God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1101: Break into the Bug Contest

"It's probably caused by the ancient god! This should be Xinghai. I watched the live broadcast. The ancient **** once touched Xinghai in the starry sky capital! This must be left by him!"

The sixth-level gods were vigilant, walked around the sea of ​​stars for a while, and stepped into it after hesitating.

The moment he entered, the special power of Xinghai swept into his body.

Even if he was on guard, he was affected by Xinghai's special power, and finally fell asleep.

Back then, Bing Yining was intertwined with Ye Que in such a muddled way.

As long as someone is sleeping in the star sea, outsiders will be affected immediately if they enter, and they will fall asleep directly.

If there is no one sleeping inside, and outsiders enter, they will only slowly fall asleep.

The sixth-order gods are very unlucky, there are a bunch of giant beasts sleeping inside, and the dreams are fused into one, doing such shameful things.

He fell asleep as soon as he entered, and at the moment of his deep sleep, his dreams also merged into these dreams.

"Hey hey, I'll let you have a good time!"

The Nightmare Ancient God used the illusion to replace the female behemoth that was being aroused by other behemoths with sixth-level gods.

In the dreamland, no creature would have too many emotions, at most it would only be a bit of a doubt, and then stop thinking about it.

At the beginning, Ye Que was in Xinghai, having **** with his own wife. When Bing Yining broke in, neither of them was overly shocked. They were just confused, and didn't show much emotion.

The same is true for the sixth-order gods.

He was only puzzled for a moment, then he was surrounded by many giant beasts, and then he was favored.

Ye Que looked into hot eyes and hurriedly left the dreamland.

He stood in the sea of ​​stars, looked at the sleeping sixth-order god, went up to take away all the other's treasures, and immediately took out a few formations.

Back then, in order to fight out from the depths of the dark void, he used up a lot of treasures, and almost ran out of formations.

The formations used now are pitifully few, but luckily the sixth-order gods have them.

"Damn it, it was sealed by the power of the gods! Forget it! I will use my own!"

He took out all three formations, surrounded the sixth-level gods, and immediately kneaded many secret techniques together through a fusion secret technique, and finally placed them on the formation.

"Not enough! Tens of thousands of secret techniques!"

He superimposed ten thousand and ten thousand secret techniques together, and kneaded them into a huge light cluster, which was getting bigger and bigger.

"Once the kill has no effect, he will be awakened. It is best to kill him with one blow, or seriously injure him, and I will hunt him down again!"

The opponent is a sixth-order god, so it is not easy to kill.

He has to be prepared for instant kills, but the chances of this are small, and it's okay to be seriously injured.

"Come again!"

This guy is also crazy, kneading nearly 600,000 kinds of secret techniques together, compressing them in the light group, and immediately putting them on the formation.

One formation and one light group, three formations, are three light groups.

There are 600,000 kinds of secret techniques in each light group.

This is the limit, and it will explode on the spot when adding the secret technique.

"Damn, see if I can't kill you!"

The three light groups were placed on the formation, and the sixth-level gods were surrounded by the light groups. Without knowing it, in his dream, he was intoxicated with other giant beasts.


Ye Que clapped his hands and flew out of the planet, and then the old man smiled like a smile: "Now, it's my turn to kill you!"

Stay away from the planet, and then use a secret technique to go straight to the light cluster above the planet.

The secret technique released a shock wave, detonating the three light groups.

Boom! ! !

The planet exploded in an instant, not only that, the entire star field was impacted by the explosion, and everything was destroyed.

In just three seconds, a star field was shattered.

Ye Que opened his Eye of Fortune to see the explosion.

ah! !

The sixth-order **** flew out screaming, his limbs were broken, his head was bleeding, and his spirit was on the verge of collapse.

At the moment of the explosion, the violent destructive force woke him up in pain.

After waking up from the pain, I immediately felt what I was doing in the dream.

Suddenly, he collapsed.

However, the strong impact of the explosion quickly brought him back to his senses, and he barely released the secret technique to resist, but he was still seriously injured.

"Now, it's time for me to kill you!"

Ye Que unleashed all his firepower, and smashed the hundreds of thousands of secret techniques he had accumulated once again at the sixth-level gods that flew out.

"no, do not want!"

Howling, he turned and fled.

Ye Que chased after him.

Ever since, a big chase in the starry sky has begun again.

It's just that the hunter becomes the prey, and the prey becomes the hunter.

Rumble! !

The starry sky oscillated.

The sound of fighting continued.

The sixth-order **** panicked and approached the Northern Heaven Territory unknowingly.

Looking at that direction, it won't be long before you will enter the Northern Sky Territory.

But the people in the Northern Tianyu didn't notice this.

Because of the North Sky Territory, the once-in-a-hundred-year insect fighting contest began.

Moreover, its attention is still unprecedentedly strong.

Because, Bei Xingxue is here.

"Traitor! Do you still have the face to come back?"

"Seeing that you are usually well-behaved, I didn't expect you to be a wave hoof. After going to the extreme southern starry sky, I can't wait to be played by men!"

"The third-ranked Yinyue sect has worked so hard to train you, but you want to take the purple star worm to the extreme southern starry sky. Do you want to show some shame?"

There was an incomparably huge fighting insect starry sky field, and many Beitian human races around them regarded themselves as their respective sects. They got together and criticized Bei Xingxue unceremoniously.

Especially the senior leaders of Yinyue Sect, such as the suzerain, sighed at her, with extreme disappointment in their eyes.

Bei Xingxue was dumbfounded.

She was murdered by Senior Yue, and Senior Yue's apprentice, Jiang Weilan, even took away her purple star worm, and wanted to defile her even more.

Now that I came back, how could it evolve into this scene?

Even if it evolves, it shouldn't evolve so fast.

Could it be that Senior Yue is back?

"Bei Xingxue, do you still have the face to come back?"

Senior Yue was wearing a red dress, exuding the might of a god, and flew out of the sect with his hands behind his back. She looked at Bei Xingxue coldly, and a gleam of coldness flashed across her.

Jiang Weilan followed behind her, and a hundred purple star worms had been tortured and brainwashed, completely becoming his worms.

He looked at Bei Xingxue, and said with a sneer: "My master has advised you many times, but you didn't listen, and even took away the purple star worm. Fortunately, my master risked his life to take it away, otherwise, you will really succeed." lifetime!"


Bei Xingxue's parents were burdened with infamy and jokes, one with gray hair and the other with swollen eyes from crying.

They flew to their own daughter, they no longer cared about their reputation, they only wanted their daughter to be alive.

However, Senior Yue wanted to kill people to silence them, how could he let them get close?

The power of the second-level gods was released, shaking Bei Xingxue's parents away, and said murderously: "You are a disgrace to the Beitian human race. Because of this experience, let us see your true nature! It just so happens that today is the fighting insect competition. The Beitian Human Race is gathered here, and I will kill you here in front of all the Beitian Human Race! For the Beitian Human Race, wipe out a wolf-hearted moth!"

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