God Hongtian

Chapter 372: Injury upon injury

Wudian, the residence of Zhang Tao, the hall of Guangmingtang.

Yun Hao stood in front of Zhang Tao.

As soon as he came back, he found Zhang Tao. Zhang Tao did not discuss matters directly in the main hall of Guangming Hall this time, but brought Yun Hao to his residence.

When Zhang Tao learned about Yun Hao's trip to Hongyang County and his experience of being hunted down by a large number of killers from the Nether Blood Palace in the Wraith Valley, he immediately became furious.

"What a great Nether Blood Palace. They dispatched two gold medal killers, more than a dozen silver medal killers, and hundreds of elites... I, Zhang Tao, have taken note of this account!"

This sentence was said through gritted teeth. Then, he took a deep breath and looked at Yun Hao.

"I should have guessed that my opponent has discovered my previous trips to the Valley of Wraiths. This time, Hongyang County, where you went on a mission, is very close to the Valley of Wraiths... Apparently it was because of this that my opponents noticed it. Clues.

It was my lack of consideration that put you in danger! "

Zhang Tao apologized to Yun Hao and said: "The opponent is cunning and secretly hired killers from the Nether Blood Palace to come forward. They have not exposed any traces, but you can rest assured that these accounts will be settled with them!"

Yun Hao did not continue this topic, but said: "In the Valley of Resentful Spirits, no traces of Wusheng Sword Dao left by the Palace Master were found, but the Palace Master did go to the Valley of Resentful Spirits. Found this in a cave."

With that said, he took out the token, which looked like gold and jade without any words or patterns, and handed it to Zhang Tao.

Sure enough, as Yun Hao guessed, the moment Zhang Tao saw the token, his expression changed obviously.

Zhang Tao did not hide anything from Yun Hao and said: "This is the token among the gold and jade. This man is a strange man from the ancient country of Daxia. He is said to know everything, but it is extremely difficult to get him to help, and this man can come and go without warning." No one could find him.

The palace master once took me to meet Jin Yuzhong once.

Jin Yuzhong owed the palace master a favor, so he gave the palace master such a token. With this token, he can find Jin Yuzhong. Since the palace master left the token in the Valley of Resentful Spirits, he must have guessed that I can find it. Go to the Valley of Resentful Spirits.

And only I know about this token. Even if I don't find it and the token falls into the hands of others, others will not get any information.


Come on, the clue left by the Hall Master is for me to find Jin Yuzhong. Jin Yuzhong must know the secret behind the disappearance of the Hall Master! "

Zhang Tao relied on this token to deduce a lot of information. Then he looked at Yun Hao with some doubts and said: "The master of the palace did not leave any traces of Wusheng Swordsmanship in the Valley of Resentful Spirits. How did you do it?" Found that cave?

Also, how did you determine that this token was left by the palace master? "

Yun Hao didn't intend to hide it, so he told what happened in the Valley of Resentful Spirits about Xia Xuntian and the group of thousand-year-old resentful spirits.

As for Xia Xuan being the Xia Emperor from a thousand years ago, Yun Hao didn't say anything.

After listening.

Zhang Tao's face was full of shock and disbelief.

He had been to the Valley of Resentful Spirits several times to look for clues about the missing palace master, but he never discovered that there was actually a Xia Xuntian hidden in the Valley of Resentful Spirits who used the thousand-year-old resentful spirits to sacrifice the Red Cang Sword.

But he knew that Xia Xuntian was at the second level of Dharma Realm. He was ruthless and good at fighting. Such a person was at the top of the pyramid in the entire ancient country of Daxia.


Such a powerful guy was killed by Yun Hao!

Although Yun Hao said that he used the obsession of a large number of thousand-year-old resentful spirits in the Red Cang Sword to kill Xia Xuntian, this simple sentence contained two extremely incredible facts.

First of all, Yun Hao can use the Chicang Sword, the divine weapon of the ancient country of Daxia.

Secondly, the obsession to use such a large number of thousand-year-old resentful spirits means that Yun Hao's mental tenacity has reached an unimaginable level.

