God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1099: Kim is here

Ye Que took Bei Xingxue and Hun Xingyue with him, stepped onto the super teleportation array, headed straight for the far northern starry sky, and immediately entered the Northern Sky Territory.

On the other side, the Star Soul Clan used the super portal passed down from ancient times by their own clan, and also went straight to the extreme northern starry sky, flying to the Northern Sky Territory.

The extreme northern starry sky, the northern sky region.

The Beitian Human Race lived in it, the race ranked thirty-third, and the strongest had reached the sixth-level gods. They made a living by raising insects and respected them.

They are one race, and they are divided into 300 sects, each sect is a relatively independent existence.

But the most dazzling one is the top ten sect, Bei Xingxue, who was once a dazzling genius in the third sect.

Today, Beitianyu held the once-in-a-century insect fighting contest.

The powerhouses from the surrounding star fields all came to watch the battle.

"Hey, the Twin Stars from the Twin Star Human Race are here too!"

"I heard that Shuang Xingzi has the strength of the ninth-level **** king at a young age, and is the leader of the younger generation!"

"I don't know how many times stronger than Bei Xingxue."

Many people in Northern Tianyu watched the strong man from the outer domain flying towards him, and they all discussed it enthusiastically.

But as soon as Bei Xingxue was mentioned, ridicule appeared on his face.

"I usually see Renmei not only has a good personality, but also a genius and good girl in the family. I didn't expect that she is actually a cold and ruthless wave. Hooves."

"That's right, I went to the extreme southern starry sky. It's amazing. I even forgot my surname. I didn't listen to what Senior Yue said. I would rather be an ugly man's female slave!"

"That's her nature, she's worse than a brothel woman! What a disgrace to the Beitian Human Race!"

"Fortunately, Senior Yue risked his life to take away the purple star worm that the sect gave her, and gave it to his disciple Jiang Weilan."

"Shh, stop talking, her parents are here to welcome the guests."

Many people saw Bei Xingxue's parents flying in, one with gray hair all night, one with red eyes from crying, they were completely heartbroken.

At this moment, a golden light shone from a distance.

Everyone squinted their eyes to see, and their faces changed drastically.

"The Huiyu Toad Clan is here too!"

"The Huiyu Toad Clan ranked ninth in the race... Hey, the Huiyu Toad Clan has always kept a low profile, how come they are so flamboyant?"

When many people were puzzled, a laugh came from far to near.

"Hahaha, you must be meeting me for the first time, right? It's okay, you'll get to know me soon!"

Wearing a cassock, with yellow hair on his head and holding a large piece of paper, a handsome man with a hint of obscenity came over with a smile.

"I am the younger brother of the number one **** king in the universe, Jin Duande is also! I am also the director of "The Silver Wing Clan Man vs. Prophet Clan Girl"! Nice to meet you!"

As soon as this was said, no one was shocked.

The younger brother of the number one **** king in the universe?

"That No. 1 God King can kill fifth-order gods, and he comes from the ancient **** family. It's so scary. Is he really the younger brother of the No. 1 God King?"

"After all, they come from the Huiyu Toad Clan and have a noble status. Most of these words can be believed."

Many people looked at Jin Duande with a bit of flattery in their eyes.

This kind of small-clan competition, the Huiyu Toad Clan usually doesn't come here, but Jin Duande wanted to sell more movies here and earn star cores, so he brought his staff over to open a branch store.

This guy has already opened the first action movie store in the Huiyu Toad Clan.

Right now, he is also opening a shop in the Northern Territory.

This guy makes publicity everywhere, and everyone says that his eldest brother is the number one **** king in the universe, and coupled with his status as the Huiyu Toad Clan, anyone who sees him will believe it, and even more so want to build a relationship with him.

No, the gods of the Northern Sky Territory went to greet him in person.

Just when the fighting insect competition in the Northern Sky Territory was about to start.

