God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1100: The collapsed sixth-order god

Ye Que's face was gloomy, and the law of darkness on his body barely resisted the law of ice. Immediately, the secret technique was fully activated, and he rushed further away.

To deal with this kind of guy, it is most reasonable to fight a tug of war.

Acceleration secrets linger around his body, he is full of evil spirits, intertwined with the law of darkness, hidden in the darkness, and spanning multiple star fields.

His speed is very fast, and he has crossed several star fields in the blink of an eye.

However, the opponent is a sixth-level god, and he is not a vegetarian, so the speed is not slow, and he is gradually getting closer.

The sixth-order gods sprinted faster, with killing intent in their eyes.

He releases the law of ice, and wherever he goes, the stars and meteorites are frozen, which is a terrifying force of lethality.

In an instant, a star field was frozen.

He flew out a long rainbow of ice crystals, and breathed out divine light, trying to pierce Ye Que in front of him.

boom! boom! boom!

The laws of the stars rotate, forcibly vibrating the divine light.

If one rule star can't be broken, then use two. Anyway, he has enough energy and blood, so use the quantity to make up for the lack of strength.

"There is a way to take out all the means, your grandfather, I will beat you with one finger!"

Ye Que cursed and used a heart attack.

At the same time, he kept throwing all kinds of weird herbs and elixirs, as well as some medicinal liquids, from his body.

These things can cause diarrhea, coma, stupidity, and make people laugh.

I only saw a large piece of black being released from his body.

The sixth-level gods in the rear had never fought against the ancient gods, so they don't know how insidious this guy's methods are.

When he saw all kinds of colorful things attacking, he thought it was a secret technique, so he used the law of ice to destroy it, but he didn't sweep away all of them.

So much so that after he rushed in, he was hit instantly, and his face turned green immediately.

I only heard a series of crackling sounds coming from my stomach, my whole body was very itchy, I kept laughing, and at the same time my spirits were depressed and I was on the verge of falling.

Suddenly, a strange scene appeared.

The **** with the power of a sixth-order god, farts while flying, and clamps his **** tightly, for fear that if he exerts force, the thin **** will be sprayed out.

Not only that, but he also tried his best to control himself, not to scratch his itch, but he couldn't help laughing out loud, originally full of murderous intent, but he was turned into a fool.

This guy is angry, but he can't stand the fact that something is wrong with his body.

So, the speed is also slow.

"You have the guts to hit me!"

Seeing that the other party was slow, Ye Que deliberately slowed down and deliberately provoked the other party.

"court death!"

The sixth-order **** was enraged and chased after him again.

He is refining the discomfort in his body, and once the refining is completed, he will be able to hunt down the opponent again.

And he will not be fooled a second time.

However, Ye Que has plenty of ways to punish him.

Seeing that the other party was about to recover, he immediately crushed all the miscellaneous things such as diarrhea, drowsiness, laughter, and invitations into powder and hid them in the secret technique.

"Little sixth-order god, even if I am a **** king, I can crush you with a single slap!"

When Ye Que waved his hand, tens of thousands of secret techniques fell densely towards the sixth-level gods.

However, the sixth-order **** suffered a loss and was very vigilant. Seeing the secret technique coming, he immediately wrapped himself with the law of ice, and at the same time cast a spell to cut open the secret technique.

"A mere sixth-order god, call out Grandpa, and I won't kill you!"

Ye Que is still performing secret techniques, more and more, and the dim starry sky is illuminated wherever they are.

There was a rumbling sound, and the sixth-order gods became more and more aggrieved and angrier as they fought.

This is different from what he imagined.

Why is the other party like a loach, not only flexible, but also capable of tossing people.


Another large block of secret techniques struck.

As he shouted angrily, he released the law of ice to resist.

Wrapping yourself with the law of ice will slow down your speed and make you passively defend, which will definitely not help your opponent.

He can only release the law and forcibly kill it.

"good chance!"

Ye Que saw the other party dispersing the law of ice, and immediately hid all those tossing things in the secret technique, and then hit them.

"court death!"

The sixth-order gods used the law to attack and wiped out all the secret arts, leaving only a ray of light that was about to disappear.

He passed through the light that was about to disappear as before. He thought nothing would happen, but unexpectedly, he was tricked again.

My stomach began to loosen, and the sound of farting continued. This time, not only my body was itchy, but I also wanted to laugh, and my whole body was hot.

Ye Que laughed loudly, and suddenly, he cast the nightmare technique.

"Sixth-level god, you provoke our family, now, die!"

He yelled, the nightmare technique was fabricated out of thin air, and one hundred thousand ancient gods really descended, all of them were at the 15-star level, and exuded the might of a creator god.

Caught off guard, the sixth-order **** was so frightened that his legs trembled.

And with this trembling, the **** that was originally clamped suddenly loosened.

Immediately, Lianhuan farts out, thin **** spouts out, yellowing his pants.

At that time, he was still laughing uncontrollably, not to mention how miserable it was.

Ye Que recorded this scene, and said with a smile: "A mere sixth-level **** of the Silver Wing Clan, in front of my Ancient God Clan, was so frightened that he pooped out!"

"You! Ah!!"

The sixth-level **** reacted, and immediately became furious and mad, he wanted to kill the other party recklessly.

However, his floodgate was already wide open, and when he pushed hard, the serial farts and **** spewed out again.


Ye Que laughed and left.

He is like a Changhong, crossing multiple star fields.

But he has rich experience in being hunted down, and he knows that with the opponent's ability, he will definitely come again.

In order to go to the Northern Sky Territory with peace of mind, he summoned souls.

He decided to solve the other party at once, and he couldn't keep dragging on like this.

"Come here, I'll make your life worse than death!"

Ye Que smiled sinisterly, turned around, and went straight to a planet on the side.

The above is in the primitive era, and all kinds of giant beasts come and go.

He came to a giant forest, and many giant beasts with a height of seven or eight meters attacked.

"Just use you to do things!"

Ye Que took out a bottle and poured out all Xinghai.

This star sea is formed by the secretion of star sea worms, like fine sand, all poured out, showing a piece of sky blue.

Those giant beasts drilled into the sea of ​​stars, suddenly felt drowsy, and fell into a deep sleep.

During this sleep, under the special effect of Xinghai, the dreams of all the behemoths that entered Xinghai melted together.

Ye Que exerted the power of the Nightmare Ancient God, drilled into the dream of one of the giant beasts like a black bear, created a dream, and urged it to mate with other female giant beasts.

For a moment, the giant forest became peaceful.

Only the sky-blue sea of ​​stars remained, exuding sky-blue light.

The giant beasts around were attracted by the light, entered it continuously, and then fell asleep instantly, and their dreams merged with other giant beasts, doing that kind of thing.

Also at this time, the sixth-order god, who had changed into a suit of clothes, came to this planet frantically.

He found the breath of the other party here, and his eyes were bloodshot, which was caused by madness and aggrieved.

"This seat must kill you!"

He flew all over the planet, and finally found that there was a special sky-blue light in a giant forest.

"It's probably caused by the ancient god! This should be Xinghai. I watched the live broadcast. The ancient **** once touched Xinghai in the starry sky capital! This must be left by him!"

The sixth-level gods were vigilant, walked around the sea of ​​stars for a while, and stepped into it after hesitating.

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