God Hongtian

Chapter 745 The Will of the Heavenly Palace

Yun Hao took Ge Chuanxiong directly into the secret room.

The dense cracks on Ge Chuanxiong's body were filled with a gray-brown aura. This was a taboo aura that even Ge Chuanxiong, a Yuantian master, could not suppress!

At this time, Ge Chuanxiong was on the verge of being shattered.

Yun Hao immediately used the source technique in the Daoyuan Sutra, and used the power of seals at an extremely fast speed to remove the taboo aura from Ge Chuanxiong's body!

Been busy for nearly an hour.

Only then did the taboo aura on Ge Chuanxiong's body finally completely dissipate.

Ge Chuanxiong, who finally recovered, was still frightened. He looked at Yun Hao with gratitude but shock at the same time.

"Thank you to Holy Son of Hongchen for your help. Holy Son of Hongchen's attainments in Origin Art are actually so advanced. This... is really beyond our expectations!" Ge Chuanxiong said.

At this time, Ge Chuanxiong finally understood. No wonder the tower master Gu Tong handed over the tower master's order to Jian Hongchen.

It turns out that Jian Hongchen is already a Yuantian Master!

Such a young Master Yuan Tian is definitely the first in history!

"I just happen to be good at dealing with this kind of situation. There is still a big gap between me and Ge Tianshi in terms of true source skill level." Yun Hao said calmly.

His understanding of Origin Technique has naturally reached the pinnacle.

But even if his Tao body is perfected, he still can't exert the power of Origin Technique to the level of Ge Chuanxiong.

"By the way, Master Ge, can you tell me about the situation of Master Yuan in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land today?" Yun Hao asked.

His relationship with the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land is destined to be unending.

Now that such a powerful Yuantian Master has appeared on the other side, Yun Hao naturally has to get to know him first so that he can have a good idea and be prepared!

"There are three Yuan Tianshi in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land. The Yuantian Masters in the Eastern Wilderness Holy Land have always wanted to replace our Yuan Tianshi. Before, they had no chance. With the tower master here, they couldn't make any trouble.

But the tower master has not left the ninth floor of the Source Tower for many years, so the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land has obviously guessed something.

Over the years, every once in a while, the Source Masters from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land would go to the Source Tower to compete in the name of learning Source Techniques, in an attempt to first suppress the Source Tower in terms of fame, and then replace it.

This Xiao Nan came here once two years ago. At that time, he was not my opponent.

But his improvement in the past two years has been too great. I fought with him and fell into his hands. With his current strength, I am afraid that our other three old guys from Source Tower cannot compare to him! "

Speaking of this, Ge Chuanxiong was worried.

Obviously they are worried that Xiao Nan's visit to Tongtian City will cause a huge blow to Source Tower's reputation!

"Holy Son of the Red Dust, since the last time I lured a snake out of the cave to kill Ye Wei of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land, Qin Han, the chief elder of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land, replaced Ye Wei.

Although Qin Han is insidious, he is much more cautious than Ye Wei. They probably won't deal with you as blatantly as they did last time, but you can't be careless because of this. You still have to be careful everywhere.

Xiao Nan is here, I have to immediately

Go back to the source tower and tell the three old guys to be prepared, so I have to leave first! "

After Xiao Nan left.

Yun Hao was surrounded by Fatty, Dongfang Xiu, Huang Mao, Peng Guang, and Long Kuang.

Didn't see Royi!

Arimao: "Are you looking for Royi?"

Peng Guang: "Luoyi is gone. Her father took her there for who knows what."

Long Kuang: "Brother Hongchen, are you a little disappointed?"

Wild Cat: "Man, I usually put it in your mouth and you don't eat it, but you don't seem to be interested in it. Now that the cooked duck has flown away, you are starting to get anxious!"

Yun Hao: "..."

The other side.

Somewhere mysterious.

"Dad, why did you bring me here in such a hurry this time?" Roy pouted, looking unhappy.

