God Hongtian

Chapter 414: Full explanation

The middle-level earth-level magic array bursts out with tyrannical power. This is a trump card that can fight against the strong ones in the Dharma Realm.

The cautious descendant of the Demon King, Sato, was unwilling to confront Yun Hao head-on, even if he thought he could crush Yun Hao who appeared in front of him, just to be sure!

There is only one life.

Stay steady and don’t wave!

After the magic formation was formed and the power was activated, Sato, who was feeling restless, suddenly felt a sense of security.

"Hahaha, boy, how do you want to die, I will make it happen for you!" Sato laughed.

There was a hint of contempt and disdain on the corner of Yun Hao's mouth, and he said: "How you want to die is not up to you!"

Sato raised his brows, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and shouted angrily: "What a loud tone, then let me see how much you weigh!"

While roaring, Sato formed seals with his hands, injecting power into that part of the demon source light group.

The magic source light group is the core of this earth-level middle-level formation. Sato can only control this earth-level middle-level magic array by relying on the magic source light group.


The magic source light group vibrated.

Immediately afterwards, the entire earth-level middle-grade magic array erupted with ferocious power, rushing towards Yun Hao from all directions, intending to crush Yun Hao to death.

Yunhao's expression remained unchanged.

In an instant, endless golden light swept out from his sea of ​​consciousness.

Densely packed golden spirit patterns manifested themselves in the golden light, falling and scattering like raindrops.

Every ray of golden spirit pattern falling into the magic formation was like a sword, cutting off the foundation of the magic formation.

Countless golden spirit patterns are countless sharp swords, cutting off the foundations of the magic array!

The killing move erupted from the magic array had not yet landed on Yun Hao, but the power contained in it had already been annihilated.

If, instead, I become an earth-level mid-level formation

The mage came to control this magic formation, and Yun Hao had almost no chance of breaking it.

Even if he is a low-level formation mage, Yun Hao will definitely go through a fierce battle when controlling a low-level magic formation.

But Sato's understanding of the battle method was too rough.

He can only control this earth-level middle-level magic array through the magic source light group. His power is only related to the magic source light group and has no direct connection with the magic array at all.

This leads to the fact that Sato is not a whole with this earth-level middle-grade magic array, but is disconnected!


As long as you can understand the operating rules of this magic array, breaking it is not difficult!

Of course, only Yunhao can do this.

If it were anyone else, even a mid-level formation master, it would be impossible for him to see through the operating rules of this magic formation in a short while.

Sato, the descendant of the Demon King, noticed something was wrong and his pupils tightened.

The change in this scene was beyond his expectation.

Just when he was about to control the magic source light group again and reintegrate the power of the magic array.

"Break it for me!"

A loud shout came from Yun Hao's mouth.

I saw him take one step forward.

Countless golden spirit patterns spread quickly from where his feet landed.


This mid-level magic array exploded suddenly, erupting with a deafening roar, and the entire space of the eighteenth-level magic castle was shaking violently.

The magic array was forcibly broken by Yunhao, and the magic source light group as the core of the magic array also burst out with a terrifying force.

Sato, who was standing next to the magic source light group and using seals with his hands to input power towards the magic source light group, was immediately hit by the force and flew backwards.


Sator was screaming.

His hands were blown up

Flesh and blood, broken bones.

The skin, flesh and bones in his chest were also exploded, exposing his internal organs.

In this fierce storm.

Yun Hao stepped on the thunder, carrying the fierce sword energy, tearing apart the storm. He grabbed the magic source light group in his palm with one hand, and then tapped his toes lightly on the ground. His body and the sword merged into one, and he fired Sato flew backwards.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him!


The sword slashed.

Yin and Yang surge, and the universe is overturned.

Sato, who was seriously injured by the explosion and flew backwards, roared and sprayed a magic light from his mouth.


The two forces collided in the air, setting off another storm, and Sato's figure retreated again!

He wanted to distance himself, buy some time, reunite the damaged muscles, bones, flesh and blood, and regain his fighting strength.

But Yun Hao didn't give Sato a chance at all. In the storm caused by the collision of forces, Yun Hao directly transformed into a hundred-foot true dragon. With the vast and unparalleled pressure of the supreme creature, he crushed the storm, followed by a divine dragon flicking its tail, Slap on Sato's body.


