God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1044: Legend of the Fifteen Star Ancient Gods (2)

"Are they really afraid of me?"

He doubted that he was alive, and wondered if the Nightmare Ancient God was so strong?

Nightmare's counterfeiting ability can scare even the creator gods and creator protoss?

But soon, he knew the truth.

Because beside him, there is an extra ancient god.

He is a thirteen-star ancient god.

Ye Que looked constipated.

It's really playing too big, and even provoked the old patriarch.

Although, he knew that nothing would happen to him, and his heart gradually became more at ease.

However, he made things so big that the old patriarch would probably reward him with a big opportunity.

Thinking of the scene of countless **** kings chasing and killing him, this guy was scared.

"Old patriarch, you must listen to my explanation, I am too miserable...I..."

Ye Que is going to sell badly again.

When the creations of the God Clan and Star Demon Clan heard this, their expressions suddenly became strange.

How is this going?

It was okay for the old patriarch on the other side not to listen, but his face turned darker when he heard it.

It's so miserable!

He glared at Ye Que, then looked at the creations of the Protoss and Star Demons, and said coldly: "Before you come out next time, take a good look to see if this is a creation god! This is a special case, I will spare your lives! Get out of here!" Bar!"

The Nightmare Ancient God's ability to fabricate out of thin air is too strong, attracting creation-level existence.

The Thirteen Star Ancient Gods did not get angry about this, but gave the Protoss and Star Demon Race a chance to get out of their way.

Hearing this, the major creations were taken aback for a moment, and then their faces darkened.

Finally, they remembered one of the abilities of the Old Gods, Nightmare Forge.

It turned out that Ye Que was a Creator God in disguise.

Isn't this bullshit!

The five great creators took a deep look at Ye Que and turned to leave.

There is no conflict, and the power of the creation level comes and goes quickly.

A farce ended in such a hasty way.

But the scene where the five great creation powers were frightened away fell into the eyes of the creatures of the Sanye Empire, and their hearts were churning like heaven and earth.

That is the great power of creation.

Not only for them, but for the creatures in the entire starry sky, it is a legend in the legend.

But the existence of such a legend among the five great legends was shocked by the words of the fifteen-star ancient god!

So scary!


Ever since, the news about the appearance of the fifteen-star creation gods and scaring off the existence of the five creations spread.

Starting from the Sanye Empire, this news spread to the entire starry sky at a terrifying speed.

In the beginning, when it spread from the Sanye Empire, it was relatively normal.

Most of the news can be summed up in this one: Shocked! The fifteen-star ancient **** of the ancient **** clan appeared, and was greeted by the ten-star ancient god, who shocked the five creator gods with one word!

However, ninety-nine percent of the creatures in the starry sky had never seen the scene at that time, plus their own impression of the ancient gods, they were invincible.

Therefore, when they heard the news from the Sanye Empire, they were shocked, and combined with their own guesses, they spread the news to more comrades.

The one that was passed on was awesome.

The more it is passed on, the more mysterious it becomes.

In the end, the fifteen-star creator **** not only became a legend, but there are many versions.

If the fifteen-star ancient **** of the ancient **** family came, countless ancient gods knelt down to greet them, and all the creators and gods of the universe trembled.

Because the little ancient **** was oppressed by the great gods of creation, the 13-star ancient gods descended, and even attracted the 15-star ancient gods, who shouted back all the gods of creation with just one word.

What's more, it's even more exaggerated.

What is the return of the 15-star God of War in the starry sky, and found that the little ancient **** lived in the doghouse. With an order, the 100,000 ancient gods in the starry sky rushed over.

What little ancient **** came to be his son-in-law, but was disliked by his mother-in-law, and ordered him to get out of the house. Three days later, the fifteen-star ancient **** returned, and the little ancient god's status skyrocketed, making all the gods of creation tremble. The mother-in-law knelt on the ground and begged him not to leave.

For a moment, the creatures in the starry sky were both envious and shocked by the little ancient god.

Ye Que naturally didn't know that the follow-up him had been given the status of a good-for-nothing son-in-law, son of a fifteen-star ancient god, and so on.

Now he only knew that the old patriarch looked at him wrongly, and he was probably going to be cold.

"Old patriarch, I have no choice but to. I am really miserable. I came here to collect the bill, and I was almost suppressed by the seventh-level gods and two fifth-level gods. I can only use this trick to survive."

He slowly dissipated the halo, returned to the form of the Nightmare Ancient God, and immediately withdrew the power of the Nightmare Ancient God to return to his real body.

The old patriarch's face turned black and he said: "Of course you can use this trick, but can you have a degree? Once you change, you will become a fifteen-star ancient god! He also has more than nine thousand laws! And opened all fifteen bloodlines? The key point, what are your fifteen bloodlines? Even I can't guess!"

When he thought of this product, he would sell him badly.

He felt that he would not be safe in his later years, hey, it would be good not to be **** off by this kid.

Ye Que looked embarrassed, and said, "I respect the originality of the ancient gods and prevent blood plagiarism."

When the old patriarch heard this, he almost vomited blood from anger.

He served again.

I can't even speak.

This thing makes sense anyway.

He felt that if he stayed like this, he would definitely be angry to death.

"Okay, don't talk about it! Seeing that you can make such a fuss, even the gods can be subdued and coaxed, this seat will give you another big chance!"

The old patriarch glanced at Bing Yining, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

The power of nightmare was used so perfectly, it completely and completely changed this woman's cognition, this kid is talented.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

This woman is also considered lucky to be able to follow the ancient **** Good Fortune, and if nothing else happens, she will definitely have a place in the starry sky in the future.

He's thinking a lot here.

Ye Que quit.

Don't tell him that it's not a chance.

This is totally false.

Chance equals catastrophe.

He is not stupid.

Last time he was hunted down by so many **** kings, this time it is probably even more dangerous.

"Old patriarch, I have many chances, I can grasp them myself, don't give me any more chances!"

Ye Que didn't believe the old patriarch's nonsense, and he would gain wisdom by taking a note. He didn't want the old patriarch's chance, that thing would kill people.

"Hmph! It's up to you! Get ready, I'll give you this opportunity in a month's time, take advantage of it yourself!"

The old patriarch waved his sleeves and left with a dark face.

Ye Que felt that he was going to die. Seeing that the old patriarch was so decisive, he knew that he couldn't escape, so he hurriedly said, "Old patriarch, you have to give me some hints, right?"

His calf felt weak, thinking that a new round of catastrophe was coming again.

"What hint do you want?"

The old patriarch turned his head and squinted at Ye Que.

"For example... For example, the grade and scope of the big opportunity, I will give you some hints, so I am a little bit prepared..."

Ye Que said anxiously.

"Grade? Same as last time, they are all **** kings."

The old patriarch opened his mouth meaningfully.

Immediately, Ye Que let out a long breath, covered his chest and said, "It's okay, it's okay."

"As for the scope... the whole universe!"

The old patriarch hadn't finished his sentence yet, as soon as he said this, Ye Que was stunned on the spot.


The God King of the entire universe?

How much is this god-king of the whole universe worth?

A single sip of water can drown him!

"Old patriarch, you tricked me!!"

Ye Que pointed to the old patriarch, but the old patriarch had disappeared.

He looked around anxiously.

"Master, what are you looking for, Yining will help you."

There was autumn water in Bing Yining's eyes, and she stuck it to it.

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