As the leader of Guangming Hall, Zhang Tao single-handedly fought against the deputy hall leader Yan Quan, the leader of Feiying Hall Ouyang Zhao, and the leader of Crazy Knife Hall Liu Qing in the three years after the disappearance of the hall leader. , his mind is extremely powerful and he can deduce a large amount of information from many small details.

Actually, Zhang Tao still had something to ask about, and that was about the ancient country of Daxia's legendary weapon, the Red Cang Sword.

But he thought about it and stopped asking.

The Red Cang Sword must be in Yun Hao's hands.

But it has nothing to do with him.

Zhang Tao: "Xia Xuntian is a powerful Dharma Realm member of the royal family of the ancient Kingdom of Great Xia, and he is Xia Xundao's younger brother. His death, including the loss of the Red Cang Sword, will inevitably set off a terrifying storm.

But you don’t have to worry too much, Wu Dian Guangming

This environment is not a place where the power of the ancient imperial court of Great Xia can come in and run wild, not even if Xia Xundao comes in person!

Moreover, although the storm caused by this incident would be very terrifying, the impact would not be too great, because Xia Xundao did not dare to let others know about the loss of the Red Cang Sword. He could only let people investigate secretly.

In addition, according to what you said, Xiao Ye's coma was caused by the sword spirit of the Red Cang Sword being injected into his soul, and then you forcibly stripped the sword spirit out.

This kind of soul injury is extremely difficult, but fortunately, here in Wudian Guangming Realm, there is a special elixir for treating soul injuries. I will try to buy one, which should make him wake up. "

Yun Hao's eyes flashed and he said: "Master, you need elixirs, do you have to buy them?"

Zhang Tao: "..."

He glanced at Yun Hao meaningfully and said, "Didn't you read the information that Xiao Ye took you to collect?"

Yun Hao: "...I really don't have time to take a closer look."

Zhang Tao: "Martial Hall's Bright Realm is very large. As you can see, there are not only people from the Demon Suppressing Legion, but also family members of the Demon Suppressing Legion members.

Since the Martial Palace established a branch hall here in the ancient country of Daxia, batches of families of members of the Demon Suppressing Legion have moved into the realm of light. The descendants of their family members who died in the battle can still live in the realm of light. .

The number of people in the Light Realm now exceeds one million. This scale is already comparable to the imperial city of the ancient Great Xia Kingdom.

After a long period of development, a set of fixed rules has been formed in Guangming territory.

No matter whether it is the hall master, deputy hall master, hall master, or deputy hall master, the demon-suppressing envoy and the demon-suppressing guard, they cannot get a fixed resource allocation from the Martial Palace.

If you want resources, you can only buy them with merit points.

Merit points have become the only purchase currency in the Light Realm.

Of course, the Palace Master uses merit points to buy things and gets a huge discount, followed by the Deputy Palace Master, Hall Master, Deputy Hall Master, Demon Suppressing Envoy, Demon Suppressing Guard... As for those who have not joined the Demon Suppressing Legion, they can only buy at the original price.

You are now a demon-suppressing guard. If you use merit points to purchase resources, you will get a 10% discount. "

Yun Hao: "Thank you very much, Master, for your advice."

Zhang Tao was a little helpless and said: "Go back and take a good look at the information. It will help you live in the light realm."

There are benefits to spiritual practice. "

Yun Hao nodded and said: "Master, if there is nothing else, I will take my leave first."

He originally planned to treat Xiao Ye personally.

But if Zhang Tao has a way, just let Zhang Tao handle it. In this way, he can save a lot of time for cultivation.

Zhang Tao hummed and said: "Recently, many people sent by Guangming Hall have returned. Feiying Hall and Crazy Blade Hall don't dare to be so arrogant anymore, so you can save yourself a lot of trouble.

Go ahead and practice hard. I have a hunch that Wudian will soon face the biggest storm since its establishment. With your talent, seize the time to become stronger. I believe you will be able to survive the storm in the future. Shine brilliantly and become famous throughout the country! "

After Yun Hao leaves.

