God Hongtian

Chapter 645: Selection of the Holy Son, the coming of bloodbath

There is a group of demon rats in the Qingye space.

Some of the demon rats are small, but they have sharp teeth and mouths.

Some of the demon rats are huge like a small hill, emitting a rotten stench.

"Little meow!"

Royyi happily hugged the wild cat in his arms and said, "I said last time that I would prepare a lot of mice for you to eat. I've been a little busy these days, so I've delayed it until now to fulfill my promise to you."

The wild cat lay in Royyi's arms with no desire to live: "This meow doesn't like to eat mice..."

Royyi: "How could it be? You are a cat, and cats catch mice, it's natural! Do you think these demon rats are too low-grade? Then I'll find a way to catch some stronger ones for you to eat.

Don't be polite with me.

Don't you always say that Jian Hongchen treats you badly? He doesn't feed you enough. Don't worry, I will definitely treat you well!"

As he said.

Royyi raised his hand and waved, and a separate area in the Qingye space was carved out to imprison the group of demon rats.

"Little meow, Jian Hongchen and I have something to say. Go catch mice first, play with them while eating them. There are more for you after you finish eating!"

"Meow..." The wild cat looked at Yun Hao, asking for help.

Yun Hao: "Wild cats can enter and exit the small world freely, so you have to add a layer of formation."

Wild cat:? ?

Roy Yi immediately summoned forty-nine flying swords, blocked the area, and threw the wild cat in, saying: "Little meow, play as much as you want!"

After sending the wild cat away.

Roy Yi laughed so hard that her body shook.

Yun Hao: "...Did you do this on purpose?"

Loyyi: "This little cat is not honest. I took it out a few days ago. It saw a very hot female disciple of Wanjianmen and wanted to get into her arms."

Yun Hao nodded: "Well, the wild cat really needs to be punished."

Loyyi: "Like the master, like the little cat."

Yun Hao: "..."

Loyyi got back to business and said: "Jian Hongchen, my good sister told me that you are great. You helped Wanjianmen win the double sword battle and killed Xiao Hong.

Your strength seems to be able to rank among the top disciples of Wanjianmen. Moreover, you are a golden sword disciple and are qualified to compete with the chief disciples of each hall. Fight for the position of the Holy Son.

But... just because you can defeat Xiao Hong doesn't mean you can securely take the position of the Holy Son.

Among them, the chief disciple of the Battle Sword Hall, the chief disciple of the Formation Hall, and the chief disciple of the Flying Sword Hall are all your strong rivals.

In particular, the old man of the Heavenly Sword Sect deliberately exposed your trump card and made public the fact that you have the magical power of teleportation. Once the opponent is on guard, the effect of your teleportation magical power will be greatly reduced.

So, my good sister told me to keep an eye on you and practice the sword formation well to ensure that you can become the Holy Son of Wanjianmen! "

Wanjianmen elected the Holy Son in order to carry out the plan of finding all spies, but Wanjianmen is actually serious about this matter.

They haven't had a Holy Son for a long time.

Now, it's time to establish a Holy Son!

As for who will be the Holy Son? Whether it is the three ancestors of Wanjianmen, the head of the sect Shen Zhongjun, or Luo Yiyi, they all hope that Jian Hongchen can become the Holy Son.

Jian Hongchen's talent is too strong.

Moreover, what Jian Hongchen has done for Wanjianmen is too great.

The most important point is the relationship between Jian Hongchen and Wanjian Space... Jian Hongchen is the successor of that person. If he can become the Holy Son of Wanjianmen, the future of Wanjianmen will surely usher in infinite glory.

For Yun Hao, the position of the Holy Son of Wanjianmen is not important.

But he must participate in the competition for the Holy Son, because Wanjianmen has tied the competition for the Holy Son to the quota for entering the Tongtian Divine Tree for cultivation.

Now, Wanjianmen has two quotas for entering the Tongtian Divine Tree for cultivation. Even if one of the quotas is won by Yun Hao, he still has to participate in the internal competition.

This is a rule that has been continued for a long time within Wanjianmen.

Even if a genius from another hall wins an extra quota, it is the same.

Luo Yi: "Disciple, are you listening to me?"

Yun Hao: "Go on."

Luo Yi: "...Tell me honestly, how many flying swords can your sword formation control now?"

Yun Hao: "Twelve."

Luo Yi: "Really?"


Luo Yi thought for a while and said: "Okay, then I will set a goal for you first. When you can master sixteen flying swords to form a sword formation, you can leave Qingye Space."


"Of course, my words are always counted!"

Yun Hao nodded, and with a thought, sixteen flying swords shot out instantly, whizzing through the air.

Luo Yi: "..."

"Then I'm out."

Luo Yi: "Jian Hongchen, you are cheating, you lied to me!"

Although Luo Yi was very angry, he did not embarrass Yun Hao after all, and opened the Qingye Space to let Yun Hao leave.

The wild cat isolated in the sword formation in the Qingye Space was chased by a group of mice.

"Sister Yiyi... let me out, I don't like these mice, they are so disgusting!"

Depressed Royi looked over and said, "Since you don't like these mice, I will catch some other species for you!"

After saying that, Royi left in an instant.

The wild cat wanted to cry but had no tears.


The Wanjian Sect's decision to choose the Holy Son was officially announced by the leader, Mr. Zhongzhong, the day after the victory in the battle between the two swords.

Suddenly, the entire Wanjian Sect was in uproar.

Wanjianmen has been without a Holy Son for too long, and now, it is finally time to elect a representative who will compete with the geniuses of the Eastern Wasteland in the name of Wanjianmen!

The selection of the Holy Son is absolutely the most important event for the sect.


As long as someone with a slight status in Wanjian Sect has to come back even if they have important tasks to perform outside.

in the following time.

There are always thousands of swords

The doorman returns from outside.

The entire Wanjianmen became much more lively.

There is only one day left before the battle for the Holy Son.

Yunhao met Lord Zhongzhong under the leadership of Feijian Hall Master.

"Jian Hongchen, are you sure?" Lord Zhongzhong asked looking extremely worried.

Yun Hao: "There won't be any surprises."

After receiving such a positive reply, Mr. Zhong's tight heart finally relaxed a little, and then he said: "I received news from three ancestors last night that the three ancestors have successfully become saints.

But they won't come out for the time being, firstly because they want to stabilize their realm, and secondly because they need to hide first to attract more unscrupulous people to show up, and then give the enemy a fatal blow! "


The next day.

The day for Wanjianmen to elect the Holy Son has finally arrived.

On this day, the excitement of Wanjianmen reached an unprecedented level.

Generally speaking, on this day when the Holy Son is elected, as a force with the qualifications to settle in Tongtian City, many people from Tongtian City will inevitably be invited to witness the ceremony.

But Wanjianmen did not invite anyone from Tongtian City, and also rejected all outsiders who wanted to come.


This does not mean that there are no people from outside Wanjian Sect.

The sect-protecting formation of Wanjianmen is now under Yunhao's control. He clearly captured some people who used secret techniques and secret treasures to cover their aura and sneaked into Wanjianmen quietly.

Today's battle for the Holy Son of Wanjian Sect will not only be an internal purge of Wanjian Sect, but it will also be a powerful external suppression of Wanjian Sect!

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