At a distance of more than 3,000 star fields from the Northern Sky Territory, a white light suddenly lit up in a deep and bright starry sky.

The white light shook the starry sky, and after restraining himself, Ye Que's figure appeared.

"Ah, it's really the northern starry sky, just near the northern sky region! I'm really back!"

Bei Xingxue was pleasantly surprised and excited, and she shed tears while talking.

She thought that she would spend her whole life wandering in the extreme southern starry sky, but now that she came back again, there was a huge ups and downs in her mood.

chi chi chi—

Five idiots, led by Fuck, flew around Beixing Xuefei.

The four idiots, headed by Niubi, slept on the collar of Hun Xingyue.

Since Xingyue can't swallow the soul, it's also comfortable to smell the soul energy on her body.

"Okay, you lead the way, let's go to the Northern Sky Territory."

Ye Que smiled faintly.

"Yes! Senior Ye!"

Bei Xingxue knelt down and kowtowed respectfully, then unleashed the prestige of the sixth-order god-king, and advanced at full speed.

Ye Que didn't speed up, aiming to observe the starry sky.

Habitually leave a way out for myself, after all, I have done too many immoral things, and I am afraid of being beaten by others.

Looking at it this way, I can really see the trouble.

No, it should be that trouble came to the door.

There was a silver light above the head, and then a sixth-level divine power came crashing down.

Bei Xingxue and Hun Xingyue were caught off guard, shocked by the divine power, spitting blood from their mouths, and the star sea worms, who were weaker than them, were only slightly injured by the shock because of their natural strength.

But this was enough to make Ye Que's killing intent surge.

"I came to the extreme northern starry sky, and someone is here to make trouble! Who is it?"

He opened his bloodline instantly, unleashed his divine power to protect Bei Xingxue and Hun Xingyue, and when he looked up, his pupils shrank.

"I already knew you were in the Void Clan. My clan learned from the patriarch of the third territory that you came to the extreme northern starry sky, and your coordinates are correct!"

With silver wings, one of the two sixth-order gods of the Silver Wing Clan, came after him.

His face is hard and cold, and the law of ice spreads from his body.

"In the extreme northern starry sky, no one pays attention to you, and no one bothers me to kill you! Great place!"

The sixth-order **** sneered and punched away. In an instant, the law of ice froze the starry sky and wanted to bury Ye Quebing here.

Ye Que cast the shadow sickle, a stick like a double shadow of the sickle, forcibly chopped the ice, and said coldly: "You go to the Northern Tianyu first, and I will come later!"

Hun Xingyue is only in the God Ruins Realm, but she has a mature mind, she observes words and demeanor, and knows that being here is just a burden, so she leaves with Bei Xingxue, who is in the God King Realm but has an immature heart.

"Want to go?"

The sixth-level gods still want to kill others.

"Do you want to kill other people? Believe it or not, I called the hundred thousand ancient gods to come and kill you here?"

Ye Que cursed.

The sixth-order gods knew that this was an exaggeration, but they also stopped.

He is a god, and he is very sensitive in hunting down ancient gods, so it is easy to provoke the 13-star ancient gods.

If he were to be more presumptuous now and kill other people, he would really provoke the Thirteen Star Ancient Gods.

"Hmph! I will kill you! If you dare to kill the gods of my clan, I will kill you today for revenge!"

He didn't know whether to comfort himself, or to explain to someone.

Anyway, without saying a word, its powerful force smashed towards Ye Que.

Ye Que's face changed slightly, but he didn't dare to resist.

He can deal with fifth-level gods, but he can't deal with sixth-level gods. Once he is suppressed by the opponent, he might really be consumed by the opponent to death.

"Come with your grandpa!"

Ye Que's face was gloomy, and the law of darkness on his body barely resisted the law of ice. Immediately, the secret technique was fully activated, and he rushed further away.

To deal with this kind of guy, it is most reasonable to fight a tug of war.

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