God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1093: Insect Control Master (Part 1)

This time, calamity strikes again.

Something big is going to happen.

Ye Que went to the nearby star field, and whenever he encountered a starry sky creature, he would inquire about the whereabouts of the Star Soul Clan.

Helplessly, after the Star Soul Clan was involved in the Ancient God War in ancient times, it has since declined and disappeared without a trace.

Almost no race can find them, not even news about the Star Soul Race.

The last time he was able to meet a star soul girl was because of the ancient ruins of the Six Realms.

Hard to find this time.

After searching for three months in a row, there was still no result, but the star sea worms had been fattened up a lot. Fuck and Niubi had reached the seventh level of the Shenxu, and the other seven had also reached the third to fifth levels of the Shenxu.

It has to be said that star sea worms with the potential of being an insect king are easy to raise.

"Don't swallow it indiscriminately, it's not good to attract attention."

He released all nine of them, pale gold shells with pale black lines.

This is caused by swallowing dark void creatures.

I don't know what this change is, but the fighting power of the little guys has improved significantly.

So from time to time, he would go into the dark void and take these little guys to a feast.

chi chi chi chi—

When the star sea worms heard their master's words, they immediately restrained themselves and stopped flying far away, but they couldn't bear their greed. They passed by a dead star the size of the earth, swarmed up and devoured it in just a few minutes.

Ye Que's face turned dark.

They are only the size of a fist, how can these few goods accommodate such a huge planet?

"Forget it, I'll give you some camouflage!"

Ye Que saw that they devoured too much to attract others' attention, so he cast a spell to disguise the nine star sea worms into nine simple-looking mosquitoes.

He also pretended to be an insect control master himself, and ran towards the former overlord of the extreme south.

Before Star Demon was suppressed, they were the bosses.

The star demons were suppressed, and thousands of races appeared, competing in the starry sky, and they were no longer the hegemony.

I believe that in the near future, one after another geniuses will rise, and an era of prosperous starry sky will come.

But every time Ye Que looked at the dark void, he always felt that something big would happen.

In the depths of the Dark Void last month, countless Dark Void creatures were killed. The top powerhouses of the Dark Void, as if they didn't know it, didn't move at all.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. He is vigilant, but also ominous.

Shaking his head, he didn't think much about it.

There are many things that he can get without thinking about them.

Along the way, he has a deep understanding.

He went to the Spirit Clan, Blood Demon Clan, Whale Clan, and Sanye Empire to inquire about news. At first, people didn't bother to talk to him, until he revealed his identity as the number one God King in the universe, then everything was easy to say.

And during this trip, Ye Que also had an idea.

"From the extreme south to the north, there is a Sea of ​​Starry Sky, and the mouth of the sea is connected to the Sea of ​​Cosmos. There used to be Star Soul Clans there."

Ye Que muttered, he opened the teleportation array, and teleported over continuously.

Because the distance is too far, it can only be teleported again and again, shortening the distance little by little.

Two months later, he finally arrived at his destination.

Lift your eyes and look forward.

A sea of ​​starry sky flows through the starry sky, and its mouth is located at the highest point, connecting a piece of chaos.

Within that chaos, there are turbulent waves, which should be the rumored cosmic sea.

The sea of ​​the universe is boundless, both the starry sky and the dark starry sky have it, surrounded by chaos, it does not know where it came from, and it does not know where it is going.


He thought of his daughter-in-law.

The cosmic sea is boundless, passing the central starry sky, there is a cosmic city, which is the habitat of the Fayi people.

"After I find the Star Soul Clan, I will go to Universe City again."

Ye Que flew around the starry sky and opened the eyes of fortune and reincarnation, looking for the way out of the Star Soul Clan.

This search took half a month.

I didn't see anyone, but it made the nine star sea worms fatter.

