God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1095: my heart can't take it

Even so, her heart did feel much better.

She had just been wronged, and no one came to her, and now God King Ye happened to come all the way to look for her, and she happened to bump into her.

"You and I are friends, why use boundaries to divide the relationship."

Ye Que stretched out his hand.

The Star Soul girl hesitated for a moment, then held that hand.


Ye Que turned around, swept across with a stick, the starry sky shook, and many ominous creatures in the starry sky were swept away.

The star soul is too attractive to the ominous creatures, and there are still many ominous creatures killed.

Seeing this, he flew directly out of the Starry Sky Sea, and when he was far away from the Starry Sky Sea, those ominous creatures did not chase after him.

"It seems that I am not the only one who favors you."

Ye Que wiped off his sweat, those murderous creatures saw Xing Hun as if they saw money, and they killed those who refused to recognize him, because he ran far away.

"So the methods of the Star Soul Clan are very good, no one dares to go out secretly."

The star soul girl's face became even hotter.

"Then how do you know that I am the number one **** king in the universe?"

Ye Que was surprised.

"It's not that the strong of our clan cannot go out."

The star soul girl glanced at Ye Que, then quickly shifted her gaze away.

"I heard that sentence just now. You seem to have been expelled. Would you like me to help you?"

Ye Que still wanted to summon Bing Yining's soul, and needed the help of the Star Soul Clan.

"No, they deliberately expelled me, and it's useless to help."

The star soul girl's eyes dimmed.

Ye Que frowned slightly.

"I brought the soul book back. I am a great hero of the soul clan, but it also threatens the status of the soul saint son. I am an orphan, raised by my aunt. I have no power and power, and I can't resist them. Today, I was killed by them." Find an opportunity to expel me."

The star soul girl explained, her face ashen.

She found the soul book for the Star Soul Clan, but now she was framed, no one stood up, and even deliberately ridiculed her.

She was very disappointed.

"You really don't need my help?"

Ye Que frowned even deeper.

The Star Soul girl shook her head and smiled, not wanting to lose face in front of others: "Thank you God King Ye for your kindness, since I have come out, I will not choose to go back."


Ye Que was stunned.

There was a light in the star soul girl's eyes, she smiled lightly and said, "Does God King Ye need help?"

She is not stupid, God King Ye came here to ask for something.

"Ah, yes, as soon as I saw you, I forgot about it, because I missed you so much, that, that matter is not difficult for you."

Ye Que chattered awkwardly.

Once the first lie is told, countless lies are needed to make up for it.

The Star Soul girl's face was burning hot, and she smiled softly: "Can you tell me, if the little Shenxu can help the famous number one God King in the universe, that would be my honor."

Ye Que hesitated for a moment, then brought the star soul girl into the world inside her body, and when she saw the corpse in the crystal coffin, the girl understood.

She looked at Ye Que and said seriously: "Soul calling is a unique ability of the Star Soul Clan. Since the First World War, the Star Soul Clan has declined, and the method of calling souls has also been lost."

Ye Que's face darkened slightly.

The girl smiled faintly: "Fortunately, I found the soul book, which contains the orthodox means of summoning souls."

Ye Que was pleasantly surprised.

"However, not everyone can read the soul book. It is a sacred object, and I can't read it."

The girl sighed.

Ye Que's face darkened again.

"Fortunately, I found the soul book. Before returning to the Star Soul Clan, I copied the contents of the soul book. As long as you give me time to learn, I will learn the art of summoning souls!"

There was a firm light in the girl's eyes.

Ye Que covered his heart, his face darkened, and said, "Can you finish your sentence at once, my heart can't bear it."

The girl was stunned for a moment, and said seriously: "In short, I have the ability to summon souls! But, I still need something."

"you say."

"Six soul-calling tools are required, and the time for the dead person cannot exceed one year. If it exceeds one year, even with the special star-soul power of my Star Soul Clan, the soul-calling cannot be successful!"

Ye Que looked at the crystal coffin, it had been about half a year since Bing Yining died, and there was only half a year left.

He took a deep breath and said, "There is still time. As for the six soul-calling weapons? I'll help you find them!"

There was a fierce light in his eyes, he was ready to enter the Star Soul Clan, and then he was ready to serve first and then fight.

"The six soul-calling weapons of the Star Soul Clan have long been lost in the First World War. To put it bluntly, it is rare for the six soul-calling weapons to appear in this starry sky."

The girl sighed.

Ye Que was silent.

Could it be that Bing Yining really couldn't be resurrected?

"Fortunately, there is a method in the soul book on how to forge the six soul-calling weapons. As long as Ye Shenwang gives the materials, I can make it in a month."


Ye Que's face darkened, and this time he couldn't help it anymore, and reached out to rub the girl's face: "Can you finish the sentence at once?"

Wait until the two of them are out of the inner world.

One with a black face and one with a red face.

"Your star soul method, I read it, you must be a member of the star soul clan to master it, but I will also put the content into your mind, you master it as soon as possible."

Ye Que's face was dark. He read the content before and used his talent to memorize it detachedly. Then he found that he couldn't master it, so he passed the method into the mind of the girl Xingyue in the form of divine thoughts.

"Well, Brother Ye, the materials needed for the six soul-calling weapons..."

Xingyue's face was burning hot, she had just been "ruthlessly" trampled, she couldn't stand it, her voice was much more delicate now.

"Don't worry, let's find the materials now, let's act as soon as possible."

There is only half a year left, it is imminent, Ye Que cannot delay.

At this moment, a wave of power from a second-tier **** swept in from the side, enveloping him.

He turned his head and saw that it was the woman in red, followed by a black-haired young man in light armor.

"People of the Star Soul Clan! Our luck is very good, the century-old journey across the starry sky was not in vain!"

The eyes of the woman in red stared straight at Xingyue, ignoring Ye Que.

She had met Ye Que before, but she was scared away, so it is not polite to see you now.

The black-haired young man was wearing light armor, his eyes lit up, and there was an evil fire rising in his stomach: "This is a member of the Star Soul Clan... so beautiful."

Xingyue was instinctively vigilant.

Ye Que took a step forward, holding Xingyue behind him, and said calmly, "Why are you looking for someone from the Star Soul Clan?"

The woman in red was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect that the other party dared to speak out, and even talked to her in such a tone.

She narrowed her eyes and looked at Ye Que.

"You are not qualified to talk to the gods, get out of the way, little brother."

The black-haired young man bloomed with the power of the seventh-level **** king, with his hands behind his back, he said to Ye Que indifferently.

Ye Que's face turned dark.

"A word of advice to you, don't be brave! I'm looking for the Star Soul Clan, and I don't want to kill people in the extreme southern starry sky."

The tone of the black-haired youth became more and more stern.

There was education in the voice of the woman in red, but also a hint of arrogance: "Don't be too aggressive, speak well, and don't scare the other party."

Also at this time, a terrifying starry sea monster came to the starry sky sea, and the power of the fourth-order gods bloomed from his body.

"Help me! Help me!"

A young man in black armor ran away desperately. When he saw Senior Yue and had hope in his heart, he was swallowed by the starry sea giant beast.

The face of the woman in red changed in surprise: "Not good! It's a fourth-order god, run!"

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