Luo Qingtian: "Nothing, I just want you to practice hard and become a saint quickly!"

Roy: "Dad, tell me honestly, did something happen?"

Luo Qingtian: "What can happen?"

Roy Yi: "Don't pretend to be stupid. Don't I understand you? I'm sure that you can't solve this matter, so you took me away from Tongtian City... In other words, there will be a group of people in Tongtian City soon. A storm.

That Emperor Yang Tianhua is not enough to make you fearful.

As for the Holy Lords of the four holy places in the Cang Realm, they are even less qualified for you to avoid.

The only thing that can make you make this choice, dad, is that the hypocritical gods in Tiangong have made some moves! "

Luo Qingtian: "Girl..."

Don't wait for Luo

After Qingtian finished speaking, Royi said: "I want to hear the truth!"

Luo Qingtian was silent for a moment and sighed: "You and Jian Hongchen, who have practiced the sword formation inheritance, have attracted the attention of the Heavenly Palace, and the Heavenly Palace has sent down its will to kill you and Jian Hongchen!"

Royi became anxious instantly.

"No, I can't hide alone. I want to take Jian Hongchen with me. Dad, take me back quickly. Let's take Jian Hongchen with us..."

Luo Qingtian shook his head.

Roy drew his sword and held it across his neck.

"Dad, I'll die for you!"

At this moment, Royi looked extremely determined.

Luo Qingtian smiled bitterly and said, "Do you know why the gods of the Tiangong didn't personally kill you and Jian Hongchen?"

Roy: "Why?"

Luo Qingtian: "Because, your father and I ascended to the Heavenly Palace and cut off the path from the Heavenly Palace to the Cang Realm!"

As soon as these words came out, Luo Qingtian burst out with an unparalleled spirit that belonged to the world's number one swordsman. But then, he sighed again and said: "Facts have proved that I am indeed not as good as the Yunxiao Sword Emperor back then... …

The Yunxiao Sword Emperor succeeded in ascending to the Heavenly Palace to slay the gods, but I, after exhausting all my strength, only cut off the path from the Heavenly Palace to the Cang Realm..."


Luo Qingtian's breath suddenly became weak.

Several terrifying and domineering auras of power erupted from his body.

"Girl, it's not that I don't protect Jian Hongchen, it's that I... can't do it now..."

Roy Yi had already put away the sword across her neck. With her eyes red, she supported Luo Qingtian and cried.

: "Dad...I blamed you wrongly..."

A wry smile appeared on Luo Qingtian's face, and he said: "But don't worry, dad went to find Yang Tianhua... He agreed and only asked the Sifang Holy Land to send the younger generation to kill Jian Hongchen... There will definitely be no strong elders taking action. ”

Roy Yi: "Why did Yang Tianhua agree? That man is despicable and shameless..."

Luo Qingtian: "He has to agree even if he doesn't agree. I said, if he dares to break the rules I set, I will kill him first after I recover from the injury!"

Roy Yi: "Dad, Jian Hongchen doesn't know about this news...he can't prepare at all..."

Luo Qingtian: "Silly girl, your father has already made arrangements for me to take you to the ninth floor of the Source Tower before I take you away. The Tower Master of the Source Tower will personally tell Jian Hongchen the news."

He did not tell Yun Hao the news through the people of Wanjianmen.

Because Wanjianmen is no longer qualified to touch things at this level!

"You don't have to worry so much. Jian Hongchen is the descendant of Yunxiao Sword Emperor. This difficulty will not trouble him!"

Roy Yi took a deep breath: "Dad, as long as I become a saint, can I return to Tongtian City to help Jian Hongchen?"

Luo Qingtian: "If you become a saint, I will let you go back!"

Royi looked firm and said: "Okay, within a month, I will become a saint!"


It didn't take long for Ge Chuanxiong to return to Source Tower.

Then another Yuantian Master from Yuanda came to the station of Wanjianmen and found Yun Hao directly.

"Holy Son of the Red Dust, the Tower Master invites you!"

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