God Hongtian

Chapter 371: Killing Dharma Appearance, Mysterious Token

Thousands of years later, the soldiers of the Chidan Corps of the ancient country of Daxia followed Yun Hao's sword that was filled with all his obsessions. The sword was so brilliant that the world within a radius of dozens of miles seemed to have turned into a sea of ​​sword light.

Xia Xuntian's lion Dharma image was still baring its fangs and claws, and the next moment, under this sword, it completely lost all its majesty, just like a weak ant, annihilated in an instant.


Xia Xuntian shouted in extreme fear, and he could only watch this brilliant sword energy slashing down.

The will contained in this sword was transformed by the obsession of countless resentful spirits that had existed for thousands of years. Even if Xia Xuntian had the cultivation of the second level of the Dharma Realm, in front of this will like a torrent, he had completely lost the courage to resist, and he couldn't even think of running away.


The sword energy slashed Xia Xuntian's body.

Xia Xuntian's body and soul were all turned into ashes in an instant!

The world was silent.

Countless vengeful spirits were floating in the air. They looked at Yun Hao and then at Xia Xuan.

The vengeful spirits who had lost their ability to think had no idea who was the Xia Emperor.

In their obsession, Xia Xuan was the Xia Emperor, and the one who could control the Chi Cang Sword was also the Xia Emperor.

Yun Hao looked at Xia Xuan.

Xia Xuan came over.

Yun Hao handed the Chi Cang Sword to Xia Xuan.

Xia Xuan took the Chi Cang Sword and came to the front of all the vengeful spirits.

At this moment.

A neat and loud voice came out from all the vengeful spirits.

"Greetings to Emperor Xia!"

"Greetings to Emperor Xia!"

"Greetings to Emperor Xia!"

Xia Xuan raised his sword to the sky,

and shouted: "The Red Gall Legion has made great contributions in killing the traitor Xia Xuntian. The ancient country of Daxia will remember your contributions.

I, Xia Xuan, hereby promise to you that I will kill Xia Xundao and sacrifice the life of the traitor to you. If I don't kill Xia Xundao, I will not be a human being!"

"We are willing to follow Emperor Xia forever, fight on the battlefield, and protect the well-being of Daxia, even if we die, we will not regret it!"

"We are willing to follow Emperor Xia forever, fight on the battlefield, and protect the well-being of Daxia, even if we die, we will not regret it!"

"We are willing to follow Emperor Xia forever, fight on the battlefield, and protect the well-being of Daxia, even if we die, we will not regret it!"


Xia Xuan took a deep breath and looked at Yun Hao, looking for help.

Yun Hao stepped forward.

"Sir... let them rest in peace." Xia Xuan sighed softly.

Yun Hao nodded.

Although, so many resentful spirits are indeed a strong help.

But the existence of resentful spirits is extremely evil.

These resentful spirits can only restrain themselves in front of Xia Xuan because of their obsession. Once they leave Xia Xuan's side, no matter where they go, they will inevitably lead to serious consequences.

Even if Yun Hao holds the Chi Cang Sword, he cannot let these resentful spirits follow him for a long time. With his spiritual will, he will have some problems after being in contact with the resentful spirits for a long time, let alone Xia Xuan.

Letting the resentful spirits rest is indeed the only option.

Yun Hao raised his hand and waved, and the golden mental power fell on all the resentful spirits like warm sunshine.

If it weren't for Xia Xuan and the Chi Cang Sword, the obsession of these resentful spirits would overcome the desire to kill, and it would be impossible to deal with it in this way.

Under the warm golden

mental light, the desire to kill and the fierceness in the shadows of the resentful spirits dissipated at a very fast speed.


Soon, countless resentful spirits disappeared, leaving only a wisp of Xu Fei's residual soul.

It won't be long before this remnant soul will vanish into thin air.

Yun Hao looked at Xu Fei's remnant soul and said, "You have been staying in the Valley of Resentful Spirits. Three years ago, the master of the Martial Hall entered the Valley of Resentful Spirits. Do you have any impression?"

The main purpose of his coming to the Valley of Resentful Spirits this time was to investigate the whereabouts of the master of the Martial Hall who had disappeared for three years.

