God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1013: bring shame on yourself (1)

Ye Que grabbed a handful of golden star cards and said, "There are probably billions of fourth-grade star cores, take them all out!"

There were about nine golden star cards, all of which he found in the ruins, and he didn't count how many fourth-grade star cores there were.

But after thinking about it, there should be quite a lot.


The fat man and those rich men shook their bodies, especially the fat man, his whole body was shaking up and down.

The girl who was following the fat man also had an expression of disbelief.


What is that concept?

They haven't even heard of it.

What's more, this is a fourth-grade star core.

"Billions of fourth-grade star cores? Ha... ha ha... really good at blowing!"

The rich man's world view was impacted, and he laughed subconsciously.

But many rich people can't laugh.

That golden star card is no joke.

Some of them were dumbfounded.

They haven't even heard of the golden star card, but that guy actually grabbed it...

This has impacted their bodies and souls.

Fatty's smiling face was stiff on the spot.

The coquettish girl beside him stared at the handful of golden star cards, her pupils constricted, and remorse appeared on her face.

So many gold star cards.

What level of character is this?


The president was taken aback, and looked at the golden star card in horror, wondering where did the ancient gods get so many top cards among the top ones?

This is a card that can only be used by noble figures in the overlord-level forces.

Is the ancient **** so awesome that he can get so many gold cards all at once?

"Ah what! Go!"

Ye Que stared.

"Yes yes yes yes yes!"

The president hurriedly stood up, went to the counter with the gold card in his hand, and tremblingly said: "Quick! Quick! Take it out!"

The woman at the super VIP counter looked at Ye Que in horror, then took the gold cards one by one and put them on the star core array device.

Suddenly, a series of amounts appeared on the light curtain next to her.

"Hiss... 700 million fourth-grade star cores?"

The woman was surprised.

700 million!

The fat man's legs gave way and he almost fell to the ground. The girl next to him felt dizzy and even more annoyed.

She looked at Ye Que, thinking that if she went to praise him before, she must have leaped into the dragon's gate.

The other rich men were almost scared to pee.

For them, 100 million third-grade star cores is an astronomical figure, and they can only think about it extravagantly in their dreams.

But now, it is 700 million at every turn, or a fourth-rank star core, converted into a third-rank star core, it is 70 billion!

Compared with the tens of millions of third-grade star cores before them, it's not like a joke.

Now, they all lowered their heads, their faces were flushed, and they were embarrassed all over, wishing to find a crack in the ground to get in.

In fact, they were just now, like clowns.

Holding tens of millions of third-grade star cores, one touts each other, and laughs more happily than the other.

How can I think that in the eyes of others, isn't it just a joke.

"Master Lightning, have you still taken out your 100 million third-grade star cores?"

Some of the staff at the counter are asking seriously, this is their business work, just a process inquiry.

But when it fell into the ears of the fat man, it felt as uncomfortable as if a chrysanthemum had been exploded.

"No... I won't take it."

His voice was very low, mainly due to lack of confidence, guilt and embarrassment, plus his face hurt.

At this moment, another voice came from the counter next to it: "This one has 300 million fourth-grade star cores, and 10 billion third-grade star cores..."

"My God, this one has 800 million fourth-grade star cores."

"This one has..."

Exclamations came out one after another, more shocking each time.

By the end, the entire hall was silent.

"Go... go..."

The rich people lowered their heads and put on a fiery face, fleeing from the extreme southern star line as if they were fleeing famine.

"This guest, do you still want to take your ten million third-grade star cores?"


At first, the rich man wanted to get 10 million third-rank star cores, saying that he wanted to see something shiny, but now he has no place to be ashamed and runs faster.

"Let's go too."

The fat man whispered, and took the girl out as if fleeing.

Ye Que shook his head.

He didn't want to do so many things at first, but every one of them looked down on others with dog eyes.

It's okay this time, I have to be slapped in the face to feel better.

"My lord, there are a total of 5.4 billion fourth-grade star cores, and more than 60 billion third-grade star cores."

The woman at the super VIP counter tremblingly spoke, looking at Ye Que with begging eyes.

She doesn't want to lose the job.

Ye Que said indifferently: "Exchange the third-grade star core for the fourth-grade star core, and then you and the person at the ordinary counter will resign together!"

With a plop, the two women knelt down.

"Hurry up! Don't delay me getting the star core!"

Ye Que sat on the recliner beside him and waited.

After a while, the two women packed their luggage and left, while he was holding a storage ring, feeling excited.

There are more than six billion fourth-grade star cores.

In addition to the rest of the previous breakthrough, there are more than 10 billion fourth-grade star cores.

Scanned the panel data.

【Ancient Divine Physique】

【Boundary: The fifth level of Nirvana Realm】

[Advanced: Swallowing 51.2 billion fourth-grade star cores, you can break through to the sixth level of the Divine Nirvana Realm (the sixth level of the Divine King Realm)]

[Progress: 0/51200000000 (pieces)]

Ye Que sighed slightly.

The breakthrough from the fourth level to the fifth level was achieved by the old patriarch's sermons. Then, he gained a lot of experience.

Now, if one wants to break through from the fifth level to the sixth level, the star core to be devoured has quadrupled again.

I drop a tortoise.

"Sure enough, it is really difficult for someone like me who can surpass the gods to break through."

Shaking his head, he took out the fifth-grade star core and a large number of gods, gods, and gods.

"Exchange all of them into fourth-grade star cores!"

Except for the spirit tree, Ye Que did not move, and exchanged everything else.

"My lord, we don't have enough stock here. You have to go to the Yiwanyu Starry Sky Square City, or the Starry Sky Capital to exchange it."

The new staff members are extremely respectful to Ye Que.

"Okay! Let's go!"

Ye Que put away his things, turned around and left.

He estimated that exchanging all the treasures on his body would allow him to break through two levels in a row, that is, to reach the sixth level of the king of gods.

That's fine too.

After reaching the sixth level of the **** king, he estimated that he could kill the second level of the gods and fight against the third level of the gods.

There is a huge gap between the gods. He is now the king of the gods. Every time he is promoted, there is a huge gap between him and the gods.

As he is now, he can possess the twentieth-level combat power of the **** king, can kill the first-level gods, and can fight against the second-level gods.

But if he wanted to kill the second level of the gods, and still be able to fight against the third level of the gods, he had to reach the twenty-fourth level of the **** king or the twenty-fifth level of the **** king.

"My lord, don't go yet."

The governor begged for an exit.

The ancient **** disguised his face, and he knew the reason, probably because he was afraid of being found by the Star Demons and God Clan.

So he was smart and did not expose the identity of the ancient god.

But now he can't let the other party go.

When the big man who will overlord the power is coming, if he lets the ancient **** go, he will definitely be punished.

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