A large cloud of blood mist exploded from Sato's body, and his body parts flew everywhere.

The Baizhang True Dragon suddenly opened his mouth.

The Su Xin Sword shot out from the dragon's mouth.

In addition to the powerful divine dragon aura and sharp sword energy, the sword also condenses rich death energy!


The sharp sword chased the flying Sarto.


The sharp blade pierced through Sato's head, and then nailed Sato to a pillar!

Yun Hao dissipated his true dragon form, stepped in the air, and floated in front of Sato.

At this time, Sato was extremely miserable. His body was extremely damaged and riddled with holes. His breath of life was eroded by the energy of death, and his spiritual will was also destroyed by the Supreme Being.

The dragon's pressure crushed the living beings!

Yun Hao raised his hand and grabbed it, pulling out Sato's illusory soul from the sea of ​​consciousness.

The power of the fire spirit exploded in Yunhao's palm, burning Sato's soul.

Sato's soul body let out an extremely sad howl, heartbreaking, like killing a pig.

Burned by the terrifying flames, it didn't take long for Sato's soul to become extremely weak.

Yun Hao snorted coldly, and his mental pressure exploded, suppressing Sato's weak soul, and shouted: "Tell me everything about the Death Demon Emperor truthfully!"

At this time, Sato's soul had completely lost its resistance and was in a state of confusion. Even the instinct to struggle was gone.

"In the battle when Wu Dian invaded the Demon Cave, my father was involved in the turbulence of the void... The Demon Cave was breached, and we, the Demon Clan, suffered heavy casualties.

But not long after, my father rushed out of the void turbulence alive.

Father, he accidentally picked up a tattered bronze box in the turbulence of the void. Inside the bronze box, the spiritual will of the Death Demon Emperor was sealed!

It was the spirit and will of the Death Demon Emperor that protected my father's life.

The Death Demon Emperor's spiritual will could not completely break through the seal of the bronze box. He passed on a set of magic arrays for arranging death points to his father, asking his father to collect death energy and condense death beads.

After decades.

The spiritual will of the Death Demon Emperor is not far away from completely breaking through the seal of the bronze box.

And the power of our demon race has been restored quickly due to the opportunity given by the Death Demon Emperor.

The Death Demon Emperor needed the last batch of Death Beads to escape completely, so my father launched this large-scale war..."

Yun Hao's eyes flickered.

The approximate process shows

However, it was the same as he expected.

The bronze box was the treasure that he used to seal the spirit and will of the Death Demon Emperor. He obtained it from the ruins of an ancient battlefield. When he obtained it, it was already broken, but even if it was broken, it could still rank among the best in the heavenly realm.

It is conceivable that if the bronze box is not damaged, it must be a supreme treasure that has surpassed the heaven level and reached another level!

"Besides you, which demon clan knows about the revival of the spirit and will of the Death Demon Emperor?" Demon clans are all over the Cang Realm, and the demon clan here in the ancient country of Daxia is just the tip of the iceberg.

Sato's weak soul: "The news has always been sealed. Originally, only my father and I knew about it. It was only after the war started that it spread completely.

Before that, the Death Demon Emperor asked my father and I not to reveal anything, because the Death Demon Emperor was worried that his resurrection would not only attract the strongest humans to stop him, but also the strongest demons would come to covet his power... …

When the war starts, there is no need to worry. As long as the Death Demon Emperor's spiritual will can fully escape the predicament, the Death Demon Emperor will not be afraid of any powerful enemy! "

When asked, Yun Hao's palms clenched tightly.


The fire spirit in the palm instantly burned Sator's weak soul into nothingness!

He got the magic source light group, and he could use it to find the entrance to the devil's cave, which was constantly changing its position.

But we can’t leave yet!

In the magic castle, Tian Bugui and the others were still working hard.

In Qingyuan City outside the Demon Castle, Zhang Tao led the Demon Suppressing Guards, and they were still fighting against the Demons!

What Yunhao has to do now is to control the layout of the magic castle.

As long as the Demonic Castle is under his control, the Demonic Formation covering the entire Qingyuan City will fall into his hands. In this way, he can completely turn the tide and reverse the situation of the war!

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