God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1096: northern sky

A young man in black armor ran away desperately. When he saw Senior Yue and had hope in his heart, he was swallowed by the starry sea giant beast.

The face of the woman in red changed in surprise: "Not good! It's a fourth-order god, run!"

Those were Tier 4 gods, and they couldn't be provoked at all. If they wanted to survive, they had to run away.

But before running, the woman in red, Senior Yue, had to take away one person.

"Go away! Give me the Star Soul Clan girl!"

Senior Yue didn't hesitate any longer, he slapped Ye Que with one palm, and grabbed Xingyue with the other.

Before she launched an attack, Ye Que had already opened his blood, and smashed the starry sky sea monster with a stick.

"The guy who is looking for death, just block us!"

Senior Yue sneered, seeing the silly hat rushing towards the Starry Sky Sea Giant Beast, she immediately grabbed Xingyue who was alone and ran away.


The black-haired youth also sneered, covered by Senior Yue's divine power, and rushed straight into the distance.

Behind them, there was a roar.

It is the sound of collision.

"It's a pity that his black mosquito is ranked 23rd, but raising it is still a big help."

As Senior Yue said, he turned his head to look, and he was almost scared to pee when he saw it.

In the starry sky, the stick-wielding giant smashed the starry sky sea monster in half with one blow.

Roar! !

The giant beast screamed and wanted to escape.

Ye Que snorted coldly, dared to think of a stick, and suddenly found that there were people in the belly of the giant beast, it was the silver-haired girl from before and the young man in black armor who had just been swallowed.

Although the black armor youth is not pleasing to the eye, but the other is innocent.

He has no habit of deliberately killing people.

Withdrawing the stick, it turned into a long rainbow and charged into the giant beast.

The giant beast struggled violently and finally died screaming.

Not long after, he kicked the black-armored youth out with one foot, and carried the silver-haired girl out with both hands.

This scene happened in a short time.

Senior Yue froze on the spot, forgetting to escape.

"Senior Yue..."

The black-haired young man was also stunned, because he saw that the young man had easily suppressed the starry sea giant beast.

"Where are my people?"

Ye Que looked at Senior Yue with a gloomy face.

Senior Yue was full of excitement, and quickly sent the star soul girl out of the body, and knelt in the starry sky and kowtowed: "Before this junior, I had no eyes, please forgive me, senior!"

"Ex... Forgive me, senior!"

The black-haired youth slapped himself.

Ye Que smiled coldly: "Almost, you all died."

When Senior Yue heard this, he was so frightened that he kowtowed and then slapped the face. The black-haired young man slapped him so hard that his teeth were gone.

"Brother Ye."

Xingyue Fei didn't panic when she came, because she knew the fear of the number one God King in the universe.

If you dare to slaughter a fifth-tier god, what is a second-tier god?

"I will give it back to you."

Ye Que kicked the black-armoured young man over, and shook the girl in his arms awake.

The girl Bei Xingxue woke up slowly, her eyes were confused for a moment, and she panicked: "Don't! Don't!"

Turning her head to look around, she gradually understood what happened, but she was still afraid.

What she is afraid of is not only giant beasts, but also human hearts.

"Senior, save me, please take me away, I am an insect control master, I know how to raise insects, senior, I am valuable, please take me away!"

Bei Xingxue grabbed Ye Que's clothes, her body trembling.

When Senior Yue heard this, a gleam of coldness flashed in his eyes, and between kowtows, he begged: "Senior Ye, she was just panicked. In order not to bother Senior Ye, I will bring her home safely."

"No! No! You tacitly allow Jiang Weilan to humiliate me, I don't want to go back! I want...I want...Senior Ye, please take me away!"

Bei Xingxue was terrified, and when she looked at the black-armored young man, panic appeared in her eyes.

If it wasn't for the attack of the giant starry sky beast, she would have been defiled by Jiang Weilan.

Senior Yue's pretty face turned cold: "Presumptuous! You are from the extreme northern starry sky. If you don't go back, do you want to wander in the extreme southern starry sky? Do you want to burden Senior Ye? Do you want to embarrass your family?"

"Are you allowed to speak?"

Ye Que said coldly, but his heart moved.

He wanted to go to the extreme northern starry sky to meet his family's Xiao Yaoyao, and let Xiao Yaoyao save a ray of space-time power by the way, then the Prophet Clan would not be able to target him.

When Senior Yue heard Senior Ye's words, he was so frightened that he immediately kowtowed and begged for mercy.

"Brother Ye, I happen to be short of a refining assistant, and I think she is quite suitable."

Xingyue understands, this Senior Yue agrees with the black-armoured young man to defile the silver-haired girl, it's really ruthless.

She is also a young girl, and she has a soft heart, so she wants to keep the silver-haired girl.

But the decision is in Ye Shenwang's hands, and Ye Shenwang's consent is required.

"Here you are."

Ye Que put the silver-haired girl down.

"Thank you senior, thank you sister."

Bei Xingxue knelt in the starry sky, kowtowed to Ye Que, and then kowtowed to the Star Soul girl who was obviously a head shorter than her.

"You are the daughter of the Northern Patriarch of the North Sky Territory, the most eye-catching genius in the North Sky Territory, and the top insect control master. If you don't follow me this time, you will stay in the extreme southern starry sky forever. The joke, your Bei family will also be ashamed! Are you sure you won't come with me?"

Senior Yue suppressed his anger, for fear of shocking Senior Ye.

Bei Xingxue didn't know.

What do others think if you don't go home once you come here?

Said she was abducted by a man.

Said she was promiscuous.

Said she was unfilial.

Said she had forgotten her ancestors and rebelled against her clan.

And the family will be humiliated and become a joke of the Northern Sky Territory.

But she is more aware that once she falls into the hands of Senior Yue, even if she does not die, she will be severely defiled.

Neither Jiang Weilan nor the black-haired young man would let her go.

"I won't go back, you want to harm me, I will find a way to go back myself!"

Bei Xingxue cried.

"With your sixth-level cultivation of the **** king, you will not be able to go back even after a thousand or ten thousand years! Are you really not going to follow me?"

Senior Yue gritted his teeth.

"I, don't go back!"

Bei Xingxue cried and gritted her teeth.


Senior Yue didn't dare to continue, because Senior Ye's eyes were cold and murderous.

She was silent for a moment, kowtowed and said, "Thank you Senior Ye for your life! I'll wait and leave immediately!"

After speaking, he left here with Jiang Weilan and the black-haired youth.

Bei Xingxue covered her face and wept bitterly.

She was brought to practice, but these people deliberately retested and harmed her.

Now, she can never go back.

"Extreme Northern Starry Sky...Northern Sky Territory...Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... I can never go back."

She is a **** king, how can she have the ability to cross the starry sky.

Not to mention the long distance, even the dangers encountered on the road, she could not resist.

Senior Lian Yue and the others all used top-notch divine weapons, and it took a hundred years to come here.

"Don't make noise! ​​If you want to survive, just shut up!"

Ye Que frowned, and with a wave of one hand, the nine naives flew towards the starry sky sea monster that died tragically.

He said: "You are a bug controller, tell me, how do you raise these things?"

He raised them blindly, and fed whatever he had. Although he is good at controlling insects, he is not good at raising insects.

Bei Xingxue's body trembled, she immediately covered her voice, and stood up with tears streaming down her face. The tears blurred her vision, but she could still see the nine black mosquitoes clearly.

She suppressed her grief, and trembled: "The black mosquito's method of raising insects is similar to... my purple star worm... ah! My purple star worm was stolen by Jiang Weilan!"

When she thought of this, her eyes became even more desperate.

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