God Hongtian

Chapter 96: None of you can do it

Chu Xinyue took out a low-grade Xuan-level sword and wanted to use it to select some geniuses.

But as soon as the sword was taken out, it took the initiative to fly in front of Yun Hao. In the eyes of others, this scene might be nothing. They thought that Chu Xinyue might want Yun Hao to try it first.

But Chu Xinyue knew best what was going on.

Her sword, at that moment, was completely out of her control, and flew in front of the young man in an impatient manner!

The sword trembled slightly and made a crisp hum, as if to please...

Chu Xinyue was shocked!

This was a gift given to her by her father when she had achieved some success in swordsmanship.

Although it is only a low-grade Xuan class.

But the spirituality of this sword is not weaker than some middle-grade Xuan-level swords!

Moreover, the sword spirit of this sword is quite unruly and difficult to tame. She only took control of this sword with the help of some strong men.

Now...the sword spirit of this sword...is trying to please this young man?

Chu Xinyue looked at the young man carefully.

Only then did she realize that the boy in front of her was completely different from the others present.

Others were either staring at the sword or staring at her, but this young man... didn't seem to care!

This is definitely not an act!

But a kind of indifference that seems to come from the bottom of one's heart!

And... upon closer inspection, this man turns out to be more and more handsome...

"You don't know what to call this young master?"

Chu Xinyue suppressed the shock in her heart, walked up to Yun Hao, and asked.

No need for Yunhao to answer,

Someone immediately helped introduce me.

"Miss Xinyue, I know this person. He is from the Yun family in the county. His name is Yun Hao."

Chu Xinyue said in a sweet voice: "It turns out to be Mr. Yun Hao. Mr. Yun might as well give it a try and see if he can control this sword."

At this time, Chu Xinyue was extremely happy.

She just wanted to try this method to see if she could make friends with some geniuses first, and then drag these geniuses to secretly investigate the Shenyong Hou Mansion in Qingfeng Martial Academy.

Unexpectedly, this plan has just begun and is already having results!

Yun Hao glanced at the sword floating in front of him.

He could naturally see that this sword was very good in terms of the materials used to make it, the formation within the sword body, and the sword spirit in it.


He has Su Xin Sword.

Even though Su Xin Sword currently needs to be repaired before it can continue to be used, he has no intention of changing the sword again.

"Thank you Miss Chu for your kindness, but I don't need it," Yun Hao said.

Chu Xinyue: "..."

"Miss Xinyue, since someone is shameless, let me try it!"

Among the crowd, a man in rich clothes stood out.

He raised his head and raised his chest, revealing his cultivation aura, which immediately aroused waves of exclamation.

"What a strong breath..."

"At least we have reached the fifth level of the Spirit Gathering Realm!"

"He is strong. This is normal. He is Li Wu of the Li family!"

"Li Wu? A genius from the Li family with two proud talents?"

"That's right, Li Wen joined Qingfeng Martial Academy two years ago and became the core disciple of Qingfeng Martial Academy's Yuyin Peak in just one year. Li Wen's

My younger brother Li Wu is even better than Li Wen... He is that Li Wu! "

Li Wu looked proud and smiled at Chu Xinyue: "If Miss Xinyue doesn't mind, I'll start."

Chu Xinyue nodded and said, "Young Master Li, you can start."

Li Wu held his head high and walked to the sword floating in front of Yun Hao.

He glanced at Yun Hao, his expression was indifferent and full of contempt, and said: "Get out of the way, don't interfere with me getting the sword here!"

Among the crowd, there were whispers again.

"Li Wu's brother and Yun Hao's cousin Yun Ying are both core disciples of Qingfeng Martial Academy Yuyin Peak. It seems that the two have a grudge."

"No wonder Li Wu was so rude to Yun Hao."

"Hey, what's so polite about this? What is it about Yun Hao that deserves Li Wu's politeness?"

The contempt in Li Wu's expression became even stronger, and he shouted coldly: "Why don't you get out?"

Chu Xinyue frowned and immediately said: "The original intention of me taking out this sword is not to cause any dispute. I hope Mr. Li can restrain himself."

Li Wu looked at Chu Xinyue and said, "Since Miss Xinyue said so, I will naturally give you face."

What he cared about was not this sword, but Chu Xinyue who could take out such a good sword at will.

Come to think of it, Chu Xinyue's family background must be amazing. If she can get Chu Xinyue's sword, she can get closer to Chu Xinyue.

Li Wu glanced at Yun Hao again.

"You're lucky this time. If you don't obey me next time, I'll make you look good!"

"You can't hold this sword." Yun Hao said lightly.

Li Wu sneered.

: "You loser, are you qualified to talk to me? You don't understand what a genius is. You don't know how powerful I am. Then open your dog eyes and let me see clearly!"

Say it.

Li Wu's palm suddenly reached out and grabbed the sword floating in the air.


next moment.

The sword trembled violently.

Before Li Wu's palm could grasp the hilt of the sword, the sharp edge from the sword itself burst out.


Li Wu let out a scream, and his palms were instantly bloody and bloody. The severe pain caused him to take more than ten steps back!

The heartbreaking pain in the palm of his hand made Li Wu's face turn pale, and more importantly, he was embarrassed!

He wanted to hold the sword, but he didn't even touch the sword, but was injured by the sword...


Li Wu snorted coldly and strode towards the sword again.

next moment.

As soon as the sword body turned, the sword edge shot directly at Li Wu!

Li Wu was so frightened that he stopped hastily and turned sideways in a hurry.

The sword edge wiped his forehead...

The skin on his forehead cracked, and blood covered Li Wu's face!

Li Wu's legs were trembling...

Just now, I felt like I was on the edge of life and death!

Li Wu failed to take the sword, and everyone else was shocked.

Just holding the sword...it's so difficult!

Even Li Wu couldn't do it... He was injured and almost had an accident!

Chu Xinyue's small mouth opened slightly, and her smart eyes widened, staring at Yun Hao.

Although the sword spirit of this sword is unruly, she knows better than anyone that the sword spirit of this sword is not that strong.


Thinking about it again, as soon as he took out this sword, he took the initiative to approach Yun Hao and please Yun Hao... The sword spirit attacking Li Wu was most likely because of what Yun Hao said just now!

Yun Hao said that Li Wu couldn't hold the sword.

Then this sword will never be controlled by Li Wu.

It's also possible... Li Wu provoked Yun Hao, and this sword took the initiative to save Yun Hao!

Whatever the reason, it’s incredible!

"Mr. Yun, I think this sword may really be destined for you..." Chu Xinyue said.

Li Wu, who had just suffered a lot, immediately shouted coldly: "Miss Xinyue, I can't do it, not even a hundred Yunhao combined can do it!"

Due to Li Wu's special status and his elder brother being a core disciple of Qingfeng Martial Academy, the others also followed suit.

"Miss Xinyue, he obviously doesn't dare, so there's no point in letting him take the sword."

"Look at how cowardly he is. If you give him a hundred courages, he won't even have the courage to hold a sword!"

"You are a loser. You don't even dare to try. You are simply a man's disgrace!"

Yun Hao ignored these taunts and said, "Miss Chu, you can put away your sword. No one here is qualified to hold this sword."

After saying that, Yun Hao turned around and walked to where Shi Feng was, ignoring everything.

Chu Xinyue's expression changed uncertainly.

Yun Hao just said that no one present is qualified to hold a sword...

In order to verify her guess, she decided to let others try it... to see if the sword spirit of this sword was listening to Yun Hao's words!

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