God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1210: Break the list

He became more and more angry.

They are all of the same seniority, why can he only be a god, and others can create things?

Ye Que looked at the Giant Tower.

The rumored true gods are inside, there should be many, right?

"Is there a true **** in every universe?"

He muttered, and uttered a question that left Lv Dehuang speechless.

But Lu Dehuang also thought that he came from the Calamity Universe and was cut off from the Huangyuan Continent, so it was normal not to know.

If it were him, he might not know anything about it.

Thinking of this, he said patiently: "Not every universe can give birth to a true god. Although a true **** can open up the universe, there are still some special means that can open up the universe."

Forgive the green youth, pointing to the towering tower, and said: "In it, there is a barren source device, holding the barren source device, you can open up the universe."

"The birth of the multiverse is due to the aborigines of the barren land, holding barren tools to open up."

When he said that, Ye Que understood.

To put it bluntly, it is equivalent to the aborigines of the barren land, in order to open up the territory, they opened up the universe.

Once a true **** is born in the universe, he will return to the barren land.

At the beginning, the ancient gods were one of the aborigines of the barren land. They opened up the universe of the ancient gods, and finally gave birth to the true **** of good fortune.

It is also possible that the ancient gods had not opened up the universe, but the true **** of good fortune was born, and then the true **** of good fortune opened up the universe.

"True God is still the top existence! In thousands of universes, five true gods can be born! By the way, did your ancient gods give birth to true gods?"

Lu Dehuang squinted Ye Que.

Ye Que hesitated.

Before, he thought that there were many true gods, and there was only one in every universe, so it was no big deal to say that the ancient gods also had true gods.

But now, knowing the honor of the true god, I dare not say it.

If the true **** of the ancient gods was in the giant tower of Huangyuan, then the reputation of the ancient gods would have spread throughout the land of Huangyuan, and everyone respected them.

But Lu Dehuang obviously had never heard of it.

That means that something happened to the True God of the Ancient God Clan.

"Avoid accidents! I'll investigate the situation myself!"

He wants to go back to the universe of the ancient gods. If he can find the true **** of the ancient gods, or invite a true **** to act, then the result will be even better.

Of course, now we have to calm down and find a way.

There are two ways.

First, break into the barren source list and reach the 100th place, please take action from the true god.

Second, investigate the situation of the ancient protoss and confirm whether the true **** is here. If so, then ask the true **** of the ancient protoss to take action.

After figuring it out, Ye Que was at peace.

He looked into Lv Dehuang's eyes and gradually calmed down.

"Brother Lu, do you know how many true gods there are in the barren land?"

If he wanted to understand Huangyuan Continent, he had to rely on this to forgive the green buddies.

"No more than seven, they are very secretive, even those strong men at the creation level don't know the situation of the true god, why, do you really want to invite the true god?"

Lv Dehuang squinted at him.

"I don't have that qualification yet, brother Lu, have you really never heard of the ancient gods?"

Ye Que asked tentatively.

"Don't be narcissistic, there are a lot of Gu people here, all of them are the first race in each universe, who has the time to remember others!"

Lu Dehuang and Ye Que rode on the little donkey again, crossed the creek unsteadily, and came to a wooden house.

Ye Que was puzzled, and when Lu Dehuang saw this, he simply said other things.

In this barren continent, without the power of cultivation, no matter how much power you use, your body will consume as much power as you can't replenish.

If you want to replenish and cultivate, you have to go to the road to the barren source.

And the road to the wilderness opens once at the end of every month.

It's the middle of the month now, and we have to wait another fifteen days before we can enter the road to the barren source.

When we didn't enter, there were very few struggles, and we were all self-reliant on the mainland.

It is worth mentioning that this place is very weird. If one does not eat three meals a day, the energy in the body will naturally be lost, and the loss is very fast, and it will be completely lost within a day.

Therefore, if you don’t eat, you will really starve to death.

? ? ?

What made Ye Que speechless even more.

Every six months, the Wilderness Tower will seal everyone's cultivation, and let everyone have a big hand-to-hand fight, that is, pure ordinary people fight in groups, and the winner will be rewarded by the Wasteland Tower.

"It's time to eat, walk around, if you don't have enough to eat, the energy in your body will naturally be lost!"

Lu Dehuang rubbed his hands, licked his lips and entered the village.

"Green hat, you went to the city, what did you buy?"

A woman said coldly.

"Well, I met this brother before I entered the city. He just came from the universe."

Lu Dehuang made an excuse, twisted his mouth, and introduced to Ye Que in a low voice: "This is my wife, she has the strength of a tenth-level god, don't mess with her."

"There are too many people in the universe, don't make excuses for me! Did you give me a green hat?"

Woman with arms akimbo.

"He came from the Calamity Universe and came to us for a meal."

Lu Dehuang explained.

"The calamity universe..."

The woman looked at Ye Que in surprise.

In the end, Ye Que lived here temporarily.

Looking at the dilapidated wooden house, he wanted to cast a spell to build a palace.

"Don't! When our power is released, it will be lost naturally. No matter what buildings you build, they will disappear."

Lu Dehuang explained.

Hearing this sentence, Ye Que gave up.

Although he has an inexhaustible heart for creation, it is better to be careful in this ghostly place.

In the end, he opened another house by himself and barely adapted to life here.

After waiting tediously for fifteen days, the road to Huangyuan finally opened.


The giant tower of Huangyuan released streaks of white light, covering everyone scattered on the continent, and sending them to a square behind the tower.

Ye Que looked forward to it. He had flown towards the giant tower before, but no matter how he flew, he couldn't get close to the giant tower. No matter what method he used, he couldn't get close.

Lu Dehuang saw it, and quickly told him to stop.

"Before the road to barren source opens, no one can get close to the barren source tower, and can only wait for the road to barren source to open."

Just this one sentence cut off Ye Que's idea of ​​approaching the giant tower.

Today, batches of geniuses of the first race in the starry sky from various universes were transported by white light and landed on the square one after another.

Each of them is outstanding, and many of them are in the same realm. After all, there are too many geniuses.

But the realm is the same, the strength is different, and the difference between geniuses lies in this.

"After entering the giant tower, I'm investigating the true **** of my family!"

A white light enveloped him, teleporting him away.

After standing still, what I saw was a large hall.

There are quite a few people in the hall, five of them.

Three of them were shrouded in incomprehensible power, making it hard to see clearly.

The other two were of the same generation as him, and they looked at him with hostility without making any attempt to hide it.

"When you meet Elder Huangyuan, don't kneel down!"

One of his peers, wearing a fire suit, said coldly to Ye Que.

Ye Que narrowed his eyes, thinking that the visitor was not kind.

"Are you the elder of Huangyuan?"

He stared at the man in fire suit.

"You! Hmph! You are worthy of being an ancient protoss who can betray Huangyuan Continent. All of you are sharp-tongued and wolf-hearted!"

The man in the fire suit was annoyed, and immediately sneered.

There was killing intent in Ye Que's eyes, and he said indifferently: "I know what my family is like, but there is one thing, I think my family is not as good as you, that is, I don't talk as much as you do!"

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