God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1209: Wilderness Road

"Will you tell him or not? Just one word!"

The green-haired young man didn't want to meddle too much, but he was stunned by the obsessive-compulsive disorder. If he didn't figure out what race this guy came from today, he would have a lump in his heart.

Ye Que was silent for a while, and said: "I am from the ancient gods."

Have you heard the story of the wolf coming?

The green-haired young man didn't believe it anymore, he looked at Ye Que suspiciously.

Ye Que's face darkened: "Do you believe it or not!"

"Trust letter."

The green-haired youth passed that hurdle and felt much more comfortable.

However, he has doubts in his heart.

What is the name of the ancient gods? I have never heard of it. It seems that they are not in the ranking.

"What is the Calamity Universe, and what is the Barren Land?"

Ye Que was curious.

In this world, there is no power, including the power of stars.

He is now relying on his own strength to hang in the air.

"It seems that your universe has suffered a lot. You don't even know about the barren land. Don't fly. It's not good for you to consume power."

The green-haired young man landed, jumped onto a gray donkey, and then signaled Ye Que to jump onto another gray donkey.

Ye Que was surprised, but he jumped up without saying anything.

"These are the two war horses I raised! They can save the strength in our bodies. Next, I will tell you what the Doom Universe and the Barren Land are."

The green-haired young man was riding a gray donkey, walking on a mountain road in high spirits, with the demeanor of pointing out the country.

War cavalry? ? ?

Ye Que confirmed it twice, that's right, these two donkeys are the war cavalry that the other party said.

"Multiverse, you know? Oh, by the way, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Ludehuang."

The green-haired youth glanced at Ye Que.

"I know the concept of multiple universes. When I was in the starry sky, I guessed the existence of multiple universes. My name is Ye Que."

Ye Que thought about it, the name Ludehuang was worthy of the other party's forgiving green hair.

Hearing the multiverse, the doubts in his heart settled down a little.

Only in the face of the unknown will you be helpless.

Knowing what the other party was going to say now, he calmed down.

"In every universe, there is a race that opened up the universe. This race is called the first race in the starry sky. They are not life born in the universe. They come from..."

Lu Dehuang looked longingly at the giant towering sky in the distance.

"From the barren continent."

Ye Que was shocked when he accepted his words.

According to this, he has returned to his hometown?

Think carefully.

The ranking of the starry sky in the universe of the ancient gods, the first is the ancient god, the second is the dark void, the third is the star demon, and the fourth is the star sea worm.

But the ranking of life born in the universe does not include the ancient gods. The dark void became the first life born in the universe, the star demon became the second born life in the universe, and the star sea worm became the third born life in the universe.

Doesn't this mean that the ancient gods are not creatures in the universe at all.

"Not bad! I was shocked when I found out about it! But I got used to it!"

Lu Dehuang sighed.

"By the way, what did you just say?"

Lu Dehuang was riding a war cavalry, with his hair fluttering in the wind, under the warm sun, his green hair shone with green light, full of sunlight.

"A calamity universe."

Ye Que listened with an open mind.

The race that is now the first starry sky of the multiverse has all come to the barren land.

The forgiving young man in front of him should be the number one star race in the ancient demon universe, the ancient demon race, and he is of the same level as him.

Naturally, it should not be taken lightly.

"Well, in the multiverse, there are also some collapsing universes. These collapsing universes are called calamity universes. As for how they collapse, it is about taboo darkness."

Lu Dehuang glanced at Ye Que, with pity in his eyes.

"Forbidden darkness?"

Ye Que raised his eyebrows.

"The Barren Continent is a place leading to the ultimate mystery. In that ultimate mystery, taboo darkness flows all the time. Whichever universe it falls into, that universe will collapse."

Lu Dehuang sighed lightly.

Ye Que recalled the old patriarch who was besieged, and those big pure lands, and asked nervously: "How to collapse? What is the result?"

"Bengkai, it's very simple. The whole universe collapsed, and all living beings were wiped out. As a result, it is naturally going to be destroyed! I don't think you entered here normally, you must have been sent in here, right?"

Lu Dehuang shook his head, and said again: "That person is good to you. If you come in this time, you may not be able to go back in the future, because the collapse of the universe is irreversible."

After finishing speaking, the other party kept silent, so he couldn't help but look at it, but saw the other party run away.

"Hey, bro..."

Lu Dehuang hurried to chase, and finally chased before the big mountain, which is the place where he met Ye Que.

He watched Ye Que keep looking for the small exit, shook his head and said, "It's gone, you can't go back."

"There must be a way to go back!"

Ye Que searched everywhere, opened his eyes to find.

He didn't want to stay here, he wanted to see the old patriarch, Di Xiwei, Huang Youyao, Gu Fayue, and his brothers.

He doesn't want to live alone.

Seeing his behavior like this, Lu Dehuang hesitated for a while, then sighed: "It's not impossible to go back."

"Brother Lu, what can I do?"

Ye Que turned around abruptly and asked nervously.

"Cross the road to the wild source, keep approaching the ultimate mysterious place, and get in the top 100 of the barren source list. In this way, you can invite the true **** once and send you back."

Lv Dehuang looked at the Giant Tower, thinking how difficult it would be to get the hundredth place.

That is the genius of the first starry sky race in thousands of universes. They competed together on the list. It would be good to be in the top 500.

Climb into the waste list!

Get the hundredth place!

Please move God!

Wait, God!

Ye Que said in a deep voice, "Can the true **** save the universe?"

"You think too much! No matter which universe, once a true **** is born, you must accept the call of the barren land and return to the barren land! You can't meddle in the affairs of the universe at all!"

Seeing that he was in a much better mood, Lu Dehuang gave him a blank look.

This sentence made Ye Que feel struck by lightning.

In his ancient **** race, a true **** of good fortune was born, and after opening up the universe, he disappeared from the universe sea, and the old patriarch has been looking for it so far.

Could it be that this true **** of good fortune of the ancient protoss came to the barren land?

Looking at Lu Dehuang, he almost told the news that the ancient gods were born with a true god.

But for some reason, he chose to be cautious, suppressed the urge to ask, and asked, "Brother Lu, in short, can the true **** save the universe?"

"True God can only delay the destruction of the universe! And he has to pay a huge price, after all, it is the taboo darkness that flows down from the ultimate mystery!"

"Once the taboo darkness falls into the universe, the destruction of the universe is unstoppable, unless you enter the ultimate mystery and get a glimpse of the real truth!"

Lu Dehuang shook his head.

"It's better than being destroyed! Brother Lu, where is the true god? There's also the barren source list, I'll also compete for the ranking!"

Ye Que's words made Lv Dehuang smile disdainfully.

"That's a real god. It's not something anyone can see if they want. I really don't know what it means. Hey, forget it. Those who can come here are all the first race in the starry sky. Everyone is similar. I won't laugh at you. See If there is no giant tower, it is the Huangyuan Tower of the Huangyuan Continent, and the true **** is inside."

"As for the barren source list, it is just behind the giant tower. If you want to compete for the ranking, you have to enter the barren source road, but you can forget it. You are only a fourth-level god, and you can't even beat me! Let me tell you a cruel fact. Hundreds of geniuses, all of them are law-makers! It is rumored that the number one has become a creator god!"

He became more and more angry.

They are all of the same seniority, why can he only be a god, and others can create things?

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