God Hongtian

Chapter 646: Full of gunpowder, the prologue begins

Wanjianmen's martial arts arena was crowded with people and noisy.

This is because Wanjianmen did not invite people from the outside and rejected people from the outside. Otherwise, the scene would have been even more heated.

"Hahaha, our Wanjian Sect will finally have a Holy Son. I hope that the chosen Holy Son can represent our Wanjian Sect, compete with all kinds of geniuses in Tongtian City, and bring countless glory to Wanjian Sect!"

"The position of the Holy Son has been discontinued for too long, resulting in our Wanjian Sect missing many opportunities to show ourselves in Tongtian City!"

"Si Qu from Feijian Hall suffered an injury during his training last time. I wonder if it has healed..."

"Oh, do you take Si Qu's injury seriously? He just deliberately made excuses to avoid the battle, and wanted to use a silent protest to coerce the sect to release his grandfather from the Law Enforcement Peak!"

"Isn't this too disgusting? This kind of person can never become the Holy Son. If he becomes the Holy Son... then it would be better not to have the Holy Son!"

"But Si Qu's strength is indeed strong. He is at the Heart Sword Realm and the third level of the Heavenly Human Realm. These information were all obtained half a year ago. In the past six months, he may have improved again..."

"The only people who can stop Si Qu from being elected as the Holy Son are Hong Xianling, the chief disciple of Zhanjian Hall, or Le Zhijie, the chief disciple of Formation Hall!"

"Indeed, the position of the Holy Son should be one of the three of them."

"I think Jian Hongchen might have some fun too!"

"Jian Hongchen? He is not the chief disciple, he is not even qualified to participate in the competition!


"No, he is qualified. In the last Autumn Hunting Conference, Jian Hongchen was the only one who completed three tasks. Therefore, he is a disciple of the Golden Sword. A disciple of the Golden Sword can compete with the chief disciple for the position of Holy Son!"

"Even if Jian Hongchen is qualified, it will be difficult. The Xiao Hong he killed last time was much worse than Si Qu, Hong Xianling, and Le Zhijie. Moreover, Jian Hongchen mainly relied on teleportation to kill Xiao Hong. He was caught off guard. Now that everyone knows that Jian Hongchen has the power of teleportation, his threat has been greatly reduced!"

"To be honest, if our sect chooses the Holy Son in another year, Jian Hongchen will definitely be the most promising, but as of now, his cultivation level is still a bit behind!"

There were all kinds of comments.

Yun Hao and Yi Shengnan stood together.

Yi Shengnan looked a little excited and said: "Junior brother Hongchen, senior sister, I believe you can do it. The position of the Holy Son is definitely yours!"

Although the rest of the people were not very optimistic, they also cheered.

"come on!"

"Create another miracle!"

"You become the Holy Son, and we at Feijian Hall will benefit from it. We support you!"

Yun Hao smiled faintly and did not answer.

at this time.

One after another, figures flew from a distance and landed on the high platform directly in front of the martial arts field.

The leader, Mr. Zhongzhong, some extremely senior elders, and the heads of various halls.

Lord Zhongzhong nodded towards the elder beside him.

The elder immediately took a step forward and said: "An

quiet! "

The noisy scene suddenly became quiet.

The elder's eyes swept over the crowd and then said: "Today is the grand event for our Wanjian Sect to select the Holy Son, and it is also the competition for the place to enter the cultivation under the Tongtian Divine Tree.

Therefore, in the competition, those who get first and second place will be able to go to Tongtian City, enter under the Tongtian Sacred Tree, and bathe in the light of the avenue to practice for ten days.

The first place in the competition is our Holy Son of Wanjian Sect.

Now, the chief disciple of the Sixth Hall appears! "

The words fell.

The six chief disciples from the Zhanjian Hall, Yujian Hall, Feijian Hall, Formation Hall, Weapon Refining Hall, and Alchemy Hall flew up at the same time and landed on the martial arts field.

Suddenly, a burst of cheers sounded.

