God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1091: The Power of the Awesome New Bloodline (Part 3)

Suddenly, a soft fragrance entered his nostrils.

This taste made him startled for a moment, and he asked in surprise, "Sister Fa?"

Ye Que took a while to get up.

Glancing at the spirit tree, the three fruits on it were gone.

One for herself and two for Bing Yining, but she still didn't survive.

A gleam of dimness flashed in his eyes, he turned around and picked up the corpse next to him, got up and flew out of his body.

There are also many strong people from the planet staying around, and the strongest is nothing but detached.

They didn't dare to enter because of the formation, but they didn't intend to leave either. When Ye Que came out, their expressions changed drastically.

Ye Que remained expressionless, ignoring these detachments, stepped on the clouds, crossed 30,000 miles, and finally came to a primitive ancient forest, with a lake filled with immortal energy in the center.

He landed lightly, looked at the lake, and said calmly, "Get out of here."

There was a sudden sound, and a giant dragon flew out of the lake, roaring at him, exuding the power of detachment from the ten layers.

Ye Que's eyes narrowed slightly, and the giant dragon turned and ran away in fright as if falling into an ice cave.

He didn't go after it, he just wanted to borrow the lake.

Holding the very thin corpse, he flew into the lake.

In the water, his hair fluttered, and the blood on the corpse gradually dispersed.

He reached out to wipe off the blood stains on the corpse's face, gradually revealing a soul-stirring beauty.

Unfortunately, with her eyes closed, she lost her breath and temperature.

Ye Que watched, feeling guilty again.

Without her, there would be no Ancient God today.

"Everyone ignores you, and everyone thinks that you will die when you die! But don't worry, I will let those people know that your death is a disaster for them!"

Ye Que hugged the corpse tightly, took off her old clothes, wiped her body, and finally cast a spell to put her in white clothes.

Slowly flew up from the lake.

He looked at the blue sky and white clouds, his heart was calm, so quiet that he felt more melancholy.

The transcendence of the planet caught up, and was very vigilant at first, but after a while, he actually tested him and made several attacks.

He frowned slightly, and said coldly: "Wind!"

Rumble! !

In the peaceful world, a gust of wind suddenly blew up, blowing the attack to collapse, and blowing the detachment away for nine million miles, the whole planet shook slightly, and all living beings trembled.

Ye Que was calm, watching the wind dry the water stains on Bing Yining's body, he said calmly but forcefully: "I will let them pay the price!"

He stretched out his hand to caress Bing Yining's cheek, and after a while, he put it into the attic of heaven and earth in his body.

Immediately, it took another three days to create a crystal coffin and put Bing Yining into it.

Returning to heaven and earth, looking at the starry sky beyond the sky, he flew out.

"In the ancient times, the Star Soul Clan had a special status in the extreme southern starry sky. They attracted attention because they could summon souls. Whether it's true or not, I have to try it."

He once met a member of the Star Soul Clan and looked for a soul book for him.

Not surprisingly, the Star Soul Clan is near Wanyu Xingkongfang City.

Continue to cross the starry sky.

He parted out a part of his thoughts, entered his mind, and looked at the panel data.

As follows—(Currently the latest data, take a good look at it, and you will be tested at the end of the term)

【Ancient Divine Physique】

【Realm: Tenth Level of Divine Nirvana Realm】

[Advanced: Swallow 500 million fifth-grade star cores, comprehend the law of one law by yourself, and break through to the first level of gods]

[Progress: 0/500000000 (pieces)]

[Progress: 0/1 (law)]

[Good fortune 1: ...]

[Good fortune 2: ...]

[Good fortune 3: Opened at the first level of the gods]

[Cultivation Method 1: The Ancient God's Way to Cut Heaven (Volume 1 of the Original True Explanation, completed)]

【Attack 2: Cosmos (Volume 2 of the Original True Solution)】

[Cultivation Method 3: Fission Star Brilliance Method (the first volume of the fragmented book of the universe, due to the incompleteness, it can only generate the power of stars)]

[Cultivation Method 4: Dark Void Ancient Scripture (the second volume of Zhou Shu, continue to absorb the dark star core, and obtain a deeper power of dark void]

[Forbidden techniques: Dark Spirit Divine Comedy, Dark Aurora, Dark Spirit Fist, Dark Finger, Dark God Scythe, Roar of the Giant Nest...]