Zhang Tao held the Jin Yuzhong token with a solemn expression and said to himself: "At this juncture, I cannot leave the Martial Palace to find Jin Yuzhong.

People who have the strength to do this cannot be trusted.

It's too risky for someone I can trust to handle this matter. What happened to Yun Hao when he was out on a mission this time sounded the alarm for me. These bastards have no lower limit and have no bottom line at all..."

Having said that, Zhang Tao sighed, put away the token in Jin Yuzhong, and could only wait for a suitable time to deal with it.

Even though he is anxious and desperately wants to find the palace master who has been missing for three years, the current situation is too complicated. If he leaves the Light Realm, maybe those bastards will immediately turn the Light Realm upside down!


Yunhao returned to his residence.

It was getting dark at this time.

Xia Xuan came up to him and said, "Sir, the master of Guangming Hall didn't make things difficult for you, right?"

Yun Hao shook his head.

With a thought in her mind, Xia Xuan took out the Red Cang Sword and handed it to Yun Hao: "Master, let me use this sword for you."

This is the divine weapon of the ancient country of Daxia, a low-ranking soldier, and a symbol of the Xia Emperor.

But Xia Xuan didn't care at all.

Yun Hao took the Red Cang Sword and said: "The sword spirit is seriously damaged and should not be used in a short time. Moreover, if the Crimson Cang Sword is exposed in our hands now, it will inevitably cause countless disturbances. I will help you warm it up first." Sword Spirit, use this sword when you kill Xia Xundao!"

Xia Xuan nodded: "It's all according to the young master."

As he spoke, he blinked and said: "Sir, this

I haven't had a good rest after traveling for several days, and my whole body stinks... How about... let's wash up together... and then go to bed. I specially prepared a big bathtub, which is enough for the two of us to take a bath together. It’s noisy…”

While talking.

A hint of charm spread naturally.


Early next morning.

"Sir, I can't practice sword practice today...I can't walk..."

Yun Hao looked at Xia Xuan who looked lazy.

Xia Xuan smiled shyly and stretched her body, her snow-white curves were exquisite.

Yun Hao: "Then you take a rest, and then get up and meditate later. Your extremely Yin spirit still has great potential. Don't slack off. Use my Yang energy to supplement it. If you work hard, you will be promoted within half a year." Dharma!"

Xia Xuan blinked, her face full of expectation, and said: "Sir, will we have to be so excited every day in the past six months?"

Yun Hao was speechless and then stood up.

Although Xia Xuan was weak, she still insisted on helping Yun Hao change clothes and wash up. After Yun Hao packed up and left the house, Xia Xuan also hurriedly tidied herself up and immediately took the time to practice.

In front of Yun Hao, although she behaved heartlessly, like an innocent little woman who could only indulge in the embrace of her lover.

But she did not forget the hatred and responsibility she carried.

Yun Hao told her that within half a year, she was expected to be promoted to the Dharma Realm, which was an extremely powerful motivation for her.

Only when you reach the realm of Dharma can you help the young master more, and only then can you have the strength to seek revenge on the old thief Xia Xundao!

The other side.

Yun Hao left the house and went to visit Xiao Ye who was in a coma.

Although Zhang Tao said there was a way to solve it, after all, he had made a promise to Xiao Ye and could not remain indifferent.

But as soon as he arrived outside the courtyard where Xiao Ye was recovering from his injuries, Yun Hao heard an angry roar belonging to Zhang Tao.

He frowned, speeded up his steps, and entered Xiao Ye's room in an instant.

In the room, Zhang Tao and several people whom Yun Hao didn't know were standing beside the bed. Everyone was angry and anxious!

Xiao Ye was lying on the bed. He originally fell into a coma due to trauma to his soul, but his soul state was very stable.

But now, Xiao Ye's mental power has become extremely disordered and he has taken the initiative to rush out of the sea of ​​consciousness. This means that there is a big problem with Xiao Ye's soul!

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