God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1043: It's over, I'm doing the splits (1)

At this time, the 13-star ancient **** was flying towards the six realms in the extreme northern starry sky. He had just let Huang Youyao successfully inherit the inheritance of the Phoenix Clan in time and space. Before he had time to rest, the laws in his body were disturbed.

He swept towards the starry sky, was frightened for an instant, and then his face was blackened with anger.

It's so rare to be quiet. In a blink of an eye, this guy directly leads to the existence of the five major creation levels.

The mentality of the Thirteen Star Ancient Gods was a little unstable.

After living for hundreds of millions of years, he saw this scene for the first time.

He is a living ancient fossil, a cosmic museum, and he has seen all the big scenes.

But just today, Gu Haochen (Ye Que's name of the ancient god)'s move opened his eyes and saw something new.

He was very speechless.

Why did the ancient gods come out with such a treasure like you? It almost broke his mind many times.

"Could it be that I can't keep up with the trend? Are the ancient gods of the new era so capable of doing things?"

He doubted himself for a moment.

Shaking his head, he went straight to the extreme southern starry sky with a dark face.

He intends to train the little ancient god, and he is very strict, so that he will not interfere with the little ancient god's training path.

But that also has a limit.

as now.

This guy only got the power of the Nightmare Ancient God, and he made such a big deal, attracting the creator gods and the creator gods.

Although this guy really deserves a beating, he can't just sit on the sidelines.

He couldn't ignore the actions of the creator gods, because to Gu Haochen, that was not called training, but obliteration.

Open the gate of the starry sky, forcefully cross the distance of the super-far star field, and land in the extreme southern starry sky.

at this time.

Ye Que still didn't know that he had provoked a swarm of powerful men, he was still looking down at the three little ones with his hands behind his back, the corner of his mouth slightly raised.

Not to mention, this Nightmare Ancient God is very useful.

Although it can't increase his combat power, but it's a first-class **** when used to fool people.

Besides, the horror of the Nightmare Ancient God does not lie in the real world, but in the dream world.

Therefore, he was not dissatisfied with the nightmare ancient **** form, but satisfied, very satisfied.

His eyes fell on the three little ones, and he immediately made the vision around him even more terrifying.

The universe collapsed, the universe was reborn, the starry sky reversed, the laws collapsed, what happened.

As long as he can think of it, he can transform it one by one.

Although, he didn't know whether these visions really existed.

However, being awesome is over.


He snorted coldly at the three little ones, his voice shaking the starry sky, standing in the sea of ​​law, he immediately controlled the sea of ​​law to turbulently churned, and the bright light of law illuminated the ten directions of the universe.

The three little ones almost fainted.

They thought to themselves, senior, we are just gods, there is no need to use all our strength, right?

However, they didn't know what Ye Que was thinking.

Ye Que only knew that it would be more enjoyable to pretend like this.


Ye Que thought that he couldn't make a move, even if he couldn't beat him, he would definitely show up if he beat him.

So his tone paused, with a sense of the majesty of fate judging the creatures of the universe.

"Ah! Please!"

"Don't kill us! Senior, please don't kill us!"


The three little ones hugged each other tightly in fright, pitifully weak and helpless.

Surrounded by the light of law, Ye Que has the air of supreme eternity, he sighed faintly: "Forget it... Bing Yining."

"Here! My master! Yining is always at your disposal!"

Bing Yining stood up with her legs crossed, seeing Ye Que's wild and pure eyes, she even changed her address.

Because she doesn't know how to serve the gods, the only way to be worthy of the gods is to lower her status and follow her wholeheartedly.

"Aren't you short of cultivation resources? This seat has no low-level resources. The treasures of these three ants belong to you!"

When Ye Que said this, he didn't touch his conscience, and didn't even blush.

In fact, he wanted that resource very much, but because of the current situation, Bing Yining could only let Bing Yining take it away.

The three little ones were also sensible, and immediately took out all the treasures in their bodies, and placed them in the void respectfully.

"Senior! Here it is!"

"No, no, no, such low-level resources are not worthy of seniors, please accept this female senior!"

"Yes, yes! Resources like ours will only tarnish the eternal existence of the 15-star creation **** level. Senior female, please accept it! Please accept it!"

The three little ones knelt on the ground, kowtowed and worshiped.

Ye Que swallowed, he was extremely greedy for the resources, but he always kept the force in mind, so he remained indifferent, surrounded by the ocean of laws and the bright light of laws, overlooking the small starry sky.

Behind Ye Que.

The thirteen-star ancient **** completely darkened his face.


I am completely convinced!

If you want those resources, just say so, and even beat around the bush and make excuses!

Don't think I didn't hear the sound of your swallowing!

The 13-star ancient **** is really speechless!

What kind of talent is this guy?

As soon as the blood of the Nightmare Ancient God was opened, you **** used this blood to its peak in deception?

Look around this guy, there are so many ancient gods, and all of them are ten-star and fourteen-star.

The old patriarch pondered, when the ancient **** clan was at its peak, there were not so many ancient gods.

As for the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine rules, he thought to himself that he didn't have so many, how could this guy have the guts to fabricate so many?

His face was dark and he was speechless.

In terms of small tricks, this product has reached its peak.

The power of the ancient gods in the nightmare was suddenly turned into a trick by him.

Ye Que didn't notice that the thirteen-star ancient **** came first and came behind him.

He still had his hands behind his back, looking aloof.

Seeing that the three little ones took out all the resources, they waved their hands and said calmly: "Get out of here! From now on, you must not leave the ethnic group. My words follow the law, and the words of my words are the orders of the law. I will always monitor you!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"Let's go now and never come out again!"

"Thank you, Senior, for your mercy!"

The three little ones left.

But just as they turned to leave, two real powers of creator gods came from the edge of the extreme south.

This is not a fake, but the real power of the Creator God.

At the same time, in the extreme western starry sky, there are also three real powers of creator star spirits.

At that moment, the three little ones almost fainted from fright.

"Senior...Senior is so powerful, he has attracted so many powerful people!"

The seventh-order **** trembled, and then fled with the other two fifth-order gods.

But Ye Que was stunned at that moment.


Creator gods and creator protoss are here?

This guy was stunned for a moment, and then his legs softened, feeling like he was going to die.

"It seems to be playing too big!"

He is about to run away.

However, the existence of the five major creation levels came faster.

He is a genuine creation-level power, which can't be compared with his kind of funny comparison.

"It's over!"

Ye Que's face turned pale, feeling that something had happened.

But soon he discovered that the existence of these five creation levels, the moment they saw him, they looked terrified and slowly backed away.

"Are they really afraid of me?"

He doubted that he was alive, and wondered if the Nightmare Ancient God was so strong?

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