God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1012: How much, how much to take (6)

Seeing that the president is like this, the double super VIPs really exist.

And they said before that they didn't know each other.

Now it seems that they are the ones who don't know.

The fat man's face froze in an instant, and the girl who was following the fat man's body shook with an expression of disbelief.

And the fat man was still thinking about what he said just now.

He had never seen a double super VIP card before, so he just made it up.

Looking at the scene in front of him again, his expression was indescribably ugly.

How arrogant she was before, how painful her face is now.

What's more, when he said that the other party was ignorant, he became the most ignorant person in a blink of an eye.

His face darkened in an instant, and he said coldly: "Looking at him like that, I don't know where I picked up the gold card. In fact, there are not many star cores in it, it's just pretending on the surface!"

Fatty's voice was not concealed. Once he said this, he won the approval of other rich people.

After all, they belonged to the same circle, and they were slapped in the face together, so their positions were consistent, so they agreed with Fatty's idea.

"It must be so!"

The girl breathed a sigh of relief, and patted her chest with her small hands.

They think so, but the staff at the counter don't think so.

Regardless of whether there is money in the gold card or not, for the employees of Jinan Star Bank, the gold card is a symbol of status and rights, and is the top VIP among the top stars of Star Bank.

It is no exaggeration to say that if the Lord wants to dismiss them with one word, most of them will be dismissed.

The woman at the ordinary counter was trembling. She had been driving people away before.

The woman at the super VIP counter was even paler.

Now she finally understood why this person whom she complained about and despised was so strong.

Because she has a gold card, but she bluntly despises her...

"It's over."

The woman trembled, regretting provoking such a distinguished guest.

Ye Que was playing with the gold card, and when he heard the fat man's words, he said calmly, "I said that I am an ignorant person, so why bother to humiliate myself?"

What he said was very heartbreaking.

The faces of Rich Man, Fatty and others were so red that they turned purple, but they didn't dare to say a word.

Even the president is kneeling on the ground, sweating on his face, who dares to offend the lord?

As for the captain of the law enforcement team who was going to make a move, he knelt down on the ground, even lower than the president.

For a moment, the entire hall was silent.

Finally, the fat man couldn't bear it anymore, he took out the black star card with a bang, put it on the counter with a slap, and shouted: "Take out the 100 million third-grade star cores I have stored in it!"

One hundred million third-grade star cores!


Everyone gasped, and the way they looked at Fatty changed again and again.

This is 100 million!

For them, it is simply astronomical.

This is a number that even some tenth-rank **** kings cannot save.

Fatty is only the seventh rank of God King, so he has such a high social status.

The girl's complexion was cloudy for a while, and her vanity began to haunt her.

She had just decided that the other party was a poor boy who was not from the same world as her, so she had already put on an attitude. Now seeing that the other party had a gold card, she couldn't accept such a reality in her heart.

Because it would make her extremely upset.

At this moment, when she heard that Fatty was going to take out 100 million third-grade star cores, she immediately made a decision, reached out and hugged Fatty's arm, and said delicately: "My lord, why are you taking so many star cores! You can't spend them all! "

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Ye Que, and said in a coquettish voice, "Look at you, everyone knows that you are rich, why don't you keep a low profile?"

The fat man was very useful, and the aggrieved air was relieved a lot. He looked at Ye Que playfully, stroked his woman, and said with a smile, "I've been idle all day, so I just want to take it out and have a look!"

"Oh, my lord is so funny."

The woman slapped his chest.

Seeing this situation, the rest of the wealthy people all laughed.

"Hahaha, you are indeed Mr. Lightning with the title of Ball Lightning!"

"The black star card is already extraordinary in our eyes. Although it can't compare to some gold-plated things on the surface, it contains real things!"

"Yeah, it's gold-plated on the surface, but it's actually empty inside, so you can only shout and shout on the surface."

What these guys said in that tone, the smug people who turned the corner, didn't use dirty words, and at the same time they vented all the grievances in their hearts.

"Hahaha, although my ordinary blue star card is not superior to the black star card, it can still hold 30 million third-grade star cores!"

"I have fifty million in it."

"Oh, that's a lot!"

"Hey, it's not too much, it's only tens of millions!"

All of them looked so yin and yang, not to mention how disgusting they were.

The fat man was clinging to his woman, and when he heard the laughter around him, his face was smiling like a chrysanthemum. As for the anger in his heart, it has long since disappeared, leaving only complacency and arrogance.

He laughed, as if he had won a huge victory.

"It's only 100 million, so there's no need for everyone to make such a fuss."

He looked at Ye Que provocatively and laughed.

Ye Que calmly watched these people bragging, feeling very embarrassed for these people.

He thought about it carefully, and he got a lot from the nine overlord-level forces.

Nine golden star cards, each with 400 million to 700 million fourth-grade star cores.

As for the third-grade star core, it is calculated in tens of billions, which is the result of Ye Que's neglect.

Because for him, the third-grade star core is useless, and even the fifth-grade star core is ignored by him. What he wants is the fourth-grade star core.

And these are just star cores.

Not counting the massive treasures of the God Ruins Realm, the treasures of the God King Realm, and some of the god-level treasures he got.

"It's all trivial. I only saved it for a few hundred years, and I also have 10 to 20 million third-grade star cores."

The one with the rich man's smile is called a lofty sky.

"Hey, you can't show your money! You have to be more careful in the future! Don't compare yourself to some guys with gold plating!"

The fat man was gone, and he regarded himself as the most eye-catching person present, and he was there to educate others.

After that, he turned around and clapped his hands on the counter, frowning and speaking loudly, as if someone didn't know: "Where are my 100 million third-grade star cores? Take them all out for me! Don't be stunned!" !"

"that is!"

Behind [biquge www.sbiquge.vip] a group of rich people agreed.

Ye Que sighed, turned around and said to the president, "Why are you kneeling? Get up!"

"Yes Yes!"

The president wiped his sweat, he was frightened stupid, and now he recovered, feeling very regretful in his heart.

If he offended the ancient gods, the rulers of the nine overlord-level forces would definitely kill him later.

"Get me some star cores."

Ye Que's words immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The fat man and the rich people either sneered or watched him perform there in a sadistic way.

"What the heck are you doing there!"

"Holding a gold card to scare people, I'm afraid there are not even a million third-rank star cores in it."

"Staff, get me 10 million third-grade star cores, I want to see something shiny today."

"Oh, that's 10 million, smacks."

"Hahaha, not many."

These rich people, one touted one.

But the president said cautiously: "You... how much do you want to take?"

He was ready to pay out of his own pocket.

Ye Que grabbed a handful of golden star cards from the storage ring and said, "There are estimated to be three to four billion fourth-grade star cores, take them all out!"

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