God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1041: Fifteen star ancient gods appear (5)

It's okay if you don't say this, but once you say it, it's like being enlightened.

Within the huge planet, there are three terrorist killing intents sweeping over.

Two shares of gods are fifth rank, and one share is seventh rank.

Not generally strong.

And, three people came out.

"Since you're here, come sit down!"

"Before the Star Demon Clan was suppressed, we could only let you weaklings jump around for a while, but it's different now, jie jie jie jie!"

"What a beautiful girl! She's still a god, so I guess it's pretty good at getting started."

Because of their strength, these powerhouses are very conspicuous. Before the Star Demon Race was suppressed, they would not dare to show their faces, so they were also suffocated.

Now that the Star Demon Race is suppressed, they are full of destructive desires as soon as they come out.

Bing Yining's face changed slightly, and he pulled Ye Que and ran away.

If you can't fight, you can only escape.

However, Ye Que was experienced and did not run away.

Just kidding, about the experience of being hunted down?

Who can beat him?

When he was in the Ancient God Realm, he was hunted down in various ways.

When he was in the human world, he was still hunted down by all kinds of people.

When we reached the Six Realms, although there were fewer hunts and kills, there were still many.

Now comes the starry sky.

Ye Que was still being hunted down, did he have little experience?

As for how to deal with various situations of being chased and killed, he made up his own hands.

In a situation like this, there is no escape.

Because there is no escape.

It can only be resolved in other ways.

In one thought, all kinds of thoughts are instantly accessible to the eyes.

With his hands behind his back, he looked down at the three flying people, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, playing with taste: "Come back!"

At this moment, there was a cold light in his eyes, and a strong oppressive force in his tone.

Bing Yining was stunned, and instantly felt a sense of security emanating from the young master's body.

Suddenly, her eyes changed.

"Since I belong to the young master, I will accompany you through life and death!"

Turning around, the power of the dark law flowed out and covered her whole body, making her like an ancient **** in the dark night, with an aura that could shock people's hearts.

Step by step, she walked to the young master's side, her eyes were no longer afraid, but she looked down at the three flying towards them.

The three of them were very arrogant at first, and their tone was very presumptuous, but seeing that the man was unmoved and still had a kind of self-confidence, the three of them immediately became cautious.

There are too many strong people in the starry sky, you need to be cautious when walking, and you can play if you kick the iron plate.

Obviously, the three of them regarded Ye Que as a strong man.

Now, when they heard the man calling the woman back, the three of them became even more apprehensive.

There are horns on the forehead of the seventh-level gods, which should come from the strong alien races who have just entered the extreme southern starry sky.

He looked at Ye Que and found it familiar, but he was even more cautious and vigilant: "Who is your Excellency?"

"It's an ancient god!!"

"It's the ancient god, the eleven-star ancient god! I saw it through the live broadcast!"

The two fifth-order gods beside him woke up suddenly, their legs went limp, and they almost wanted to run away.

The Star Demon Clan was suppressed by the Thirteen Three Star Ancient Gods.

Since then, the ancient gods have resounded all over the universe, and all the top races are shocked and fearful.

Now, they just uttered wild words to the ancient god's woman, and they were even more disrespectful to the ancient god...

There are two big fifth-order gods, one is ferocious like a branch, has nine hands, and the other has a head on its stomach and a huge mouth.

It's hard to see their expressions, but Ye Que can feel that the other party is scared, and this is what he wants to see.

The face of the seventh-rank **** changed slightly, and he looked at the ancient **** carefully.

No wonder it is so familiar, the eleven star pattern on its forehead can explain everything.

Ye Que didn't escape just because he thought of this.

The more you run away, the more the opponent will regard you as a prey.

With his hands behind his back, he said calmly: "Do you know why you can traverse the planetary sky?"

Bing Yining observed carefully, and sent a voice transmission to Ye Que: "Young master, the seventh-level gods come from the 21st race in the starry sky, the one-horned human race. They recently came to the extreme southern starry sky to take root, and the other two don't know."

The missing surface of the leaves does not change color.

other side.

The two great spirits of the fifth rank faltered and didn't speak. The spirits of the seventh rank were obviously not that afraid, but instead frowned.

