God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1042: Back off, the ancient gods are going to pretend (6)

He activated the Nightmare Ancient God's disguise, and star patterns reappeared on his forehead, and they were golden star patterns, and there were still fifteen golden star patterns.

In the body, the breath of the creator **** burst out, and the power of nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine kinds of laws suddenly pressed against this star field.

The Nightmare Ancient God can fabricate all power out of thin air. Although it is illusory, it is better than a fabrication out of thin air.

Of all things in this world, only laws cannot be fabricated.

Because the law contains the profound meaning of the universe, it exists in any corner of the universe, and the dark void cannot exclude the existence of the law.

And all kinds of creatures in the universe are born under the protection of laws, so no one can imitate or fabricate them.

It is a rule, but also a rule.

No one can fabricate, imitate or pretend.

However, the Nightmare Ancient God can do it.

Based on this, Ye Que wanted to show off.

Back off, the ancient **** is about to act aggressive!

Ye Que didn't know if there were fifteen-star ancient gods in this universe, and he didn't even know if there were fourteen-star ancient gods.

But so what?

The first of the three evils in the Eastern Wilderness, is Lang's false name?

Don't ask him if he has fourteen or fifteen stars that can make him confused.

Don't ask him if the creator gods can master nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine laws.

Anyway, the opponent doesn't know.

Brainless pretense is over.

At that moment, he had his hands behind his back, and the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine kinds of laws bloomed with various shining lights, and finally gathered into a bright ocean, and centered on him, it rumbled and spread out.

At that moment, he was the master of law, and also the peak eternal existence among the creator gods.

He stepped on the boundless ocean of law, blooming the power of the creator god, the starry sky collapsed and dimmed at this moment.

His existence can make the universe tremble.

The fifteen star patterns on the forehead flow slightly, and the golden flames are released from the whole body, and the whole body is surrounded by terrifying visions.

There are visions of the collapse of the universe, and visions of the collapse of laws.


Its glorious universe covered everything and shocked everything.

With a plop, Bing Yining slumped on the ground.

There is fanaticism, autumn water, and affection in her eyes.

The body is even hotter to the whole body.

"God! The **** in my heart is indeed omnipotent! I...I...I can't imagine how I can serve the only **** in my heart!"

She actually shed tears, her heart was greatly impacted, her voice was filled with low self-esteem, panic, and bewilderment.

At this moment, she felt that she was completely unqualified to follow and serve the gods.

As for the three great gods, they were instantly scared to pee.

Yes, already freaked out.

These three guys collapsed in the starry sky, their legs trembled, and they hugged each other tremblingly. Their eyes looked at the eternal terror above, and their pupils trembled violently.

The whole body exudes pitiful, weak and helpless emotions.

"It is the power of the law. The law cannot be imitated or disguised. This is the real creator god! I...I miss my mother!"

"I'm going home! I'm never coming out again! I was wrong!"

"So many laws... oh my god!"

The three little ones had already been intimidated by Ye Que's god, trembling all over, forgetting to resist, only fear filled the whole body and mind.

So whoever meets a peak creator god, everyone will be cowardly.

What's more, it's still an ancient **** with fifteen stars.

However, Ye Que was not satisfied with this.

Surrounded by visions, he stands in the sea of ​​laws, the light of laws illuminates the universe, and the power of the creator gods overwhelms everything in the starry sky.

Suddenly, he shouted coldly: "Fifteen bloodlines, fully opened!!"

boom! boom! boom! …

The power of fifteen bloodlines is activated.

Although this guy doesn't even know what kind of power is in these fifteen bloodlines, but this does not prevent him from fully opening up.

Just create it yourself.

Anyway, the opponent doesn't know.

Ever since, he saw colorful rays of light erupting from his body, and stronger momentum spread out one after another.

Damn, the three little people are all stupid.

They thought to themselves, we are just a small god, is it worth your fifteen bloodlines?

But they still didn't think that each other was fake.

Under such a deterrent force, who would dare to test it?

Everyone was stunned.

Besides, no one can forge the law, but someone can release the power of the law, which shows that the other party is a genuine creator god.

Not to mention them, even the Sanye Empire on the planet is stupid.

They have never even seen a law-making god, and when have they seen such a powerful creator god.


Ye Que was enveloped by supreme power, at that moment, he was shining in the universe, he was supreme, invincible, and eternal.

This hum was also packaged by him with a special secret technique, and the moment it was transmitted, it turned into countless sound waves, rumbled and swayed in all directions of the universe.



"We were wrong!"

The three cubs huddled together, trembling, screaming with their eyes closed.

Ye Que smiled coldly, his eyes seemed to be able to see through eternity and time and space.

With a slight movement, his eyes fell on the three little ones.

"I turned into an eleven-star ancient **** to inspect the universe. I didn't expect the three of you to slander the ancient **** family like this!"

The sound has been packaged and rumbled far away, with an aura that the universe is trembling inside.

"We were wrong!!"


"Who will save us!"

The three cubs hugged each other, trembling violently, and were frightened to pee out several times.

Ye Que just snorted coldly.

Then, a loud bang spread.

Then he saw countless visions of ancient gods appearing on the left, right and rear of him.

Each of the densely packed ancient gods has fourteen to ten stars, and each of them contains terrifying power.

You know, a thirteen-star ancient **** is enough to overturn the universe.

Where did he get so many fourteen-star ancient gods?

The three little ones rolled their eyes, their bodies twitched, and they almost fainted from fright.

The creatures of the Sanye Empire were so frightened that they knelt on the ground, worshiping devoutly.

It was still Bing Yining who was single-minded, staring at Ye Que with both eyes, and no one could shake the passion and enthusiasm in those eyes.

In her heart, Ye Que is the only god, the whole of her life.

Ye Que smiled playfully, but at the end he felt like he was putting on a big show.

Yes, he really put on a big hair.

The creator gods of the protoss, and the creator star spirits of the star demon clan, have been paying attention to him.

Ye Que's sudden change this time scared them so much that they jumped three feet high in an instant.

It is well-known common sense that laws cannot be imitated or fabricated.

However, Ye Que was able to truly release the power of the law, which shows that this guy has really become a creator god.

"I don't know why you can become a creator god, but this is a good opportunity for us!"

The three creator star spirits of the star demon clan and the two creator gods of the protoss raced out together.

Behind him, followed by a large number of law-making protoss and law-making gods.

Not to mention them, even the True King of the Dark Void was taken aback and spewed out a mouthful of tea.

He just casually glanced at the starry sky, but unexpectedly, a thunder came out.

This guy B pretended to be big, and attracted so many terrifying beings to attack.

Thanks to the Thirteen Three-Star Ancient Gods who suppressed the Star Demons and the Protoss, they uttered their laws and covered the creatures of the Protoss and Star Demons with their own laws.

Once these strong men leave the territory of the God Race or the Star Demon Race, he will notice it immediately.

At this time, the 13-star ancient **** was flying towards the six realms in the extreme northern starry sky. He had just let Huang Youyao successfully inherit the inheritance of the Phoenix Clan in time and space. Before he had time to rest, the laws in his body were disturbed.

He swept towards the starry sky, was frightened for an instant, and then his face was blackened with anger.

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