[Level 2 Dark Void Mode: Not enabled (when enabled, gain the power of hooking and consume 10 million fifth-grade dark star cores per minute)]

[Dharma God: 1/99 (obtain the first law, the law of darkness, become the first law god)]

[Star pattern: ...]

[Ancient God's bloodline: six have been opened, (the number of openings is determined according to the ancient god's star pattern)]

[Opened Bloodline 1: The Power of Ancient God's Latent Fury (sufficient Qi and blood, can be activated)]

[Opened Bloodline 2: Ancient God Colossus...]

[Opened Bloodline 3: Ancient God Nirvana...]

[Bloodline 4: Ancient God Technique. Body...]

[Unopened Bloodline 5: Nightmare of the Ancient Gods...]

[Bloodline 6: The power of the ancient gods to seal the spirit (can be used after the third level of the gods or after strengthening the body)]

[Unopened bloodline 7: The power of the ancient **** Libra (fully sealed bloodline, opening reminder - sealing the star and locking the pulse, swallowing the deficiency to replenish the source, yin and yang colliding, and the scale awakens)]

[The power of the ancient god's scale: in the silent bloodline, there is absolutely fair blood. Once released, no matter how strong or weak the enemy is, its combat power can only be equal to the ancient god's combat power]

[Eight Jade Eyes of Reincarnation: Opened at the first level of the Divine Spirit Realm]

Ye Que looked at it, his face darkened.

Breaking through to the first level of the gods requires 500 million fifth-grade star cores.

The opening is 500 million, so how many times will the breakthrough in the future be increased?


five times?

Or six or seven or eight times?

Moreover, this is not a fourth-grade star core, but a fifth-grade star core...

In addition, he also needs to comprehend the law.

"The law of darkness that Bing Yining gave me cannot allow me to break through, I need to break through myself!"

He felt that if he wanted to break through to the Divine Spirit Realm, the difficulty had increased to another level.

After a while, he chose to comfort himself.

Breaking through to the gods is not necessarily a good thing, so there is no rush, let's take our time.

However, Good Fortune 3 and Eight Jade Eyes of Reincarnation are very attractive, and they can be obtained by reaching the first level of the gods.

"There is also this Libra blood...it is difficult to open, but its ability..."

The reason for his black face is here.

Once the blood of Libra is used, no matter how strong or weak the enemy is, its combat power can only be equal to him...

"Isn't this just asking me to split 50-50! If the opponent is weak, I will also be weak; if the opponent is strong, I will follow the opponent to be strong!"

It's a very strange ability, but when you think about it carefully, if you encounter danger in the future, using the Libra blood to protect yourself is definitely the first choice.

Suddenly, he remembered something.

"By the way, there is another ability to activate!"

He almost forgot another powerful ability - the eye of fortune.

Go back to the initial interface and click on the Creation Eye.

as follows-

【Eye of good fortune (open the eyes and all things will be born, close the eyes and all things will perish)】

[Pupil Technique 1: Camouflage (See through the opponent's physical body, the source of the soul, and copy it perfectly. Except for the Star Sea Zerg and Star Demon Race, all life in the starry sky can be copied)]

[Pupil Technique 2: Folding (opened at the first level of the gods)]

[The follow-up pupil technique cannot be activated due to insufficient host realm]

"What is this fold... However, the power of the eye of fortune is stronger than that of the eye of reincarnation. Every time I open it, it will definitely bring me great power!"

Having said that, his eyes became more gloomy.

It's a pity that camouflage can only be used on life in the starry sky, not in the life in the dark starry sky (dark void). Otherwise, his month would not have been so difficult and sorrowful.

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