God Hongtian

Chapter 415 Human race, undefeated


Terrifying explosions and roars continued.

Zhang Tao, the master of the Guangming Hall of the Martial Palace, used his seventh-level cultivation of the Dharma Realm to activate the Sword Mountain Purgatory to fight against the four great demon generals of the Dharma Realm!

The battle lasted for nearly half an hour!

No matter how strong Zhang Tao is, he will eventually run out of strength.

His Sword Mountain Purgatory Dharma was about to collapse under the violent bombardment of the four demon generals.

"Try harder, Zhang Tao is at the end of his strength, he won't be able to hold on much longer!"

"Kill him and eat him, it will definitely help!"

"Zhang Tao, you are dead!"


The four great demon generals in the Dharma Realm of the Demon Clan roared angrily and each unleashed their ultimate attack and killing moves.

"Boom boom boom!"

Zhang Tao held up the sword mountain purgatory method to resist.

Daoshan Purgatory received four terrifying killing moves and exploded into pieces.

The four powerful demons all laughed ferociously and attacked Zhang Tao crazily, intending to cut Zhang Tao into eight pieces and eat them!

"Hall Master!"

"Hall Master!"

"Hall Master!"

Countless roars sounded.

The surrounding demon-suppressing guards roared with all their strength.

They want to help Zhang Tao.

But there was nothing they could do to help.

They couldn't bear the aftermath of the battle in the Dharma Realm. They couldn't even get close to Zhang Tao!


They themselves were caught in a life-and-death battle and were in an extremely difficult situation.


The attack and killing methods of the four demon generals of Dharma Realm were about to fall on Zhang Tao.



At the top of the magic castle, a ball of terrifying magic light gathered, and then, this ball of magic light fell from the sky.

The four major demon clans were even more excited.

It seems that His Highness Sato finally solved the trouble in the magic castle and began to activate the power of the large formation to help them kill Zhang Tao.

Zhang Tao felt heavy in his heart.

He is not afraid of death.

But he was unwilling to do so.

There are still many things that I want to do that have not been done.

for example……

Completely expel the demons from this world, restore peace to the world, and make the human race healthy!

"Why should I be afraid of death? Even if I die, I, Zhang Tao, will fight until the last moment!"

Zhang Tao roared angrily and his long hair danced wildly. At this moment, he still showed no signs of timidity.

It’s just death!

His breath of life is like a burning fire. Before he dies, he will fully bloom the light and heat of life!

The next moment.


The terrifying magic light that fell from the sky was beyond everyone's expectations, and it was also beyond the expectations of all the demons.

The magic light actually hit a great demon general in the Dharma Realm!

Immediately afterwards.

A figure shot out from the top of the magic castle and stood high in the sky.

The blazing rays of energy and blood illuminate the sky.

In the light.

A figure appeared in the sight of all humans and demons.

It’s Yun Hao!

He looked down at the audience and shouted: "I, Yun Hao, are here, the human race, undefeated!"

The loud voice resounded between heaven and earth, suppressing the roar of the entire battlefield!

this moment.

In the hearts of all the Martial Palace Suppressing Demon Guards, there was an extremely boiling blood!

Yun Hao... Yun Hao has taken control of the demon clan's demon formation!

All the demons were confused and felt it was unbelievable and unbelievable!


There was a loud shout.

Just now, Zhang Tao, who was ready to fight with all his strength, struck the great Demon General of the Demonic Dharma Realm who was hit by the power of the magic array with one knife, killing him with great force!

"The human race is undefeated!"

Zhang Tao roared, and turned to kill another great demon general of the Dharma Realm who was still in a dazed state!

"The human race is undefeated!"

Qu Feng, one of the top ten demon-suppressing envoys in the Martial Palace, also roared, boiling with power, and slashed the demons he faced with his sword.

Strong enemy!

"The human race is undefeated!"

Xiao Ye, the Demon Suppressor of the Lone Blade Team, swung his fists and made fist marks all over the sky.

"The human race is undefeated!"

Fang Yu, the deputy master from the Crazy Knife Hall, roared in his throat, and his sword became more ferocious.

"The human race is undefeated!"

"The human race is undefeated!"

"The human race is undefeated!"

Loud shouts resounded in the battlefield.

All the warriors in the Martial Palace were greatly encouraged. Moreover, the magic source no longer blessed the demons, and the magic array became a force that suppressed the demons!

With Yun Hao's appearance, the entire battle situation was completely reversed in an instant!

In the magic castle.

Demon General Xi Da, who was in the Dharma Realm, punched Tian Bugui until his chest exploded.


Tian Bugui's body finally collapsed.

The Great Demon General Xi looked ferocious and his heart was palpitating!