Among them, the areas where two groups of people from the Zhanjian Hall and the Formation Hall were located were filled with cheers that shook the sky and were full of momentum.

But originally, Feijiantang Si Qu, who had the greatest hope of becoming the Holy Son, had only a few people cheering for him.

A few days ago, during the battle between the two swords, Si Qu's tactic of avoiding the battle with injuries disgusted many people. Si Qu's attempt to coerce the sect to release his grandfather not only failed, but also made him lose the hearts of the people. It can be said that It's better to steal the chicken than to lose the rice.

Even the cheers from the Sword Control Hall, the Weapon Refining Hall, and the Alchemy Hall, which had little hope in the battle for the Holy Son, were countless times louder than the cheers Si Qu received.

Si Qu, the strongest person, was the most embarrassed person standing in the field.

Si Qu was angry in his heart, but he had no way to vent his anger, so he could only forcefully

Stay calm and pretend nothing is wrong.

After the six chief disciples appeared on the stage, the elder responsible for the announcement spoke again and said: "All Golden Sword disciples, come on stage!"

This year's Wanjian Sect's Autumn Hunting Conference had a big problem due to the appearance of demons, and only one Golden Sword disciple was Yun Hao.

But in the entire Wanjian Sect, Yunhao is not the only Golden Sword disciple. In the past annual Autumn Hunting Conference, the top ten people were all Golden Sword disciples.

However, once the age exceeds thirty, the status of a Golden Sword disciple will be revoked.

"Junior Brother Hongchen, come on!"

Before Yunhao went on the field, Yi Shengnan encouraged him again.

Yun Hao smiled faintly, nodded, and then flew up towards the high platform.

At the same time, there were more than twenty figures around, flying into the field one after another.

"Jian Hongchen!"

"Jian Hongchen!"

"Jian Hongchen!"

After Yun Hao appeared on the stage, the whole audience immediately cheered his name!

The talent he showed, as well as rescuing many people in the Lianduan Mountains and even killing the demon prince, including winning the battle of two swords for Wanjianmen and killing Xiao Hong a few days ago, made him win the respect of everyone!

Although the people in the Zhanjian Hall still support their chief disciple Hong Xianling, and the people in the Formation Hall still support their chief disciple Le Zhijie, among the Golden Sword disciples, everyone supports Jian Hongchen!

A group of Golden Sword disciples in the field looked at Yun Hao, and most of them showed respect.

"Jian Hongchen, I've admired your name for a long time. This is the first time I've met you. I'll ask for it later."

Have a good discussion and discussion! "

"Haha, Jian Hongchen, although I admire you very much, when fighting, I will fight with all my strength!"

"Jian Hongchen, show us your true skills later and let us see it. We are looking forward to it!"

Yun Hao smiled faintly and responded.

The six chief disciples were also staring at Yun Hao, obviously very interested in Yun Hao. Among them, Si Qu's eyes were cold.

Jian Hongchen's name has now become the representative of Feijian Hall, completely surpassing him as the chief disciple. Moreover, the destruction of the great situation that his grandfather Shi Tong worked hard for many years to run in Feijian Hall is closely related to Jian Hongchen!

"Jian Hongchen, I hope you don't disgrace Feijian Hall. It's best to stand out from a group of Golden Sword disciples and enter the second round. I'm waiting for you!" Si Qu said in a cold tone.

Yun Hao looked at Si Qu and said calmly: "Don't worry, as long as I'm here, you can't be the holy son of Wanjian Sect!"

Si Qu snorted coldly and said, "I want to see what you can do to stop me!"

The conversation between the two directly clashed with a strong smell of gunpowder.

at this time.

The elder on the high platform announced again: "Chief disciple of the Sixth Hall, please step aside for the time being. The twenty-three Golden Sword disciples will conduct the first round of competition!"

The six chief disciples each stepped aside.

There were only twenty-three Golden Sword disciples left on the martial arts field.

Everyone around the martial arts arena was holding their breath and concentrating, extremely excited.

The battle for the Holy Son is finally about to officially begin!

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