God Hongtian

Chapter 416: Alone in the Devil's Cave

Inside Qingyuan City.

The war continues.

Because Yun Hao controlled the magic formation, the situation was completely reversed, but this battle would inevitably not end in a short time.

The various forces of the demon clan scattered abroad continued to return to join the war.

And the power of Wudian Demon Suppressing Corps is also coming in a steady stream.

This fighting, which lasted for more than half a month, has now become a tough battle with Qingyuan City as the core!

Guangming Hall's Hall Zhang Tao, with the cooperation of Yun Hao's magic array, powerfully killed two great demon generals in the demon realm. There were two other great demon generals who, seeing that the situation was not right, chose to retreat temporarily. .

Zhang Tao did not pursue again.

Even though he wanted to fight again, his body couldn't bear it anymore.

Previously, in order to buy time for Yun Hao in the magic castle, he fought one against four and paid a huge price. He had already risked his life. If Yun Hao had not taken action with the magic array in time, now, I am afraid that in this world, There will be no more Zhang Tao!

Yun Hao did not continue to use the magic formation to fight with the two temporarily retreating demons. He flashed and flew in front of Zhang Tao.

"Hall Master Zhang!"

Zhang Tao, who was covered in blood, looked at Yun Hao, his eyes filled with relief and excitement.

Without knowing Yun Hao's specific purpose, he was actually gambling.

Now it's proven that he was right!

Yun Hao: "Hall Master Zhang, I have to go."

He didn't drag his feet, he directly

He got straight to the point and said: "I have a way to find the entrance to the Demon Cave. The Demon Clan is in the Demon Cave. They want to bring back to the world a Death Demon Emperor who can rank among the top ten in the history of the Demon Clan. There is no time to waste!"

Zhang Tao was shocked, and then said: "Okay, I will go to the Demon Cave with you now!"

Yun Hao shook his head, his eyes swept around, and said: "This battlefield still needs you, Hall Master Zhang, to be in charge, we can't do without you here.

Hall Master Zhang, this token belongs to Sato, the descendant of the Demon King.

With this token, you can open the magic array that blocks the magic cave.

You collect the token first.

When the situation here is settled, ask Xia Xuan to take you to find me, and then wait for my news before taking action! "

He can rely on that part of the magic source light group to find the entrance to the devil's cave that is constantly changing its position.

And Xia Xuan can find Yun Hao by relying on the yin and yang connection with Yun Hao!

There must be many dangers in the devil's cave.

Yun Hao first entered the devil's cave alone. It seemed dangerous, but in fact it was safer.

Now, the top priority is not to lead people into the devil's cave.

But first prevent the Death Demon Emperor's spiritual will from escaping from the bronze box!

If there are too many people entering the Demon Cave together, it will only alert the enemy.

Yunhao goes in first alone and can wait for the opportunity.

The reason why Sato gave Zhang Tao the token that could open the magic array at the entrance of the Demon Cave was because Yun Hao had another token in his hand.

He compared it.

In the breeze

The token obtained by Satsuma, the descendant of the demon king whom the dynasty killed, was exactly the same as Satto's token, and both were keys that could open the magic circle.

Zhang Tao: "I really can't worry about you going deep into the devil's cave alone..."

Yun Hao shook his head and said: "Hall Master Zhang, the situation is urgent and there is no room for further discussion. I will take the first step!"


Xia Xuan also flew over.

She also killed many demons in the battle and was stained with blood.

But no matter how dangerous it was before, when she saw Yun Hao coming out of the magic castle, she felt that the sky was finally bright.

But as soon as she flew over, she heard Yun Hao say that he wanted to take the first step, and her heart tightened again.

Yun Hao looked at Xia Xuan and said: "You stay here with Hall Master Zhang first, and after the fighting here subsides, you take Hall Master Zhang and the others to find the entrance to the devil's cave through my induction and yours.

I can sense your approach.

When I need you to break into the Demon's Cave, I will cut off the connection between you and me. In other words, after our connection is blocked, this will be my chance for you to break into the Demon's Cave! "

Although Xia Xuan was extremely nervous and worried.

But she could also distinguish the importance, and then nodded heavily: "Master, then you... must be extremely careful!"

Yun Hao looked at Zhang Tao and said, "Hall Master Zhang, I'll leave this to you first!"

Say it.

Yun Hao took one step forward and flew away.

Zhang Tao looked at Yun Hao's disappearing figure

, took a deep breath, and suddenly felt emotion in his heart, saying: "The human race should be very lucky to have such a son!"


Yun Hao, who left Qingyuan City, held the magic source light group in his hand, and there was no need for him to do anything. There was a mutual attraction between the magic source light group and the magic source in the devil's cave, which could point him in the direction.

After one day.

Yun Hao finally locked the location of the entrance to the Demon Cave!

In front of him was a clear, rippling lake.

The water ripples are, in fact, space ripples caused by the twisting movement of space.

A very special space teleportation formation is integrated into this lake.

The location of the Demon Cave has always been fixed.

But the entrance to the Demon Cave is a moving space teleportation array.

Now, the entrance to the space teleportation array is in this lake, but after a while, it will disappear and appear in another place.

This method is extremely clever!

It is precisely for this reason.

Even though Zhang Tao and the others had long noticed signs of the Demon Clan's resurgence, they had been unable to find where the Demon Clan was.

Yun Hao naturally has a way to break this formation.

But there is no need.

With a thought, he took out another key that could open the entrance to the devil's cave!

In the Qingfeng Dynasty, the token obtained by killing Sato, the descendant of the Demon King, appeared in Yun Hao's hand, and Yun Hao threw the token into the lake in front of him.

The moment the token falls into the lake.

The ripples on the lake surface actually

Disappeared instantly.

Immediately afterwards, the space twisted and turned into a space passage.

Yun Hao did not hesitate at all, and entered the passage in a flash.

Go through the space channel.

It’s time to officially enter the Demon Cave.

The mass of demonic energy in Yunhao's hand suddenly dispersed, and the energy in it enveloped his whole body, turning into wisps of black demonic lines, clinging to the surface of his skin. It looked no different from ordinary demons. Something different.

Of course, this kind of disguise cannot be concealed at all if you encounter a demon in the Dharma Realm, and you will be easily noticed.

But Yun Hao didn't need to hide from the perception and detection of the demons in the Dharma Realm. He just needed an identity disguise to successfully enter the demon cave without causing any disturbance.

Judging from the current situation, the demon clan has sent a large army outside, and the number of Dharma Realm great demon generals in the demon cave is definitely not large, and it is impossible to have the luxury of letting Dharma Realm great demon generals guard the entrance of the demon cave!


Yunhao successfully passed through the passage and entered the devil's cave.

The dim space was filled with omnipresent evil energy, and a black thing like the sun hung in the sky.

That is the real source of demons that provides power to the demons!

The demon source of Sato, the descendant of the Demon King, is a small part separated from this black sun.

Almost as soon as Yun Hao walked out of the passage, a group of demons immediately burst in and stood in front of him!

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