God Hongtian

Chapter 746: Origin Technique Provocation, Request for Action

Source Tower, ninth floor.

Yunhao met Gu Tong.

Compared with last time, Gu Tong's condition was obviously much better.

The complete Daoyuan Sutra allowed Gu Tong to temporarily suppress as many as ninety-eight kinds of taboo powers in his body.

Yun Hao even discovered that Gu Tong had another faint aura of taboo power. Apparently, Gu Tong still had not given up and wanted to gather all the power of hundreds of taboos in his body!

The moment Gu Tong saw Yun Hao, he immediately knelt down and worshiped on the ground.

Yun Hao raised his eyebrows.

"Gutong, meet the Sword Emperor!"

As soon as Gu Tong said these words, Yun Hao frowned.

"How did you know?"

Last time, Gu Tong didn't notice at all. In recent days, Yun Hao has not had any contact with Gu Tong. Logically speaking, Gu Tong should not know the truth.

"Reporting to the Sword Emperor, Luo Qingtian came to see me."

It turns out... it was Luo Qingtian who discovered the secret.

"Get up and talk." Yun Hao said calmly.

Gu Tong stood up and said: "Please forgive me, Sword Emperor, for not being able to go to Wanjianmen's station to greet Sword Emperor in person..."

Yun Hao: "It doesn't matter. Since it was Luo Qingtian who discovered this secret, he should have something he wants you to tell me."

Gu Tong nodded and said: "The hypocritical gods of the Tiangong paid attention to the sword formation, and Luo Qingtian killed the Tiangong and cut off the way for the Tiangong to descend to the Cang Realm.

In that battle, he discovered the traces of the swordsmanship left by the Sword Emperor, so

He guessed the identity of the Sword Emperor.

The power of the Heavenly Palace cannot come directly to the Cang Realm for the time being, but Yang Tianhua has received an order to have the Holy Land of Sifang send the younger generation to hunt the Sword Emperor and Royi! "

Yun Hao: "With Yang Tianhua's unscrupulous character, this is not his style."

"This is indeed not Yang Tianhua's decision. This is Luo Qingtian's decision to help him with his sword on Yang Tianhua's neck."

Yunhao smiled.

This Luo Qingtian is indeed very interesting.

Killing the Heavenly Palace and cutting off the road is something that few people in the world dare to do, and he is also the only person in the world who can accomplish this!

Blocking the way for Tiangong to directly intervene in this matter, he took the sword again and forced Yang Tianhua to make this decision.

If he insisted on stopping Yang Tianhua and Yang Tianhua did not dare to disobey Tiangong's will, he would have no choice but to fight to the end.

Luo Qingtian gave Yang Tianhua a step down.

Send the younger generation to hunt.

In this way, he does not violate the will of the Heavenly Palace!

And this situation can be regarded as buying Yunhao a buffer time!

"When will those people arrive?" Yun Hao asked.

"Yang Tianhua will definitely use resources first to allow the younger generation of the Sifang Holy Land to quickly improve their strength, so they should not be so fast. As for the specific time when this hunting will start, it is impossible to say.

But the Sword Emperor can rest assured, they dare to come

, Yuanta will let them never come back! Gu Tong said decisively.

Yun Hao shook his head and said: "If you intervene, then Yang Tianhua will no longer stick to the decision he made in front of Luo Qingtian. By then, a full-scale war will break out. Yuan Ta should not get involved for the time being. , I will handle it myself!”

"Yes..." Gu Tong nodded in agreement, and then said: "Luo Qingtian... there is something else he wants me to tell the Sword Emperor..."

"Say it."

Gu Tong: "Luo Qingtian said... He is still not as good as the Sword Emperor at his peak, but he has found his direction.

He...he said that he will soon surpass the glory of the Sword Emperor, and he hopes that the Sword Emperor can quickly recover his strength. When the time comes, he will have the most peak sword showdown in the history of the Cang Realm with the Sword Emperor..."

The corners of Yun Hao's mouth curved.

He is also looking forward to the battle with Luo Qingtian to prove the sword. This person's attainments in the sword are indeed qualified to compete with him!


Yunhao walked around the eighth floor of the Source Tower and found some useful things.

Then, he went down to the seventh floor of the Source Tower to refine the forbidden energy!

Previously, Yun Hao could only extract the power of disaster and seal it in his body, but now, he can seal a small part of the forbidden power in his body and use it to fight the enemy.

Under the secret technique of Daoyuan Jing, wisps of forbidden power continued to pour into Yun Hao's body.

When it comes to Master Yuan Tianshi

Sealing the power of taboos at different levels is completely different from how the Earth Master seals the power of disaster.

The power of disaster sealed by the Source Earth Master will be gone after being used!

However, Master Yuantian can seal the power of taboo within his body, forming the source of taboo!

Like Ge Chuanxiong, there are three sources of taboos in his body. The sources of taboos are in his body, and the power of taboos is continuously born for him to use.

And within the body of Xiao Nan, the Origin Master of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land, there are no less than five sources of taboos.

Generally speaking, the top Yuantian Master can contain nine taboo sources in his body.

As for Gutong's situation, it is an exception...

Within Gu Tong's body, there are ninety-eight sources of taboos, which have been accumulated by generations of Yuan Tianshi of the Gu family, and are used by the Gu family to fight for their lives!

Yun Hao entered the Source Tower, and a day passed before he knew it.

In one day, the power of taboo was finally transformed into a source of taboo in the body.

For now, this is Yunhao's limit.

If you are greedy for merit and leave a second source of taboos in your body, it will definitely lead to serious consequences.

Master Yuan, especially at the level of Master Yuan Tian, ​​is more cautious in practicing martial arts. Once the taboo backfires, the consequences will be disastrous.

Yunhao did not go up to the ninth floor of the Source Tower to find Gu Tong.

Although Gu Tong's situation has stabilized, he still needs time to balance the large amount of taboo power in his body with the complete Taoyuan Sutra.

In a short period of time, Gutong is not suitable for

Leave the ninth floor of the Source Tower.

The layout of the ninth-level source tower can effectively help Gu Tong better control the power of the taboo.

Especially... Gu Tong must not fight with people with the forbidden power at present. Once he takes action, the stability of a lot of forbidden power in his body will be broken instantly.

Taking action means fighting to the death!

Yun Hao walked out of the Source Tower and saw Ge Chuanxiong standing outside with an anxious look.

Ge Chuanxiong immediately stepped forward and said, "Holy Son of Hongchen, I'll wait until you come out..."

There was a hint of urgency in his tone.

Yunhao: "What happened?"

Ge Chuanxiong: "The Origin Master from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land is here... The Eastern Wasteland Holy Land has trained a young Origin Master genius, who is already half a step into the realm of the Origin Heavenly Master at such a young age.

That young boy challenged all the young people in Source Tower...

Not to mention the younger generation, even the older generation of Source Masters are no match for him.

Now, Yuanta has been suppressed by that guy and his face has been ruined... Therefore, we want to ask the Holy Son of Hongchen to help Yuanta win back this face..."

The fight between the Source Tower and the Source Master of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land is not as simple as a superficial competition. The Eastern Wasteland Holy Land wants to suppress the Source Tower, destroy the Source Tower's position in everyone's hearts, and then replace it in one fell swoop!

This is not...

In today’s competition, no one in Yuanta could lift their heads.

Ge Chuanxiong had no other choice but to ask Yun Hao to take action!

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