God Hongtian

Chapter 373 Insight into the truth and vicious plot

After Yun Hao rushed into Xiao Ye's room, he immediately saw that Xiao Ye was in extremely bad condition.

"Hall Master, what's going on? Why did it become like this?" Yun Hao asked.

Zhang Tao: "I just bought a low-grade soul-nourishing pill from the Danfang in the Bright Realm with 5,000 merit points and gave it to Xiao Ye, and then it became like this. As for the reason, I don't know for the time being. I'll just tell you Go to the alchemy shop to find the alchemist who refines the soul-nourishing pill!"

Obviously, the Danfang mentioned by Zhang Tao is a circulation market for elixirs within the Bright Realm. The soul-nourishing elixir is the elixir for treating soul injuries that Zhang Tao mentioned yesterday.

Say it.

Zhang Tao's figure flashed and disappeared from the room in an instant.

He was anxious.

It was obviously a pill that healed the soul's injuries, but it became a poison that was going to kill Xiao Ye...

Xiao Ye is the core demon-suppressing envoy of Guangming Hall. Now it is the time for Guangming Hall to recruit people. If Xiao Ye dies, it will definitely cause a big blow to Guangming Hall.

In addition, the elixir was bought by Zhang Tao, and Zhang Tao would feel guilty and blame himself for it, which might even cause a series of troubles.

Zhang Tao went to the alchemy workshop to find the alchemist who was refining the soul-nourishing elixir. Yunhao stepped forward and stood beside the bed.

Several people in the room who Yun Hao had never met were staring at him.

One of them said: "Could it be that you are Yun Hao, the Demon Suppressing Guard who Xiao Zhen Demon Envoy has just added to our team?"

Yunhao nodded, at this time,

He didn't care to talk to these people who were obviously from the Lone Blade Team, and said: "You guys go out for a while, and I will find a way to stabilize the chaotic mental power in Xiao Zhen Demon Envoy's sea of ​​consciousness."

Several people looked at Yun Hao in surprise.

Just now, even Tang Zhang Tao tried to control the chaotic mental power in Xiao Ye's sea of ​​consciousness, but failed directly.

Zhang Tao is a strong person in the Dharma Realm, and his cultivation level is there. Although he does not major in soul and spiritual power, his soul and spiritual power is not weak.

Even Zhang Tao was at a loss to solve the problem. Can a young man like Yun Hao solve it?

One of them said: "Yunhao, I know you are worried about Xiao Zhen Demon Envoy. I have also heard that you can even control the top-level Xuan-level Seven Evils Chain Formation.

But there are many things that need to be paid attention to when rescuing people. This is different from using mental power to form an array. If your mental power causes some slight turbulence in the sea of ​​consciousness of Xiao Zhen Demon Envoy, the situation may become worse.

Don't worry, the hall master has already gone to the alchemy workshop to find the alchemist who can refine the soul-nourishing pill. The results will be available soon! "

Yun Hao shook his head and said: "It's too late. Within half a quarter of an hour, Xiao Zhen Demon Envoy's chaotic mental power in the sea of ​​consciousness must be controlled. Otherwise, these chaotic mental powers will inevitably impact his sea of ​​consciousness. Full of holes!"

As soon as they heard the words "the sea of ​​consciousness is riddled with holes," the faces of everyone in the room, which were already filled with nervous and worried expressions, suddenly turned pale.

"Yunhao, are you sure?" one person asked.

Yun Hao: "Anyway, there is no worse outcome, right?"

Several people looked at each other and then made a decision.

"Okay, we believe you can do it!"

"Don't be stressed, we'll go out and wait for your good news!"

Then, several people exited the room.

Yun Hao looked at Xiao Ye lying on the bed with a solemn expression. The next moment, he pointed out the position between Xiao Ye's eyebrows.

His golden spiritual power instantly entered Xiao Ye's sea of ​​consciousness.

In a normal state, a person's mental power is like a calm lake.

Xiao Ye, who was in a coma, should have had his mental energy like a pool of stagnant water, without any movement.

But now, Xiao Ye's spiritual power is extremely active in his sea of ​​consciousness.

If Xiao Ye's soul is not silent, this situation will not have much impact. At most, it will be overactive and easily exhausted.

But now, Xiao Ye's soul is silent. These scurrying mental powers are like wild horses running around. They are not only impacting Xiao Ye's silent soul, but also affecting the sea of ​​consciousness that contains the soul and mental power. , brought terrible pressure.

Fortunately, when Yunhao separated the sword spirit of the Red Cang Sword from Xiao Ye's soul, he left a ray of pure golden spiritual power to nourish his soul.

Otherwise, I'm afraid no one will be able to save it now.

Yun Hao's spiritual power will

After investigating the situation in Xiao Ye's sea of ​​consciousness, he exploded with power and used the strongest method to suppress Xiao Ye's out-of-control mental power.

About half an hour passed.

Xiao Ye's condition was finally stabilized. Yun Hao withdrew his mental power and then looked at the soothing incense lit in the corner of the room.

The faint green smoke drifts, and the smell has a soothing effect.

This is a very common thing.

Yun Hao raised his hand and grabbed it, extinguishing the burning soothing incense with vitality, and took the soothing incense into his hand through the air.


Yunhao opened the door.

The few people guarding outside immediately gathered around nervously.

"Yunhao, what's wrong?"

"Is Demon Envoy Xiao Zhen okay?"

"There shouldn't be any accidents, right?"

A faint smile appeared on Yun Hao's face, and he said: "Fortunately, there is no accident. The chaotic mental power of Demon Envoy Xiao Zhen has been stabilized."

After saying that, Yun Hao picked up the Anshen Incense in his hand and said, "Who ordered this?"

One of them: "I ordered it... We learned that the problem with Xiao Zhen Demon Envoy was in the soul, so we went to consult some alchemists. They suggested that we light the soothing incense in Xiao Zhen Demon Envoy's room. This would help. Yu Xiaozhen Demon Envoy’s soul is restored.”


The man reacted immediately, widened his eyes, and said: "You mean, there is something wrong with this Anshenxiang?!"

Yun Hao

He shook his head and said: "There is nothing wrong with Anshenxiang. It is a very common thing, and it does have a certain effect on people whose souls have been injured."

"Then...you snuffed out the Anshenxiang and asked us this question..." Several of them looked puzzled.

Yun Hao: "The properties of medicines in the world are mutually reinforcing and incompatible. Many medicines are obviously life-saving medicines, but when put together, they turn into poisons.

The soothing incense contains the ingredients of Ningxincao.

If Ningxincao encounters an elixir called Ice Soul Fruit, it will undergo a special change.

This change is not poisonous, but it can make people's mental energy become extremely active for a period of time.

This kind of mental stimulation is fatal to the current situation of Xiao Zhen Demon Envoy! "

"Ice Soul Fruit?"

"Except for the soul-nurturing pill that the hall master gave to Demon Envoy Xiao Zhen, none of us have given any elixir to Demon Envoy Xiao Zhen!"

"From yesterday to now, except for a few of us, no one has come into contact with Xiao Zhen Demon Envoy. There is no possibility that anyone secretly gave Xiao Zhen Demon Envoy the Ice Soul Fruit!"

Yun Hao: "What if the elixir for refining the soul-nourishing pill contains ice soul fruit."

As soon as these words came out, several people were suddenly enlightened and enlightened.

At this moment, Yunhao had more things on his mind.

What happened this time cannot be an accidental coincidence, it must be a carefully arranged conspiracy.

Such a calculation is so clever!

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