God Hongtian

Chapter 98 Rejection again, revenge

Qin Lan took the people and left the county.

It took most of the day to enter a large mountain.

The mountains and rocks are steep, the vegetation is lush, and there are few people.

"This is the Tiandang Mountains... I didn't expect that this year's assessment would be held here."

"The Tiandang Mountains are a place where monsters and beasts frequently appear, which is in line with Qingfeng Martial Academy's assessment method this year."

"There is a Beast Control Peak in Qingfeng Martial Academy. I thought that the monsters we wanted to hunt were subdued by the strong men of the Beast Control Peak. But now it seems that is not the case at all. The risks we have to face are even greater! "

In the crowd, there were low voices from time to time. They seemed very nervous about this year's assessment.

This year's assessment is about fighting, and strength is the key!

Hunting monsters and fighting each other, there is no guarantee, you can only rely on yourself!

After entering the Tiandang Mountains, they continued on the road for half a day. When night fell, Qin Lan ordered to stop and rest.

She turned to look at everyone and said: "You guys will wait here tonight. Tomorrow morning, the formation will be opened, and the monsters used to test you will be placed within the formation's blockade range."

After a simple explanation, Qin Lan flashed and left.

As Qin Lan left the scene.

Li Wu immediately became active. He made no secret of his intentions and said loudly: "This assessment not only focuses on individual strength, but also requires the cooperation of the team.

But a team should not have too many people.

Too many people will only cause the points to be too dispersed, and in the end no one will get a good ranking.

So, I decided that my team only has five people. Anyone who wants to join my team can come and tell me now. "

As soon as these words came out, a group of people immediately gathered around Li Wu and signed up enthusiastically.

Li Wu comes from a famous family and is at the fifth level of the Spirit Gathering Realm. In the eyes of everyone, this is a big leg. If you hold it firmly, you will definitely pass the assessment!

Li Wu selected three people to join his team, all of whom were in the spirit-gathering realm. Counting himself, there were four people.


Li Wu walked up to Chu Xinyue with a smile.

"Miss Xinyue, I sincerely invite you to join my team."

Chu Xinyue blinked, smiled politely, and said, "Thank you Mr. Li for your kindness, but forget it, I plan to act alone."

Li Wu: "Miss Xinyue, the monsters are dangerous..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chu Xinyue interrupted him and said: "It's dangerous, for sure, but I still prefer to be alone and free."

Li Wu, who was rejected, returned to his team in depression, and then chose a warrior in the Spirit Gathering Realm.

Chu Xinyue, who had just rejected Li Wu, looked at Yun Hao's position, her eyes flickered, and then walked towards Yun Hao: "Master Yun, are you interested in joining my team?"

Yunhao: "No need, I like to be alone and free.

exist. "

Chu Xinyue: "..."

On the other side, Li Wu saw this scene and was so angry that he gritted his teeth and clenched his fists angrily.

"Brother Li, this Chu Xinyue seems to be really ignorant."

"Hmph, she will regret it when she sees how powerful Brother Li is!"

"Brother Li, why should you be angry? When you win the first place in the assessment, the beauty will naturally throw yourself into your arms."

Li Wu loosened his clenched fists, snorted coldly, and said: "I will make sure that Yun Hao can't eat anything and carry him around!"

The team formation is still going on.

Next, Chu Xinyue received invitations from several teams, but without exception, Chu Xinyue rejected them all.

As for Yun Hao, except for Chu Xinyue who invited him at the beginning, everyone else ignored him.

Everyone can see that Li Wu will not make it easy for Yun Hao. Whoever forms a team with Yun Hao will be in trouble!

One night passed quickly.

When a flash of fish belly white appeared on the horizon, suddenly, a curtain of light rose up in the forest not far away.

Immediately afterwards, someone from the martial arts academy appeared and shouted: "The assessment begins!"

The words fell.

A rainbow bridge penetrated the light curtain and landed in front of everyone. Everyone immediately flew up, passed the rainbow bridge, and entered the light curtain.

At the top of a mountain.

Qin Lan stood in front of an old man.

The old man's hair and beard are as white as snow, his face is as red as a baby's, and he is wearing a white robe.

"Dean Bai

, then what is Chu Xinyue’s identity? Why is it worth your while to put her name on the roll? "

Qin Lan asked.

The old man is Bai Changfeng, the dean of Qingfeng Martial Academy in Beihan County.

Bai Changfeng smiled lightly, gently stroking his long white beard with one hand, and said: "Master Qin doesn't need to delve into this matter. You will know it when it's time to know."

Qin Lan nodded in agreement.

Bai Changfeng: "Peak Master Qin seems to be quite interested in Yun Hao from the Yun family?"

Qin Lan's expression did not change and she said: "This Yun Hao has a very good character, so he took a little bit of care."

Bai Changfeng smiled and said nothing more.


Inside the large array of light curtains.

After Yunhao entered, he started the operation alone.

Because of Geng Jin, Qingfeng Martial Academy ranked first in the assessment, and he was bound to win.


He did not immediately search for the whereabouts of the monster, but found a base of the large formation covering this area!

The formation base is hidden at the foot of a mountain.

Yun Hao's mental power swept out from the Consciousness Sea Aperture, and easily passed through the layout of the hidden formation base without triggering the formation.

He did not change the base of the formation, nor did he intend to take control of the formation. Both of these actions would inevitably lead to relatively large movements.

He just used his own mental power to gain insight into the entire area covered by the formation through this formation base.


Yun Hao's mental power relied on the formation

The power swept across and not only discovered the whereabouts of everyone who participated in the assessment, but also discovered all the monsters placed in by Qingfeng Martial Academy.

Yunhao ignored the three demonic beasts that were about to be promoted to the lower level of the Xuan level for the time being. He first hunted and killed the top level demonic beasts of the Yellow level.

After understanding the approximate distribution location of the monster beasts, Yun Hao went through it in his mind, determined a route to hunt the monster beasts, and then immediately started taking action.

The other side.

Li Wu and four others were also searching for monsters.

"Brother Li, the strength of the five of us is definitely among the strongest, hahaha!"

"For things like points, we will definitely make sure that Brother Li you get the largest share."

"In my opinion, let's go directly to find those three monsters that are about to be promoted to the lower level of Xuan level. Each one has three hundred points. If we kill them all, that's nine hundred points. Each of the four of us will have one hundred and fifty points. Li Brother gets 300 points alone!”

Li Wu, who was leading the team, sneered and said: "You follow me. This is the wisest choice. In this assessment, I will not only win first place, but I will also help you win second, third, fourth, and third place." five!

But... for now, I still have something I need you to do.

Help me spread the news. Anyone who meets Yun Hao and teaches him a lesson will be my friend, Li Wu.

Huh, an ignorant idiot from a small place, I personally deal with him, I think my hands are dirty, I can make it difficult for him to move even with a word! "

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