God Hongtian

Chapter 97 Verification, place of assessment



In the square, people came forward one after another and tried to hold this low-grade Xuan-level sword.

However, no one succeeded, and everyone who tried to take the sword suffered more or less hard!

After more than ten people failed in succession, no one in the audience dared to step forward to take the sword.

Chu Xinyue also completely verified her guess.

The sword spirit of this sword really listened to Yun Hao's words!

The shock in her heart was one after another.

Recalling that she was unable to tame the sword spirit of this sword at the beginning, a master who was proficient in swordsmanship in the palace helped, and then she forcibly suppressed the sword spirit. After a period of warming, she was able to control the sword.

But now... Yun Hao just said a few words lightly, and such an unruly sword spirit completely obeyed his wishes!

What exactly is going on?

Chu Xinyue couldn't understand it for a moment.

Seeing that no one came forward to take the sword, Chu Xinyue could only grab the sword in her hand.


The sound of the sword sounded, and some resisted her hand.

Chu Xinyue felt helpless. Even she could no longer control the sword perfectly...

Fortunately, Yun Hao had just told her to take back the sword. Otherwise, Chu Xinyue felt that there was a high probability that she would also be injured by the sword.

After putting the sword into the storage ring, Chu Xinyue no longer observed other people's thoughts. Her attention was completely focused on Yun Hao.

What kind of man is this...?

A deep curiosity arose in her heart.


Li Wu, whose forehead was scratched and whose palms were bloody, found that Chu Xinyue's attention was completely focused

When it landed on Yun Hao's body, he suddenly felt angry and itched his teeth.

He was not familiar with Chu Xinyue, it was just the first time he met her today, but Chu Xinyue's appearance, temperament, and family background all made him yearn for her.

He thinks that he is the strongest person in the audience, and he should stand together with a woman like Chu Xinyue, chatting and laughing, but in fact, he is in a very embarrassed state now!

"Brother Li, don't be angry. It's not just you who failed, we also failed."

"Hmph, if you want to blame it, blame it on Yun Hao, the crow's mouth!"

"That coward doesn't even have the courage to hold a sword. I heard that he is still a swordsman monk. He doesn't deserve to be called a swordsman at all!"

"That's right, even though we failed in holding the sword, our courage cannot be compared to that of Yun Hao!"

A group of people who have suffered a lot are comforting themselves.

Li Wu took a deep breath, looked away from Chu Xinyue, and glared at Yun Hao fiercely.

"My brother suppressed Yunying so hard at Yuyin Peak that he couldn't even lift his head. Then I will definitely let Yun Hao lie at my feet during the examination in the martial arts academy this time!"

At this time, Shi Feng, who was concentrating on carving, put the knife in his hand into a sheath hanging on his waist, and put the half-carved piece of wood into his backpack with great care.

He looked up at Yun Hao, who was resting beside him with his eyes closed, and said, "Brother Yun Hao, I think you can definitely hold that sword. Why don't you want it?"

Yun Hao slowly opened his eyes and said, "Then why are you not interested in that sword?"

Shi Feng grinned and said: "My father said that nothing will fall into the sky. If you take that sword, there will definitely be other things."

Yunhao nodded.

This is one of the reasons why he does not intend to change his sword with Su Xin Sword.

Another reason is because of Chu Xinyue.

Chu Xinyue's appearance and temperament are very eye-catching, but Yun Hao also directly sees her inner nature!

This woman's cultivation level is the highest in the field.

The pinnacle of the Spirit Gathering Realm!

Moreover, the vitality in his body is extremely solid, and the skills he cultivates have definitely reached the lower level of the earth level!

Looking at the entire Qingfeng Dynasty, how many forces can have such a legacy?

There are only a handful of them!

It would be normal for this kind of person to go to the main courtyard of Qingfeng Martial Academy of the Imperial Dynasty, but to come to a branch like this in County City clearly shows that something is wrong.

About half an hour passed.

Several figures flew past.

