God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1040: Become a Dark Void Hunter (4)

Nosebleeds flow like running water.

He made a thick nasal voice: "I know your conspiracy, you want me to die with a nosebleed!"

Bing Yining smiled sweetly and didn't say any more.

It is estimated that if we go on, the gods really have something to do.

Ye Que wiped away the nosebleed, looked at her and said, "Xiao can't stand it, don't give me all these things in the future."

As long as he wants, the other party is allowed to knead by him.

But this kind of thing, there are only zero and countless times.

You have to control it, you can't make our sister emperor angry anymore.

Taking a deep breath, suppressing the agitation in his body, it took a while before he regained his composure.


Ye Que activated the teleportation array for long-distance teleportation.

My mind was thinking about collecting the bill.

"I gave 300 billion from the Blood Demon Clan, but the Sanye Empire only gave me 200 billion, leaving 100 billion to me, and I didn't give 300 billion from the Whale Clan and Spirit Clan."

After thinking about it carefully, he went straight to the Sanye Empire.

Go to collect the final payment first, and then collect the ledgers of the Whales and Spirits.

Along the way, if he encountered a star creature, he would ask about the star demon.

Those **** were tricked by him, and he didn't know what was going on.

"It turned out to be Senior Ancient God! Senior Ancient God, the star demons have fled back to the Star Demon Realm, and those star sea worms have returned to the sea of ​​stars again, and they haven't caused any trouble for the time being."

A one-eyed creature spoke respectfully.

"I see."

Ye Que gave him a fourth-grade star core and left, which excited the creature for a long time.

Their speed is not slow, gradually approaching the Sanye Empire.

Bing Yining was very considerate of Ye Que, guessing that the other party urgently needed a star core, he made a plan: "Ye Gongzi, in fact, you can become a dark void hunter like me. Not only can you get a star core, but you can also get a dark star core."

Ye Que frowned and asked, "Be more specific."

Bing Yining's face turned slightly red.

She should be affected by the nightmare, and she has a weird temper.

If Ye Que's tone had been calmer, she would have been panicked instead.

If Ye Que's tone became severe, she would be secretly happy, her body would heat up, and her face would turn red.

At that moment, she explained softly.

"The void race is the thirteenth race in the universe. Their demand for dark void resources is very large, and many races also need it. This is a huge market with potential!"

"But very few people can hunt dark void creatures, resulting in a shortage of supply, so the value of each dark void creature is very high."

"A first-order dark void creature in the Divine Spirit Realm can sell 10 million fifth-grade star cores. Converted to fourth-grade star cores, it is one billion."

"Moreover, once you become a Dark Void Hunter, you can enter the huge market built by the Void Clan and trade various resources."

She earnestly wanted him to join the Dark Void Hunter.

In this way, she can act together with the young master, which is very beautiful, just thinking about it makes her body heat up, and at this moment, her eyes are filled with tears.

Ye Que covered his bleeding nose and calmed down, thinking that the profit was so high, it was very tempting.

A dark void creature at the first level of the Divine Spirit Realm can be exchanged for one billion fourth-grade star cores...

It's like he's playing to kill a first-order **** now, which suits him very well.

Moreover, you can also enter the huge square city built by the void clan to obtain more resources.

Doesn't it mean that the starry sky water and the materials for cultivating star sea worms can be easily obtained?

Ye Que thought about it carefully, under the current background of the universe, he can join without any problem.

After all, he has been in the starry sky for a long time, and he has learned a lot.

as follows-

The top ten races in the starry sky, ranked from first to tenth, are: Ancient God, Dark Void, Star Sea Worm, Star Demon, Prophet, Fayi Human Race, Time-Space Phoenix Clan, Chaos Turtle Clan, Huiyu Toad Clan, and Protoss Clan.

Except for the Ancient God Clan and the Time-Space Phoenix Clan who were destroyed by the Star Demons in ancient times, and the Chaos Turtle Clan that disappeared due to the dark void, other races still stand in the starry sky.

These races are almost gathered in the central starry sky.

Because star sea worms inhabit the central starry sky, many top races inhabit here in order to avoid being slaughtered by star demons.

Although the star sea worms are terrifying, they are quiet most of the time and will not make trouble, which is much better than the star demons.

Now, the star demons have been suppressed, and the top twenty top races have begun to walk out of the central starry sky.

According to Bing Yining's memory, the fifth prophet race and the thirteenth void race have come to the extreme southern starry sky, ready to take root and develop.

There are also some scattered races that follow.

There is a huge demand market here, and he becomes a dark void hunter, from which he can obtain a large amount of star cores and resources.

Ye Que thought it was feasible.

"Okay! I'm joining the Dark Void Hunter organization!"

As soon as these words were said, Bing Yining's body went limp, his eyes watered, and he couldn't help leaning towards him: "Well, wait a minute, I invite you to join the Dark Void Hunter Organization."

After saying that, he turned to Ye Que.

Just smelling the scent of the gods made her body hot and unbearable.

Ye Que touched Bing Yining's forehead, it was too hot, he held his nose to avoid bleeding: "No, no, no! Hold on! This is her conspiracy, I must not fall into it!"

As he spoke, he resisted the impulse and cast a spell to freeze Bing Yining.

This is to cool her down.

After a while, Bing Yining calmed down slowly, but the look in Ye Que's eyes became more and more longing.

"Ahem! The Sanye Empire is here! You are a hunter of the dark void, you shouldn't show your true face, put on a mask."

Ye Que reminded Bing Yining.


Bing Yining put on the mask obediently.


Ye Que flew to a huge planet ahead, outside the planet, there were many huge killing arrays.

This is one of the powerful performances of the Sanye Empire.

But when he got closer, he found that these large formations were in dilapidated condition, smoking, and there were many corpses floating in the starry sky.

"It was breached not long ago. Someone ravaged the Sanye Empire."

Bing Yining is also very serious when he is serious, and he can see the way at a glance.

"The Star Demon Clan was suppressed, and many strong men showed up, and began to wreak havoc on the local forces unscrupulously."

There was coldness in Ye Que's eyes.

Before, the overlord forces in the extreme south had asked him, not only to rescue the hundreds of millions of people in the starry sky capital, but also asked him to drive away the strong men who were raging everywhere.

He agreed at first.

Now, it will not break the contract.

"Go, go and see!"

Ye Que moved to kill, Bing Yining felt it, his eyes sharpened instantly, and a powerful wave of fifth-order gods slowly spread out.

This sudden scene scared Ye Que away.

He thought Bing Yining was going to kill him.

But obviously, he was just thinking too much.

Bing Yining was changed subtly, not controlled by illusion, drugs or secret techniques.

This subtle change can never be eliminated.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ye."

Bing Yining was also taken aback, and hurried to help Ye Que.

Ye Que was embarrassed, but also thick-skinned, he wiped off his sweat as if nothing had happened, and said in a deep voice: "It's okay, I just felt a murderous intent rushing out of the planet, so I avoided it reflexively! "

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