that the old patriarch's previous disappearance came here.

Presumably, the old patriarch also came to ask them to help the universe of the ancient gods, but these people, it's fine if they don't help, and deliberately beat the old patriarch to serious injuries.

No wonder the old patriarch's eyes were so tired when he fought against the strong man of the dark void.

He actually knew that when the old patriarch got angry, the few people present were not opponents at all.

But the old patriarch still endured it, otherwise, he would not have come here today.

"Is there anything else? If not, I'm going to the road to the wilderness!"

Ye Que said coldly, the killing intent in his bones had already arisen, if he hadn't been on the road to the wilderness and killed the members of the Huoyuan tribe, he would be ashamed of the old patriarch's sacrifice and the universe of the ancient gods.

"After today, I don't want to see the ancient gods again."

The elder of the Huoyuan clan closed his eyes and meditated after finishing speaking.

"Elder, I take orders!"

Huo Ming clasped his fists to receive the order, and looked at Ye Que with murderous intent.

"Go to the top of the list, and the rewards will be richer."

The strong woman gave Ye Que a word of advice.

"Thank you!"

Ye Que cupped his fists and saluted.

Next, the strong woman cast a spell and brought them into a square.

In the square, many geniuses of the first race gathered.

The higher the list, the higher the position.

Ye Que was the last one, after all, he was a newcomer, no matter how strong or weak he was, he had to stand at the back.

He glanced around and suddenly found that Huoming was not far ahead.

"Last in line! How dare you challenge me!"

He smiled coldly, his eyes fell to Huoming, and Huoming also stared at him and sneered.

Not long after, the square lit up with a huge light, teleporting away the owners present.

When it reappeared, everyone was randomly teleported to an ancient road.

The ancient road is as dark as a starry sky, and there are many bones under the feet. They are the corpses of top geniuses, and they have accumulated countless layers.

He looked forward, there was a stone tablet, and on the stone tablet, there was a number: 849.

"The 849th ranking stele!"

He looked behind him, and sure enough, he saw a group of super geniuses killing them.

"Go away!!"

These people are rushing to the front of the list, and they will kill anyone who dares to block them.

In just a split second, he felt the power of a law-making statue sweeping towards him, and Ye Que hurriedly avoided it.

That Zaofa didn't look at him, and rushed directly to the front.

There is only one person who will take action even if he sees him and avoids him.

"Hand over your treasures!"

That person is like an iron tower, with the power of the ninth level of the gods blooming on his body, and there are lines of iron lines all over his body, which is very terrifying.

Ye Que didn't underestimate the other party, and directly stepped back to observe.

"court death!"

The strong man in the iron tower punched Ye Que with a punch, and suddenly, a force of gravity and an unparalleled explosion fell on him.

Ye Que didn't dodge and took the blow.

"Hmph! This is the price for resisting me!"

The strong man sneered and continued to fly deep.

"Is your strength at this level? How much did you rank last time?"

A cold voice stopped him.

The strong man's face changed slightly: "Can he be resurrected?"

He turned around and looked at each other.

Then, he saw a **** walking out of the supreme magic land, staring at him, giving him great pressure.

"How much did you rank last time?"

Ye Que held two wheels, surrounded by the eight laws, fully opened the eyes of good fortune, reincarnation and gods, and the mysteries of the pupil technique surrounded the place like auroras of gods in a flick of his mind.

A vast force descended on this place, crushing the strong man's body with a crackling sound.


There is fear in the strong man's eyes, he is not afraid of fighting, the people who can come here are all very human.

He was afraid because he judged that the other party was only a fourth-level god, and he could hardly bear the pressure.

Those who enter the road to the barren source are all the best in each universe, and even invincible in the same realm. Most of the battles will definitely not leapfrog too much.

The winning or losing between them is basically based on the comparison of the same realm.

But the scene in front of him was beyond his understanding and shocked him.

A Tier 4 deity suppressed him just by his aura.

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