They are disguised as mosquitoes, buzzing all day long, sometimes go down to the sea to swallow fish, and sometimes fly out to swallow stars. These silly little ones have more fun playing than anyone else all day long.

Ye Que reckoned that he didn't need to feed them either, free range feeding was the most suitable.

chi chi chi—

Fuck and Niubi are fighting again.

Ye Que saw that they were fighting for something again.

He had a dark face, and was about to slap him when he went up, but he stopped when he looked at the thing the two were fighting for.

"It's Starry Sky Taiyi Water!"

He was pleasantly surprised.

The spirit tree is still there, and there is starry sky and water, which can speed up the tree of spirits to bear fruit again.

"Where did you find it?"

he asks.

Fuck and Niubi immediately spun around, motioning the master to look at Xingkonghai.

"So it's inside, go, go!"

Ye Que didn't move his front feet, but there was a sound from his back feet.


Could it be the Star Soul Clan?

He was pleasantly surprised, and when he turned his head, he saw four people appearing from a teleportation array.

Among the four, one is a god, and the three are **** kings, not Star Soul Clan.

"Ah, after flying for a whole hundred years, I finally arrived at the place!"

The leader was a silver-haired girl who stretched her waist, revealing a thrilling figure.

beep beep—

More than a hundred purple insects, like small birds, the size of a fist, surrounded the silver-haired girl.

"Hehehe...Little guys, after sleeping for a hundred years, are you still so energetic?"

Surrounded by lovely starbirds, she is very moving as if surrounded by purple flowers.

"After all, it is the purple star worm that ranks tenth on the star bug list. Its energy is unabated for a hundred years, and its attack power is full. As a bug controller, Xingxue can get such a rare bug. Everyone in the Northern Tianyu is not envious! "

Behind her, a man in black armor chuckled lightly, with a ray of malice and evil flashing in his eyes.

When I was in the Northern Heaven Territory, I was bound to do things, but now that I am out of the Northern Heaven Territory, no one is restrained and no one sees what I want to do.

This made him couldn't help but burst into an evil fire.

"Everyone, don't forget the mission, let's go!"

A woman in a bewitching red dress stepped out of the crowd, with the power of a **** on her body, she scanned the sea of ​​stars, and finally her eyes stayed in the chaos.

"Ah, there's someone there!"

It was a black-haired young man, wearing light armor, pointing at Ye Que.

It was strange to meet the Venerable Master just after arriving at the destination.

The four of them were vigilant and watched from a distance.

Ye Que glanced at the four of them, wondering which starry sky sect or race they are from, come here to do the mission, right?

He didn't take the initiative to provoke people, and he didn't want to be stared at like flies staring at shit, so he turned and flew away.

"Go, little ones."

He turned around and flew away, and with a wave of his hand, nine fools disguised as mosquitoes immediately surrounded him and left.

He decided to enter the Xingkong Sea from another place, lest Xingkong Taishui be discovered and cause another dispute.

"Oh, obviously [biquge www.boquge.co] is afraid of us."

The man in black armor breathed a sigh of relief, instead of being vigilant, he showed disdain.

If the other party was in a confrontation for a while, he would want to run away. After all, people are not familiar with each other. If someone is looking for trouble, there is no elder to help.

But seeing the other party fleeing first, he felt contemptuous again.

"The nine mosquitoes beside him should be the 23rd-ranked black mosquitoes on the Star Bug List, and they are also a bug controller. Maybe they were scared because they saw that Sister Xingxue's purple star bugs are very strong."

The young man in black armor also heaved a sigh of relief, looking at the black mosquito with contempt.

The silver-haired girl Bei Xingxue didn't think so. As an insect control master, she felt differently.

Turning her head to look at the purple star worms that were still lively before, at this moment, they were already hiding behind her tremblingly.

This is very abnormal.

PS: By the way. The order of the birth of life in the universe is not equal to the ranking of the starry sky races. Example: Star Demon is the third life born in the universe, but it is ranked fourth

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