God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1212: super dark horse

A Tier 4 deity suppressed him just by his aura.

"I admit defeat, I will not move forward, you continue to rush to the rankings!"

The brawny man blushed, a confrontation between pride and reason, and finally reason won out.

He didn't want to get hurt, and if he got hurt, he might be killed.

"I gave way to you before, but you still want to kill me. Why are you so aggressive?"

There was killing intent in Ye Que's eyes, and his aura continued to rise, approaching the strong man forcefully.

He gave way before, many people rushed to the distance, only this strong man stopped, trying to grab his treasure.


One after another, figures rushed out from their sides, heading straight for the depths of the road to the barren source.

All of them are the top powerhouses of each universe. In order to get the highest reward, no one stays to watch the excitement.

Most of them are arrogant people, but the moment they saw Ye Que, their hearts were shocked.

"The fourth-order god...is just cannon fodder on the road to the barren source, but he actually has eight magic lines...how can it give me a sense of suffocation!"

A peerless god, with the power of violent law in his body, felt the threat from Ye Que.

"As expected of the Wildland Continent, there are countless geniuses. It's really strong! Another dark horse has appeared! No, I want to rush to the rankings and stabilize within ten days!"

There were also gods who felt great pressure and left at an accelerated pace.

Many super geniuses in various universes were shocked in their hearts, secretly remembering Ye Que's face, and left expressionlessly.

"Brother, we are all top players in every universe, there is no need to hold grudges like this, right? This road is where the weak prey on the strong, so be a human being."

The strong man saw the opponent approaching, and there was a threat in his words.

Rumble! !

The iron threads on his body turned into blood threads, his strength exploded to the limit, and his momentum was like a rainbow.

Although the opponent is strong, they haven't made a move yet. It's really uncertain who will win.

However, after all his power was released, Ye Que felt it for a while, but the corner of his mouth twitched: "The power of the 24th stage?"

After finishing speaking, his tone became even colder: "You also know that the strong prey on the weak, why bother to talk such nonsense! As for being a human being, you leave a line... You left a line for me before?"

Ye Que's fighting spirit was rising, surrounded by various lights, like a supreme **** among the aurora lights, completely releasing all his power and aura.

His eight laws: time, space, darkness, counterattack, wind blade, cold rain, water, and thunderstorm.

Headed by time and space, the rest of the laws are intertwined and turned into a cage of laws, gradually covering the strong man.

"The power of 30 paragraphs!"

This time the strong man felt the opponent's aura again, his face changed, and there was fear in his eyes.

He used to think that the other party was only a fourth-level god, and he still had a chance to win, but now, he had no confidence.

Because the opponent has the power of 30 segments.

What is the power of a segment?

The law binds the universe, but if you break out of the universe and come to the barren land, you will be suppressed by a force called Yuan, and the law will become a manifestation of power.

In the barren land, the power of the source suppresses everything. Whether it is the law, blood, life, or soul art, they are all products derived from the universe, and the universe is born on the basis of the source.

Therefore, all the power of the universe, in Yuan's eyes, they are just power.

For example, how much a punch weighs, how many tens of thousands of catties, this is strength.

And the strength of strength, in Huangyuan Continent, is expressed in paragraphs.

The paragraphs of the law are well expressed.

One hundred spells equals one stage of strength.

Two hundred magic patterns are 2 stages of strength.

Three hundred, that is, 3 paragraphs.

Four hundred, that is, 4 paragraphs.

Nine hundred, that is, 9 paragraphs.

Of course, back to the universe, the law is still invincible.

Ye Que was able to know this through Lv Dehuang.

He has eight laws.

Time, space, counterattack, and darkness all have 400 magic lines, all of which are 4-tier power, 4 multiplied by 4, that is 16-tier power.

Wind Blade, Cold Rain, Thunderstorm, and Water are all magic lines within one hundred, all of which are weaker tier 1 powers, and add up to tier 4 powers.

Coupled with the power of blood.

The power of blood is also the embodiment of power.

Latent Fury, Giant God, Nirvana, and Nightmare, combined, can increase his strength by 6 stages.

All together, there are 26 levels of strength.

In addition, Ye Que's own realm should be added, the first level is a level 1, and he is a fourth level god, so he has a level 4 power.

So, all added up, he has 30 dan strength.

This is only superficial power, he still has unawakened blood, the power of the true god, the heart of good fortune...

Well, pupil art is also a manifestation of Duan.

But these, he is not prepared to expose, on this barren road, facing super invincibles from all sides, keeping the cards is the most correct way to protect yourself.

"Fourth-level gods, with 30-level power..."

The strong man swallowed his saliva. He is a ninth-level god, with his own strength bonus of 9 ranks, plus the 9th rank bonus of 900 magic lines, he has a power of 18 ranks.

Coupled with the most proud blood line increase in his universe, this is the strongest power in his universe, and after being blessed on his body, he can gain another 6 levels of strength.

All added up, he has 24 levels of strength.

But, he is a ninth-level god.

The opponent is only a fourth-level god, with a power of 30 ranks.

What kind of demons and ghosts were born from the monstrous universe.

It is worth mentioning how to divide the strength of each segment?

very simple.

The first-order **** is 1st stage.

Tier 2 gods are tier 2.

The tenth-order **** is the 10th stage.

Use the steps of the small realm to divide the ranks.

Then how to judge, what is the rank of the other party?

It's simpler, feel the strength and aura of the opponent.

In the barren land, all power, regardless of law, blood, life, soul, etc., will become power and be expressed through power and aura.

So as long as you feel the opponent's strength and momentum, you can tell how many stages the opponent has. (For those who don’t understand, please read this chapter carefully)

Of course, the number of segments is more, not necessarily the strongest.

It depends on the collocation of power.

But if the gap between the segments is too large, then needless to say, the one with more segments is definitely the strongest.

Just like now.

The power and aura released by Ye Que reached tier 30.

Can play 30 stages of destructive power.

The strong man was so frightened that his forehead sweated, and he regretted provoking others.

He just wanted to rob when he saw that the other party was only a fourth-level god.

Unexpectedly, this is a hook.

Ye Que is proud to be recognized by a super genius from another universe.

But, who is Ye Que?

The first of the three evils of the Eastern Desolation!

Can self-confidence be eaten?



"Hand over all the treasures! Tell me by the way, what was your ranking last time! Otherwise, I don't mind an extra bone on the way!"

Ye Que smiled grimly, the power released by various laws, blood vessels, etc., crushed the strong man's body and kept making rattling noises.

This is the power of 30 paragraphs.

The strength of the opponent's 24th stage is suppressed to the point where there is no ability to resist.

"Super dark horse... I admit defeat! I will give you all the treasures! As for my ranking, I am ranked 848th."

The strong man bitterly took out his storage ring, handed it to Ye Que, and at the same time took out a barren source card, which indeed had a ranking of 848.

He thought to himself, another super dark horse has appeared on the road to the wilderness.

Those who come here are all the top super invincible geniuses of the universe, and every promotion in the ranking is very difficult.

But he looked at Ye Que, and suddenly realized that the road to Huangyuan was about to change.

But the scene in front of him was beyond his understanding and shocked him.

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