God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1092: The Three Harms of the Eastern Desolation Cannot Be Humiliated (4)

It's a pity that camouflage can only be used on life in the starry sky, not in the life in the dark starry sky (dark void). Otherwise, his month would not have been so difficult and sorrowful.

Shaking his head, he stopped thinking and went straight to Wanyu Xingkongfang City.

The matter of realm improvement still needs to be reconsidered.

In order to get out alive, he exhausted all his resources, and even starved sea worms were hungry for half a month.

But it doesn't matter, with his strength, if he wants to quickly accumulate resources, it will be very fast.

Crossing the starry sky, teleporting, jumping, and many other methods combined, his speed was very fast, and he returned to the starry sky capital in just ten days.

The star sea worms there are still there, and they have become very gentle at the moment, and they gather together to form a sky blue light. If you don't look closely, it is still very beautiful.

"Huh... looks like an ancient god."

"It doesn't seem like, this is the number one **** king in the universe!"

A creature in the starry sky passed by, and when it saw the appearance of the ancient god, it was instantly horrified.

The title of the number one god-king in the universe falls on the ancient god, everyone will accept it, and no one can forget it.

Back then, when he came out from the depths of the dark void, he beheaded hundreds of thousands of **** kings at the top, shaking the starry sky.

He is a big celebrity and is easily recognized wherever he goes.

Ye Que glanced at them, and said calmly: "I remember your aura, if the Prophet and the Silver Wings come here, no matter whether you leaked the news or not, I will blame you two!"

Immediately, the two guys' legs became weak, their faces turned pale, and they swore viciously in front of the ancient gods, promising that they would never reveal it.

Ye Que ignored them and flew away.

The closer it is to Wanyu Starry Sky Square City, the more and more starry sky creatures around it.

Every time he is recognized, he will threaten the other party.

The content of the threat is exactly the same.

As long as the Prophets and Silver Wings come to kill them, they will be blamed.

When he approached Wanyu Starry Sky Square City, at least 300,000 starry sky creatures would be threatened.

Threatened by the number one **** king in the universe, it is estimated that these 300,000 starry sky creatures will probably have no sleepless nights in the past few years.

And flying all the way, let him know an explosive news.

The ancestral grave of the Silver Wing Clan was dug up, and there was a shovel stuck in the empty grave.

There is also a sign next to it, which reads: The three evils of the Eastern Desolation cannot be humiliated! You are too deceitful, your ancestors have been made into accelerators by me, see you again by fate!

The original enthusiasm about the Silver Wing Clan has not dissipated.

Now that the news suddenly came out, it once again ignited the enthusiasm of all the people in the starry sky, and there were all kinds of complaints.

The gods of the Silver Wing Clan were furious about this, and almost fainted from anger.

The grave digger was very arrogant, he only dug one of the graves of the Silver Wing Clan's ancestral graves, leaving the others untouched.

Obviously, the fateful reunion must tell them that other graves will still be patronized.

The ten thousand people in the starry sky were happy to eat melons, and before they could continue complaining, another news came from the Prophet family.

Similarly, the ancestral graves of the Prophets were also dug up, and a shovel was inserted into the grave, and a sign was also erected next to it, which also said that the three evils of the Eastern Desolation cannot be humiliated...

Well done by the same guys, obviously trying to get back at them.

The gods of the two races, their faces darkened, were so angry that they searched for gravediggers everywhere.

At this moment, in the extreme northern starry sky, within the Huiyu Toad clan ranked ninth in race, a man who called himself Director Jin released a new movie.

The new title is also very meaningful.

It's called the silver-winged man fighting against the prophet girl.

The label of this new film: **, Amateur.

Designation number: XXX.

Although I don't know if it's true or not, it made everyone very happy.

"This is definitely a joke!"

"This golden director is amazing! You dare to rub against this kind of heat!"

"The Huiyu Toad Clan is not simple. The Prophet Clan can warn you, but the Silver Wing Clan can only be obedient!"

Tens of thousands of people in the starry sky are discussing hotly. During this period of time, these two major races have been tossed miserably.

When Ye Que learned about these two things, he couldn't help being amused.

This is Jin Duande and the earth dog retaliating against the Prophet and the Silver Wing. Although they cannot cause substantial damage, this kind of soft attack is not weak, and can disgust the opponent to death.

Shaking his head, he continued to fly.

In the future, he will definitely set foot on the Silver Wing Clan and kill the gods of the clan, and the Prophet Clan will not let them go.

Right now, it is still important to find the Star Soul Clan and try to recruit Bing Yining's soul.

A few days later, he came to Wanyu Xingkongfang City.

This is the first Fangshi he encountered in the starry sky.

It's a pity that the current Fangshi has been destroyed into ruins, floating in the starry sky, without any living beings.

But no problem, what he was looking for was the Star Soul Clan.

"The Star Soul Clan should be in the star field near here."

He didn't remember it for long, and planned to go to the surrounding star fields to inquire about it.

The moment he turned around, he saw a figure appearing on the ruins of Fangshi out of the corner of his eyes.

His body was full of fine hairs, he didn't see it before, but he appeared when he turned around.


He looked at the ruins vigilantly, and suddenly, his face froze.

That figure is the old patriarch, a thirteen-star ancient god.

With his hands behind his back, his eyes were deep and vicissitudes, the years had left traces on his face, very plain, he was looking at Ye Que.

Ye Que's face was a little cold.

The old patriarch said indifferently: "Growing up very quickly, the number one **** king in the universe deserves it. You don't need to wait half a year. I will give you the reward you want now."

Ye Que said lightly: "I don't need it, you just need to resurrect her."

If anyone was present, they would definitely run away in fright.

This is the pinnacle creator god, the most powerful person in the universe who can open thirteen bloodlines.

The ancient **** is the king of gods, speaking without honorifics, his tone is slightly contradictory, and his courage is not ordinary.

The old patriarch's expression didn't change much, and his tone didn't change much. He said lightly: "Di Xiwei has become a **** of law and accepted the inheritance in Universe City. Will go out."

"Old patriarch, this has nothing to do with them, I just think her death is not worth it."

"Then go revive her yourself. Her death is due to your lack of strength! Do you want your reward?"

"don't want!"

Ye Que turned around and left.

Although, in one sentence, he can get the law of time and space that he wants most.

But, he just didn't want it.

He knew that the old patriarch was doing it for his own good. In order for the Ancient God Good Fortune to have a chance to challenge the True God Good Fortune in the future, it not only sharpened him, but also brought great opportunities to Di Xiwei and Huang Youyao.

He also knew that it was indeed because he was not strong enough, and it was because he had a nightmare about Bing Yining that this scene happened today.

But the torture of those days made him unable to let go.

So, he's gone.

The old patriarch stood in the ruins with his hands behind his back. Seeing Ye Que leave, his eyes narrowed, and finally he shook his head and sighed.

"Ancient Law Moon."


"Leave the reward with you first, and you will give it to him whenever he needs it."


The old patriarch turned around and went straight to the universe sea.

"It's that catastrophe again, a harbinger of what's coming."

There is seriousness in his eyes.

In the past, the True God of Creation disappeared in that catastrophe.

This time, calamity strikes again.

Something big is going to happen.

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