God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1097: The Six Weapons of Evocation (Part 5)

She suppressed her grief, and trembled: "The black mosquito's method of raising insects is similar to... my purple star worm... Ah! My purple star worm was stolen by Jiang Weilan!"

When she thought of this, her eyes became even more desperate.

Jiang Weilan is a brute, she had long planned to have her purple star worm, and even wanted to occupy her body.

Fortunately, Senior Ye saved her.

However, she still lost everything.

The star sea worm that I have raised for thousands of years has been taken away by the other party.

Ye Que was stunned for a moment, and wanted to look for the other party again, but unfortunately the other party had already disappeared and could not be found again.

"Cry, cry, cry, what's the use of crying? Cry again, I'll chop you up and feed you to the insects!"

He just finds it too noisy.

Bei Xingxue covered her mouth in fright, but she couldn't stop crying.

Seeing her like that, Ye Que felt rather annoyed, but knowing that the girl was miserable, he sighed and said, "Take care of my worms, assist the Xingyue refiner well, and if you perform well, I will give you a chance to return to the extreme northern starry sky! "


Bei Xingxue was stunned by the sudden surprise.

"Thank you Brother Ye soon."

"Thank you Ye Da...big...big, thank you Senior Ye!"

She is not a star soul girl, so she dare not shout.

"Let's go, I'll take you to Double Void Square City to buy some materials!"

Ye Que had his hands behind his back. Although he was empty and poor to death, for some reason, he was so confident. He even thought that lack of money would not prevent him from buying materials.

chi chi chi—

The nine naives flew over after eating the Starry Sky Sea Giant Beast.

They smelled something, their eyes suddenly revealed a fierce light, and they flew around the stars and the moon, exuding a monstrous evil spirit from their bodies.

Ye Que slapped it over, and said with a dark face: "Silly, this is my man, don't just want to swallow everything you see!"

Immediately, the nine fools were frightened, and they didn't dare to mess with Xingyue again.

Xingyue shuddered for a moment, and then smiled lightly: "People of the Star Soul Clan are born with pure soul power. If the beast swallows it, it will strengthen the soul, but it will be harmful to insect control. Swallowing it will make them get out of control."

This is why the beast wanted to swallow her when it saw her.

It's not that they want to get rid of control, but that the soul power is very fragrant, and they want to eat it.

Knowing this, Ye Que didn't react too much, but the warning tone became more severe.

An episode passed quickly.

They continued to fly, Ye Que was holding a piece of jade, and was exploring where to enter the double void, his mouth was not idle: "Bei Xingxue, why did you come to the extreme southern starry sky?"

Even the gods dare not cross the starry sky at will.

He was curious why these guys were so courageous.

"My ancestor in the Northern Sky Territory died suddenly. In order to stabilize the political power of the Northern Sky Territory and prevent foreign invasions, the Northern Sky Territory decided to send people to the extreme southern starry sky to ask the Star Soul Clan to summon their souls."

Bei Xingxue didn't care about these anymore, but she didn't dare not say anything if the senior wanted to know.

"The gods who brought you here are only at the second level, and they are not the strongest star field, so you are so sure that you can find my Star Soul Clan if you come to the extreme southern starry sky?"

"And, after you come, aren't you afraid that my Star Soul Clan will reject you?"

Xingyue was also curious, so she asked.

"In ancient times, the battle of the ancient gods swept the entire starry sky, and the Star Soul Clan was involved. That battle collapsed the starry sky and almost wiped out the Star Soul Clan."

She didn't know that Senior Ye in front of her was the legendary ancient god, let alone the number one **** king in the universe.

After traveling for a hundred years, she missed a lot of things, and she didn't know that the starry sky had undergone major changes.

"And the Star Soul Clan also lost too many things in that battle. One of them, the six soul-calling weapons, just happened to fall into the Northern Sky Territory."

Bei Xingxue didn't notice the changes on the faces of Ye Que and Xingyue, and said numbly, "This time, my ancestor in the Northern Tianyu died suddenly, and the foreign domain is going to invade. The pressure is unprecedented. In order to revive the ancestor, the Northern Tianyu The strong use the six soul-calling weapons to lock the position of the Star Soul Clan."

She was still answering one by one, her heart was empty, and she spoke numbly: "As for whether you are afraid of the Star Soul Clan's rejection, they will not refuse with the ritual of summoning the six souls."

After she finished speaking, she felt grief in her heart and tears in her eyes.

But it was soon discovered that something was wrong, and the surrounding became very quiet.

"Did I say the wrong thing again?"

Her pretty face was pale, and when she looked up, she saw Senior Ye holding her face.

She was startled, but she was ready, so she closed her eyes and endured it.

However, what she thought did not happen, but a surprise came again: "Are you sure, the six soul-calling weapons are in the Northern Tianyu?"

"Yes... yes! Senior, I'm sure!"

Bei Xingxue closed her eyes and said firmly.

"Okay! Our next goal is to go to the Northern Heaven Territory and snatch... ahem, use the six spirit summoning weapons!"

With only half a year left, Bing Yining couldn't afford to wait.

Since there are ready-made six soul-calling weapons, there is no need to be a fool.

He was full of majestic power, looked towards the extreme north, and said coldly: "If I want to grab one, I will grab one and use it!"


Bei Xingxue was stunned, so she went back to the Northern Sky Territory?

"Ah what! Let's go, borrow a super teleportation array, or a super fast flying treasure, and go to the extreme northern starry sky, or ask the magic **** to open the starry sky gate, and go straight to the northern sky region... By the way, Sister Fa !"

He opened his voice and howled, "Sister Fa, save me!!"

dark place.

Gu Fayue's face darkened, she snorted coldly, and said to herself: "It's a good idea, think of a way by yourself, I won't care about you."

Ye Que howled for a long time, but no one answered.

He left cursing.

"Forget it, I have a solution!"

Just when Ye Que was trying to find a way to go to the Northern Sky Territory, Senior Yue, who seemed to be fleeing, hid in this Star Territory for three days and three nights with Jiang Weilan and the black-haired youth. Star Soul Clan.

This time, their luck was very good, and they really met a member of the Star Soul Clan.

When they talked about the six soul-calling weapons, the entire Star Soul Clan shook.

"I agree to your request! Call the soul once for you, and call the six weapons, we will take them back!"

The top **** of the Star Soul Clan smiled excitedly.

With the soul book, the Star Soul Clan will surely rise, especially the Son of Soul, who is extremely talented. After mastering the soul book, he is absolutely unmatched in his soul-calling attainments.

When he thought of Son Son, he thought of Hun Xingyue.

"Hmph! If you think you found the soul book, you don't take yourself seriously. It is enough for our clan to have the Son of Soul, so you should be expelled honestly! Useless things!"

He sneered in his heart.

at the same time.

Cosmic City, in a majestic building, there are rules of destruction left by the Thirteen Three-Star Ancient God himself.

Under the protection of laws, inside the building, Di Xiwei, who was sitting cross-legged, twitched her eyelashes slightly, and the Fa Tianyi on her back flapped a bit. There were many laws on it, shaking the void, a powerful divine power , slowly spread.

"Ye Que, wait for me...I will meet you soon."

She talked quietly to herself, with deep thoughts in her voice.

Long time no see, she misses her husband.

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