God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1011: Excuse me, where is the double super VIP counter? (5)

Ye Que's face darkened, thinking that you will suffer later.

It's important to get the star core first.

But as soon as he ran over, the fat man followed, wanting to go to a better VIP counter and enjoy better service.

"Get out of the way! You go to the ordinary counter over there, I am a VIP, you have to let me!"

The fat man got worse, thinking that the poor boy was easy to bully, and his tone became even more hostile.

The girl who followed him turned a blind eye. After all, she was not from the same world, and it was a waste of energy to look at him.


Ye Que directly took out a machete, slammed it on the ground, and said coldly: "Do you have the guts to say it again?"

This guy is still pushing the envelope.

Do you really treat him like a persimmon?

The fat man sneered: "Looking at you like this, you must be at the peak of Shenxu. I am already the seventh rank of God King. Who are you scaring?"

He shook his head, took out a black star card, and said calmly: "Do you know what this is? A VIP among VIPs! Super VIP for short!"

The move here has attracted the attention of the surrounding rich people.

At a glance, they immediately understood that the eyes of the poor boy were either pity, gloating, indifference, or disdain.

"Guests, put away your weapons! This is Wanyu Xingkongfang City, and there is a peerless **** king guarding the extreme southern star line, don't ruin your future!"

The law enforcement team of Jinan Xingxing walked over.

The team leader came to Fatty and smiled respectfully: "Master Lightning, it's rare to come to my southern planet."

"Yeah, it made me unhappy when I came here!"

The fat man sneered.

The captain of the law enforcement team's face darkened, and he turned his head and said, "Put away your weapons! Otherwise, I will take action myself!"

Ye Que played with taste: "Then what if I don't?"

"what happened?"

There was another voice.

Everyone looked at it, and their faces changed slightly.

He is the president of Xingxing, an elder of the Blood Demon clan.

"The elders rarely come out, but this time they came out for the sake of lightning!"


Many wealthy people cast envious glances at the fat man.

The elder's face was gloomy. He received a notice from the Blood Demon Clan headquarters asking him to find the ancient god. The extreme southern starry sky needed the help of the ancient god, so he couldn't neglect it.

But when he just came out, he met someone making trouble, so he couldn't be in a good mood.

"So it's the president!"

The fat man was also a little flattered, with a very proud face on his face.

"If there is trouble, the business of Jinan Xingxing will be affected. At that time, everyone should not try to take any star core! Everyone pay attention!"

The elder said coldly.

He didn't bother to care about such trivial matters, so he just cut it across the board.

Ye Que frowned.

Can't get it?

"Get out of the way, don't disturb the order!"

Even the staff at the VIP counter, a woman with mean lips spoke.

"Are you talking to me?"

Ye Que said.

"if not?"

Women are annoying.

If it's a big deal, just let it go. If you insist on making trouble, isn't it stupid.

"Get out of the way, little brother, even the president is alarmed, don't you have any points?"

"If you make a fuss, everyone can't get the star core, how bad it is."

The other rich men all opened their mouths, for fear that if there was a disturbance, the star core would not be available.

"Did you hear me?"

The fat man sneered.

The captain of the law enforcement team even had murderous intent in his eyes, threatening Ye Que both openly and secretly.

Ye Que raised his brows, looked at the people around him, sure enough, he was rich if he had money, and even swearing at others was a matter of course if he didn't have money.

"Okay! I'll let you!"

Ye Que smiled coldly, put away the knife, and let it out.


The woman at the VIP counter rolled her eyes.

"It's not cowardly in the end, I really don't know why he was so strong before!"

She sneered in her heart.

"It's your fate! Do you know?"

The fat man felt that he was very kind if he didn't kill the boy.

The captain of the law enforcement team twitched his mouth and went back without saying anything.

"This kid suffered a severe beating from a social person, so he probably needs to restrain himself a lot!"

"I thought it was a poor young man, but fortunately there was no trouble, otherwise I would have another problem getting the star core today."

The rich are either complaining or talking unceremoniously, and they don't treat people as human beings.

Even the president took his eyes back and stopped paying attention to this trivial matter.

He walked to the door and waited for the ancient **** to arrive.

Seeing mocking eyes all around, Ye Que stretched and walked to the center of the hall.

He first took a deep breath, and then took a drink of luck: "There are ordinary counters, VIP counters, and super VIP counters here!"

Speaking of this, all the rich and powerful people looked over, with coldness and disgust in their eyes.

"I don't know what is good or bad!"

The fat man said coldly.

Even the governor looked at him unkindly.

But Ye Que was not affected at all, and asked again: "Then, where is the double super VIP counter?"

The sound echoed in the extreme south star row.

Many people froze for a moment.

"What is a double super vip?"

"I've never heard of it, but the black star card is the highest, that is, a super VIP!"

"This poor boy is crazy, dare to make such a loud noise, let alone the noise, and say such levelless words!"

"Yeah! Double the number of super VIPs, you ignorant guy!"

The rich frowned.

Not to mention them, even many staff at the counter have never heard of it.

Only the staff at the super VIP counter and the president know what a double super VIP is.

But is this kid worthy?

"Law enforcement team, drive him out, a guy with no knowledge at all, he is a double super VIP! I haven't heard of it, so I know how to make it up!"

The fat man sneered, but now he couldn't get angry anymore.

The opponent's level is too low, and he is still angry about it and drops his price.

When the president saw the law enforcement team go in, he didn't stop him.

Ye Que didn't panic, took out the golden star card, and asked, "Is there no counter for double super VIPs?"

At that moment, the captain of the law enforcement team pushed open the door and said angrily: "Pretending to be a ghost, I will break your leg today!"

But when he dared to finish his words, the president beside him knelt down.

With a plop, he knelt on the ground numbly and said in horror, "Who are you?"

He remembered the old gods.

Because the ancient gods have golden star cards.

In Wanwan Xingkongfang City, no one is eligible to own a golden star card, so the possibility that the other party is an ancient **** is very high.

"I want a double super VIP counter, and I still need to ask for my name?"

Ye Que sneered.

"No... no need!"

The president has roughly guessed that the young man in front of him is probably an ancient **** in disguise, and his cold sweat broke out.

And this scene was also seen by many rich people, as well as by the fat man and the staff, and their expressions suddenly changed.

"Is there no counter for double super VIPs?"

Ye Que looked around, and everyone he saw lowered their heads, their faces flushed, embarrassed.

Seeing that the president is like this, the double super VIPs really exist.

And they said before that they didn't know each other.

Now it seems that they are the ones who don't know.

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