Originally, he wanted to find traces of the Wusheng Sword Dao.

But it is obvious that the master of the Martial Hall did not use his sword in the Valley of Resentful Spirits, so Yun Hao currently has no clue about this matter.

In theory, resentful spirits do not have thoughts, and even if resentful spirits have come into contact with the master of the Martial Hall, they will not have any memories.

But the obsession of Xu Fei's resentful spirit is indeed incredible. Yun Hao can only hold a glimmer of hope now, hoping to gain something.

Xu Fei's residual soul seemed extremely confused. He thought hard for a while, and then said, "Three years ago, there was indeed a very powerful person who came to the Valley of Resentful Spirits..."

Yun Hao's eyes flashed, and he said, "Did he leave anything behind?"

"I don't know. He stayed in a place in the Valley of Resentful Spirits for half a day, and then left. By the way, when he came, he seemed to be seriously injured..."

Yun Hao: "Where did he stay for half a day?"

"I'll take you there!" said Xu Fei's residual soul.

A moment later, under the guidance of Xu Fei's residual soul, Yun Hao came to the entrance of a cave in the outer area of ​​the Valley of Resentful Spirits.

Yun Hao immediately entered the cave.

The cave was not big.

As soon as Yun Hao came in, a token appeared in his sight.

The token looked like gold and jade, the size of a palm, but there was no text or pattern engraved on both sides.

Even if Yun Hao probed into it with his mental power, he did not find any information hidden in the token.

In addition, there was nothing else in the cave.

Yun Hao frowned slightly and put the token into the storage ring. Perhaps, this token symbolized some secret information. If he took it back, maybe Zhang Tao, the head of Guangming Hall, would know it.

Yun Hao walked out of the cave.

Cave entrance.

Only Xia Xuan is left.

Xu Fei's remaining soul completely disappeared.

Xia Xuan looked lonely. This trip to the Valley of Resentful Spirits was too heavy for her.

Yun Hao stepped forward and said, "Let's leave the Valley of Resentful Spirits first, and we'll talk about the rest later."

It is not advisable to stay here for a long time.

After all, Xia Xuntian was refining the Red Cang Sword here, and there must be hidden power from the royal family of the ancient Great Xia Kingdom near the Valley of Resentful Spirits.

The movement just now was so huge, someone should be coming to investigate soon.


In the mountains and forests hundreds of miles away from the Wraith Valley.

A ferocious tiger honestly carried the fainted Xiao Ye and followed Yun Hao and Xia Xuan.

Xia Xuan's mentality finally adjusted back a lot. She looked at Yun Hao and said, "Master, don't you blame me for hiding this from you before..."

Yun Hao shook his head.

Xia Xuan breathed a sigh of relief and said: "When I was eighteen years old, I was full of curiosity about the world outside the palace, especially after hearing the rumors about Master.

, I am full of infinite yearning.

So I sneaked out, found Master... and then stalked him, and finally became Master's disciple.

But my father died suddenly...

My father knew how powerful my master was, and he had no children... Before he passed away, my father overcame everyone's opinions and made me the first female Xia Emperor in the history of the ancient country of Great Xia.

But I had no interest at all in becoming Xia Emperor, so I left everything to Xia Xundao, who I trusted very much, and I stayed out all day, traveling around with my master.

Master told me...but I didn't listen...but within a year, Xia Xundao got the support of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land. He launched a coup, killed countless loyal generals, and became Emperor Xia..."

Speaking of this past event, Xia Xuan was filled with guilt and self-blame.

Yun Hao: "It was not your intention that things turned out like this. If you want, I will let you become Emperor Xia again."

Xia Xuan shook her head: "I just want to kill Xia Xundao...and then stay with the young master forever!"

Yun Hao nodded: "Then kill Xia Xundao!"


The ancient country of Daxia, the imperial palace.

Suddenly, a roar resounded throughout the world.

Immediately, the current Emperor Xia rushed to the area where the roar came from, knelt on the ground, and said in fear: "Ancestor, what happened to make you so angry..."

The phantom of Xia Xundao appeared in the air in front of the current Emperor Xia, and shouted: "Give me the information on all the people who have been to the Valley of Resentful Spirits recently. No one can be missed!"

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