God Hongtian

Chapter 747: Literary and military fights, as you wish

Facing Ge Chuanxiong's request, Yun Hao nodded and agreed.

Ge Chuanxiong was very helpful in luring a snake out of its hole to kill Ye Wei last time, and many of the next things will require the use of the energy of the Source Tower.

If the momentum of the Source Tower is really suppressed by the Source Master of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land, then the Source Tower's status in people's hearts will plummet and be replaced by the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land.


A high platform that occupies a huge area.

At this time, there were two young people on top, a man and a woman.

The man exuded a calm and calm demeanor, with an obvious confident smile on his face. This man was Yu Ye, a super Origin Dao genius from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land. At the age of more than 20 years old, he already had one foot. Entered the realm of Master Yuan Tian.

This talent can be said to shock the past and the present!

The woman on the high platform was the focus of Yuanta's training. She was originally a genius shrouded in a halo, but in front of Yu Ye, her light was completely dimmed, and her pride was shattered.

The two had just had a trial contest.

The woman is completely defeated!

What a total loss!

"Senior Brother Yu!"

"Senior Brother Yu!"

"Senior Brother Yu!"

A small group of young people from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land shouted excitedly below the high platform.

There were obviously not many of them, and they were still on the home court of Yuanta, but their shouts and cheers overwhelmed countless people in Yuanta who did not dare to say a word!


Yuan Tower lost completely!

the younger generation,

The geniuses are all out, but the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land only used one spare job to shatter the pride and confidence of all the young geniuses in Source Tower!

Yu Ye stood on the high platform with his hands behind his back, looking proud, and said: "From the day I came into contact with Origin Technique, I have always heard of the name of Origin Tower.

It is said that Source Tower is the holy land of Source Masters in the entire Eastern Wasteland. It has the most superb Source Arts inheritance, the top Source Arts experts, and the most dazzling Source Arts geniuses.

It can be said that since I was a child, I have been full of infinite yearning for the Source Tower.

However... today's competition shattered all my hopes for Source Tower.

It turns out... Source Tower is nothing more than that, a false name. I competed twelve times in a row, and none of the twelve so-called geniuses in Source Tower can even give me 50% of my strength.


Under the great reputation, they are just a bunch of losers!

That's it?

Are you also qualified to represent the pinnacle of Donghuang’s origin technique? It’s so laughable! "

After Yu Ye said these words, all the people in Source Tower around him became extremely angry.

However, no one could refute him.

Losers have no right to speak at all!

Directly east of the high platform, sit the three Yuantian Masters from the Source Tower and the Yuantian Master Xiao Nan from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land.

Xiao Nan shouted coldly and said: "Yi Ye, don't be so rude. Have you forgotten what my teacher teaches you on weekdays?"

Yuye looked at Xiao Nan: "Of course the disciple has not forgotten the teacher's teachings.

Always keep it in mind, the teacher said, you can’t be proud, you can’t have your eyes above your head, and you can’t be arrogant. Otherwise, you will be like Yuanta, who thinks he is very powerful, but in fact he is just like the moon in the mirror. , vulnerable! "

Xiao Nan nodded and said: "You still remember my teacher's teachings, I am very happy!"

Everyone in Yuanta felt as sick as if a fly had flown into their throats.

Xiao Nan and Yu Ye are so evil here, it's really abominable!

Xiao Nan glanced at the three Yuantian Masters sitting next to him with a smile, and said: "The three of them have always been the leaders in the field of Yuanjutsu in the Eastern Wasteland. They have unique vision, so I want to hear what they think of me as a disciple. evaluation of."

Three people: "..."

Seeing the livid faces of the three of them, Xiao Nan smiled even more proudly and said, "By the way, Ge Chuanxiong left just now, why haven't you come back yet? Is it because he has no shame to stay here? Or... is he physically inconvenient?" "

Yesterday he had a fight with Ge Chuanxiong, and he was sure that Ge Chuanxiong was seriously injured.

Therefore, I am specifically mentioning this to disgust the three Yuantian Masters of Yuantu Tower.

"Fuck your mother's shit, I'll be fine!" At this moment, Ge Chuanxiong's loud shout rang out.

Suddenly, all eyes looked over there.

Ge Chuanxiong and Yun Hao came to the field facing everyone's gaze.

Yu Ye on the high platform stared at Yun Hao.

When he entered Tongtian City yesterday, he

I had seen him before, but I didn’t know Yun Hao’s identity at that time.

But now, he already knows.

This guy is Jian Hongchen, the holy son of the Wanjian Sect who has caused great losses to the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land recently!

Therefore, Yu Ye's eyes flashed with cold light.

"Jian Hongchen, this is where Source Masters compete and learn. You have no right to stand here, get out of here!"

"Get out of here, uncle!" Ge Chuanxiong glared at Yu Ye, and then said: "Jian Hongchen has long been a guest of our Origin Tower. Therefore, in addition to being the Holy Son of Wanjian Sect, he is also the Origin Tower's Source. division!"

Yu Ye's eyes flashed and he looked at his teacher Xiao Nan.

Xiao Nan sneered and said: "Why, you brought him here specifically because you want him to represent your Origin Tower and continue to compete with my disciples?"

Ge Chuanxiong: "I specially called Jian Hongchen to teach you how to behave!"

Xiao Nan sneered and then said: "Yu Ye, if that's the case, then show off your skills again."

"Yes, teacher!" Yuye responded.

He knows one thing very well. The reason why the great sage Ye Wei, who died a few days ago, went to war to put a reward on Jian Hongchen was because of the will of the Holy Lord of the East Wasteland!

Ye Wei failed.

Qin Han, the chief elder of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land, has made no move for the time being.

If...he takes advantage of this opportunity and kills Jian Hongchen, not only will he be able to vent the cowardly anger that Donghuang Holy Land has suffered recently, but he will also be rewarded heavily by the Holy Lord of Donghuang!

"Jian Hongchen, Wen Dou's

It's so boring to talk. Let's have a fight. Do you dare? ! "Yu Ye shouted.

The source master's literary battle is actually to identify the source stone, open the stone, and then determine the outcome based on what is opened.

As for martial arts fighting, just like warrior fighting, only those who have reached the level of the Earth Master are qualified to engage in martial arts, because people under the Earth Master cannot use the power of disaster at all.

The source master's martial arts fight either uses the power of disaster or the power of taboo. Therefore, after a battle is concluded, the winner will be the loser in almost eight out of ten cases. Nine cities will directly lose their lives!

Yuye's current goal was to kill Jian Hongchen, so he directly proposed a fight.

"Whether it's civil or military, it's your choice." Yun Hao said lightly.

Yu Ye laughed and said: "Okay, this is what you said, then I will choose martial arts. I hope you are not too bad. If you die without even being able to catch one of my moves, it will be too boring." ,Hahaha!"

On the high platform, Ge Chuanxiong looked at Yun Hao and whispered: "Be careful!"

Yun Hao nodded.

Ge Chuanxiong left the high platform and returned to his position.

Xiao Nan mocked: "You Yuan Pagoda are really ruthless. You are not willing to send the people you trained to die, and you specially went to drag the saint son of Wanjianmen over to die!"

The four Yuantian Masters of Yuanta didn’t even bother to pay attention to him!

Just wait for the result!

After the winner was decided, Xiao Nan, the old bastard, couldn't help but smile!

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