Tian Bugui, who had initially understood the true meaning of the Dharma, had not yet truly condensed the Dharma, but he persisted for nearly a hundred rounds under his attack!

At this point in the battle, he could no longer imagine what kind of will it was that could sustain Tian Bugui.


Tian Bugui finally fell!

"You... deserve to die!" Demon General West roared angrily.

But at this moment, the voice of the human race's invincibility from Yun Hao rang throughout the entire magic castle.

Demon General Xi looked startled.

Immediately afterwards, he discovered that the power of the magic array in the entire magic castle was activated... suppressing his aura!

Demon General Xi Da immediately realized that perhaps something happened to Sato, the descendant of the Demon King... and he was killed by the young human boy Yun Hao who climbed to the 18th floor of the Demon Castle...

Just think of this.

Demon General Xi Da inevitably felt a deep sense of uneasiness in his heart.

The situation is out of control!

Now, he just wants to kill Tian Bugui quickly, and then immediately evacuate and escape from Qingyuan City.

Can get up at this time


Tian Bugui, who fell to the ground, actually stood up again.

His body was already in disrepair.

His sword was also broken in half.

His blood is almost drained, his breath is almost exhausted, and his energy is almost exhausted.

But there was always a ray of light in his eyes, a light that seemed to never go out no matter what!

Tian Bugui raised his arm with exposed bones and the broken heavy sword. He looked at Demon General Xi Da opposite him and said: "Human race, undefeated!"

The sound is sonorous and soul-stirring.

After the words fell, Tian Bugui rushed out, took the initiative to attack, swept across with the broken sword, and poured all his strength, all his persistence, and all his faith into this sword!

A glimmer of light bloomed in the broken sword.

In the blink of an eye, it was like a young sapling growing into a towering tree!

The dim light turned into a big sun.

The sun is brilliant, dispelling all darkness and illuminating the world!

this moment.

The true meaning of Tian Bugui's Dharma has finally undergone a qualitative change. He has condensed the true Dharma, the bright sun!


The blade of the broken sword had already cracked numerous holes.

Just like Tian Bugui's body.

But this sword is as indestructible as Tian Bugui's will!

The broken sword, carrying the bright sun, cut through the defense of Demon General Xi Da, tore his body apart, and completely destroyed the dark demonic energy in his body!


Wudian command camp.


Qin Yaksha, the deputy head of Feiying Hall, rushed to Yan Quan, Ouyang Zhao, and Liu Qing in person.

"Deputy Hall Master, Hall Master Ouyang, Hall Master Liu, I discovered that Guangming Hall Zhang Tao led more than 800 people to storm the base camp established by the demon clan in Qingyuan City."

As soon as these words came out.

The expressions of all three of them changed.

Ouyang Zhao snorted coldly

He said in a loud voice: "Zhang Tao is simply crazy. He is going to die and dragging a group of people to accompany him to die. I think he did it on purpose. He had proposed to attack Qingyuan City before, but we didn't agree. He What he is doing now is to force us to send reinforcements and complete his plan to storm Qingyuan City!"

Liu Qing also nodded and said: "The power of the demons in Qingyuan City is extremely powerful, no different from the dragon's pond and the tiger's den. If Zhang Tao goes away, he may never come back. No matter how hard he dies in Qingyuan City, we can Save yourself some trouble!”

Yan Quan pondered for a moment, and then said: "Send the order to recall all the demon-suppressing guards in the Martial Palace and gather here!"

"Deputy Palace Master, do you want to reinforce Zhang Tao?" Liu Qing asked immediately, with a confused look on his face.

Ouyang Zhao: "Deputy Hall Master, we must not let Zhang Tao lead us and let him die in Qingyuan City. For us, this is a good thing!"

Yan Quan sneered and said: "Of course I don't want to reinforce him. I called all the demon-suppressing guards back. Everyone is under our noses, and no one can act without authorization to go to reinforce him.

When the time comes, Zhang Tao dies in Qingyuan City, it will be his decision to die without permission.

We have no reinforcements, so we call everyone back and say that we have found the location of the Demon Cave, and take them to attack the Demon Cave. When we cannot find the Demon Cave, we can just say that the information is wrong. In this case, no one can blame us for not having it. Reinforce Zhang Tao! "

As soon as these words came out.

Ouyang Zhao: "The deputy palace master's move is wonderful. Not only will Zhang Tao be eliminated, but we will also not be blamed!"

Liu Qing smiled and said: "As expected of the deputy palace master, he is far-sighted!"

Qin Yaksha also followed suit: "The deputy palace master is far-sighted and his subordinates admire him very much!"

Yan Quan was in a good mood and said: "Okay, you guys, hurry up and call them back. If you don't obey the order, you can figure it out!"

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