God Hongtian

Chapter 644: Ye Lin pleases, the wild cat’s fear

Yun Hao killed Xiao Hong, one of the six great swordsmen of the Tianjian Sect, and established Wanjianmen's victory in this year's two-sword battle.

Before this, no one in Wanjianmen was optimistic about him, and everyone already felt that Wanjianmen would definitely lose in this year's battle between the two swords.

Around the martial arts arena, the voices shouting for Jian Hongchen became louder.

The dozen or so disciples of Tianjian Sect were all dejected.

The elder of Tianjian Sect was extremely angry and shouted: "Jian Hongchen, you are so brave!"

Yun Hao said calmly: "He and I have agreed in advance that we will not admit defeat in this battle."

The master of Feijian Hall, Roy Yi, looked at the elder of Tianjian Sect and said calmly: "What? Can't afford to lose? Do you want Xiao Hong to kill my disciple of Feijian Hall? My disciple of Feijian Hall can't kill Xiao Hong? Old man, if If you don’t accept it, go ahead and try it yourself and see how many rounds it takes for my hall master’s flying sword to chop you into pieces!”

The elder of Tianjian Sect felt the faint murderous intention in the eyes of Feijian Hall Master Royi, and remembered the terror of those forty-nine flying swords. He immediately snorted coldly and said: "I met a man who was born with the magical power of teleportation. Genius, we can only blame Xiao Hong for his bad luck. This year’s battle between the two swords, our Tianjian Sect lost, next year we will have the last laugh, let’s go!”

After saying that, the elder of Tianjian Sect immediately flew up.

The dozen or so disciples of Tianjian Sect all followed in despair.

But the words he left behind on purpose made the whole place boil again.

Supernatural power!



These four words set off a storm in everyone's heart.

There are too few people who have magical powers, and the magical power of teleportation is still an extremely powerful category among supernatural powers, possessing very terrifying explosive power in actual combat!


"Senior Brother Si... big things are bad, big things are bad..."

Where Si Qu, the chief disciple of Feijian Hall, was retreating to heal his wounds, a man came in a hurry.

Si Qu appeared in front of the man and said, "How many games has Xiao Hong won?"

Man: "Winning nine games in a row, but..."

Before he could finish speaking, Si Qu said: "There is only one last game left. The battle between the two swords is over. The Wanjian Sect will lose a place to enter the training under the Tongtian Divine Tree. At this time, they should be anxious, hum. Unless they agree to release my grandfather from Law Enforcement Peak and resume his role as the Great Elder of Feijian Hall, I will not go to war!"

After saying that, Si Qu calmly turned around and planned to go back to his room to continue pretending to heal his wounds and retreat.

"Senior Brother Si..."

Si Qu frowned and said, "Is there anything else?"

Man: "Our plan failed. Xiao Hong won nine games in a row. Then Jian Hongchen came to the martial arts arena, chopped off Xiao Hong's head with one sword, and crushed Xiao Hong's soul with one kick..."

Si Qu turned around suddenly, his facial muscles trembling, looking unbelievable.

Man: "Jian Hongchen seems to have the magical power of teleportation..."

A cold light flashed in Si Qu's eyes,

He took a few deep breaths, then turned around and returned to the house.


The other side.

Yun Hao returned to his residence, and another person followed him.

It’s Ye Lin!

"Brother Hongchen, you are awesome."

Even though Yun Hao kept ignoring her, she kept shouting "Brother Hongchen".

After entering the courtyard.

Yun Hao's tone became lower and he said: "If your exposure affects me, don't blame me for being rude!"

Ye Lin's expression tightened and she said: "Brother Hongchen, don't worry. I know it well. I've hidden it well. There's no way Wanjianmen will find me."

Little did I know.

Now, the master of Feijian Hall, Roy Yi, the head of the Hall, Zhong Zhongjun, and the three ancestors of Wanjian Sect, all know her true identity.

Yun Hao: "The power of the seal is not impeccable. The reason why I don't contact you is because I am worried that if the power of the seal is exposed, I will be uprooted by Wanjianmen!"

Ye Lin chuckled: "Brother Hongchen has considered it, and I have also considered it, so I have canceled all the contracts of a group of real core members."

Yun Hao frowned slightly.

"Brother Hongchen, what else do you have to worry about?"

Yun Hao: "Without the constraints of the contract seal, are you not afraid of their betrayal?"

Ye Lin: "Brother Hongchen, don't worry about this, I have a solution."

"any solution?"

Ye Lin: "This is my secret, Hongchen

Brother, don’t ask. By the way, Brother Hongchen, what are your next plans?

I seem to have heard someone say that Wanjian Sect is planning to establish a Holy Son. Brother Hongchen, do you want to take over the position of Holy Son from Wanjian Sect for fun?

Last time, Pu Jian and his group sneaked into the Ten Thousand Swords Space, but their operation failed. Brother Hongchen, you also entered the Ten Thousand Swords Space. Do you know how Pu Jian and the others failed? "

The last question is obviously what Ye Lin wants to know most today!

She talked a lot in roundabout ways, just to raise the last question.

Yun Hao snorted coldly: "I will naturally get the position of the Holy Son of Wanjian Sect. As for that idiot Pu Jian, he is too arrogant and underestimates the power of the Emperor's Sword. He failed to take the sword, but was defeated by the Emperor. The sword backfires, and you deserve to die. Anyone who can think of a way to let Pu Jian steal the emperor's sword is just a loser!"

After saying that, Yun Hao glanced at Ye Lin: "That group of people won't be with you, right?"

Ye Lin: "...They are indeed too impulsive."

Yunhao didn't ask Ye Lin for the list of those secret agents. Doing so would only expose himself.

After all, his current persona on Ye Lin's side is that of a super genius with a very high status in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land. If you want a list of such a person, you can get it from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land at any time.

Anyway, the news about Wanjianmen’s election of the Holy Son has begun to spread, and it will soon be

It is enough to find out all the people in the sea of ​​​​consciousness who have the seal of the Holy Land of the East Wasteland. As for the group of spies of the Holy Land of the East Wasteland whose seals were wiped out by Ye Lin, Yun Hao will have his own way to deal with them when the time comes.

At this time.


The wild cat, who was napping in a shady corner of the yard, opened his eyes and stared at Ye Lin.

Ye Lin's eyes lit up and she said, "What a cute kitten."

With that said, he stepped forward and wanted to hug the wild cat.

The wild cat immediately avoided it.

"I don't like women who are not big-hearted. If you hug me, my ribs will ache, which will make me uncomfortable." Huang Mao ruthlessly mocked.

Ye Lin: "..."

Yun Hao: "Go back first. Unless I contact you in the future, don't take the initiative to show up next to me again. I don't want my plans to be disrupted by you!"

Ye Lin: "...Brother Hongchen, I'm leaving then."

Huang Mao: "Hurry up and go. Seeing you makes me feel jealous. How can there be such a frank woman in this world!"

Ye Lin suffered a critical injury in her heart and left with a lot of depression.

Suddenly, a green leaf appeared in the corner of the yard.

Huangmao trembled all over and said hurriedly: "Yunhao, tell your teacher that I'm not here..."

After saying that, the wild cat slipped away.

But it didn't work.

Qingye created a space ripple, directly bringing Yunhao and Huangmao into Qingye's space.

As soon as he entered the Qingye space, Yunhao immediately knew why the wild cat was so scared...

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