The leader was none other than Qin Lan, the peak master of Qingfeng Martial Academy’s Sword Peak.

Qin Lan's eyes swept over Yun Hao without leaving a trace, and then glanced at the whole audience, frowning.

"What happened to your injuries?"

Her voice was cold.

All of these injured are from the Spirit Gathering Realm.

There were not many young people from the Spirit Gathering Realm who participated in the assessment, but most of them were injured.

Chu Xinyue immediately stepped forward and said: "It was my fault to report to Peak Master Qin..."

She roughly told what happened.

After hearing this, Qin Lan agreed and did not pursue the matter further, and then said: "Tomorrow is the day of the annual Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy assessment.

The assessments in previous years tested character, understanding, etc.

But this year's assessment has completely subverted the previous method. This time it will be completely practical!

Tomorrow, you will enter a complete lockdown

in the great formation.

Within the formation, there were one hundred yellow-level medium-grade monsters, fifty yellow-level high-grade monsters, and twenty top-grade yellow-rank monsters.

The demon core of a yellow-level mid-level demon beast counts three points.

The demon core of a high-grade yellow-level demon beast is worth ten points.

The demon core of a top-grade yellow-level demon beast counts thirty points.

In addition, there are three demonic beasts that are close to the lower level of Xuan level. The demonic core of any one of these three demonic beasts can be counted as 300 points!

The assessment lasts for three days. After the assessment, the ranking will be determined based on the number of points. Moreover, after the assessment, the points will not be cleared. The points obtained during the assessment will become your credentials for obtaining resources in Qingfeng Martial Academy.

A total of one hundred and thirty-six people participated in the assessment this time.

Qingfeng Wuyuan has reduced its admission quota this year and only accepts the top fifty. "

There were many whispers in the field.

"This year's assessment is so rigorous, it can be called the most rigorous ever!"

"The assessment method is indeed a bit cruel, but it also has advantages. The points during the assessment are not cleared, which is very attractive. After all, after joining Qingfeng Martial Academy, points are so important. Almost all resources need to be redeemed with points."

"In Qingfeng Martial Academy, if you want points, you can only perform tasks. Now we can get points by taking assessments. After passing the assessment, we can use the points to exchange for needed resources at Qingfeng Martial Academy. In a short time, we will definitely be able to improve by one level. Big cut!”

Qin Lan glanced at everyone and said, "If you have any questions, you can ask them now!"

Someone in the field immediately asked: "Master Qin, points are not calculated based on kills."

Instead, it is based on the number of monster cores. Does that mean that during the assessment process, those participating in the assessment do not necessarily have to kill the monsters? "

Qin Lan: "If you have that strength, you can rob everyone, that's your ability!"

"Peak Master Qin, none of us can kill those three monster beasts that are close to the lower level of the Xuan level. So, can we form a team?"

Qin Lan: "If you have that charisma, you can form a team of everyone to hunt monsters. As for the monsters hunted by the team, points will be distributed according to the method agreed upon by your team."

"Peak Master Qin... hunting monsters, risks may occur at any time. During the assessment process, are there strong people in the martial arts academy secretly protecting you?"

Qin Lan laughed and said: "If you are afraid of death, you can quit now. I tell you responsibly that no one will protect you in this assessment!

The people that Qingfeng Martial Academy accepted in previous years, even if they were talented, lacked the blood.

This year is all about changing that situation.

We want people who not only have talent and strength, but also have the courage to fight! "

Many people in the field changed their expressions.

Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy’s assessment rules this year are cruel!

Fighting against monsters head-on, competing with each other, there are also monsters that even if you form a team, you may not be able to defeat them, and you don't even have the protection of a strong person...

After a moment of silence, several people spoke one after another and exited the assessment directly.

They want to join the Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy because they want to rely on the influence and resources of the Martial Arts Academy to achieve their goals, but they don't want to risk their lives.

Seeing that no one was exiting, Qin Lan shouted coldly: "Let's go to the assessment place!"

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