What he cared about was that the other party dared to be so arrogant to him because he was not in the Divine King Realm.

He was very upset.

As for how to tell that the opponent is in the God King Realm, it is also very simple.

There are only two ancient gods from the ancient **** clan who are currently showing up.

One is the thirteen-star ancient god.

One is an eleven-star ancient **** in the God King Realm.

Gu Fayue has never shown up before, so few people know his identity.

As for whether there is a stronger ancient god, it is even more difficult to guess.

"This is not the reason why you can provoke the seventh-level gods!"

The seventh-level gods deliberately changed the topic, avoiding the big event of the thirteen-star ancient gods suppressing the star demon clan, and instead reprimanded the ancient gods with their strength.

"Is it provocation to ask you a word? We haven't asked you before, and you're going to chase him down and kill him?"

Ye Que smiled coldly, feeling a little heavy in his heart.

It seemed that the other party didn't follow his tactics and was not intimidated at all.

The face of the seventh-rank **** was ugly, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"I think we'd better go."

"That's right. The Star Demon Clan was suppressed by the Ancient Gods. It's a good thing for all the races in the universe. We shouldn't provoke the Ancient Gods."

The two fifth-order gods were scared and wanted to escape.

But the last sentence stimulated the seventh-level gods.

"So what if it was suppressed by the ancient gods! I begged them to suppress it? If I don't suppress it, I can still live!"

The seventh-level gods were avoiding this question, and now they were quite annoyed when they heard this sentence, and felt that they had been slapped in the face by the other party.

How could he tolerate being provoked by a **** king?

During these days, he wreaked havoc in the starry sky everywhere. I don't know how many small races were slaughtered by him. His heart was floating and he didn't know how to restrain himself. Therefore, how could he give in to this ancient **** who was in the God King Realm!

"One-horned human race... My ancient gods will remember your words!"

Ye Que said gloomyly.

Obviously, this sentence slightly changed the face of the seventh-level god.

But soon, the killing intent skyrocketed again.

"A mere ant in the realm of the **** king, who gave you the courage to dare to provoke me in front of me?"

The seventh-level gods shook their aura, pressing down on Ye Que and Bing Yining with their aura.

"What? Are you going to kill me?"

Ye Que remained unmoved, his whole body had already changed.

It started to change from the eleven star patterns on the forehead.

The star pattern melted into the skin, turning into streaks of light gray, blending with the skin color of the whole body, and a mask was added to the face.

The mask is grey, half smiling, half deadpan, and the combination of the two is eerie and awe-inspiring.

At that moment, the ancient **** became the nightmare ancient god, with a temperament that could blend with darkness and coexist with light.

Bing Yining had never seen such a change in the ancient gods, but he felt a strong sense of awe in his heart.

Yes, she had never seen the Nightmare Ancient God at all, only the true face of the Ancient God.

And those two fifth-order gods, seeing the conflict erupting more and more fiercely, gritted their teeth, turned and fled.

The seventh-level gods did not panic, their faces were gloomy, and they played with taste: "Even the gods and star demons dared to kill you, and even almost killed you. On the other hand, the 13-star ancient gods did not show up. This shows one thing. Your Life and death, other ancient gods will not intervene! Because this is your own way of sharpening!"

This is really right.

The two fifth-order gods didn't go far, and when they heard this sentence, they suddenly reacted.

Yes, it is well known that the ancient gods were hunted down. Most of them believed that the 11-star ancient gods would not take action regardless of whether they lived or died.

Now, why are they running?

If you can't run, you will offend the seventh-level gods.

Conversely, even if the ancient **** died, it would only be because he was too weak.

Thinking of this, they turned around and stared at the eleven-star ancient **** with cold eyes.

Seeing this, the seventh-level **** became even more arrogant, and said teasingly: ""Therefore, it is you who asked for it to kill you, an ant! "

Ye Que narrowed his eyes, and finally smiled coldly: "It seems that I can only show my true strength to kill you!"

He activated the Nightmare Ancient God's disguise.

A star pattern appeared on the forehead again, and it was a golden star pattern, and there were still fifteen golden star patterns.

In the body, the breath of the creator **** burst out, and the power of nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine kinds of laws suddenly pressed against this star field.

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