God Hongtian

Chapter 343: One sword, cutting through three caves

The sword that Yun Hao slashed out completely released the power hidden in the sword.

The trace of the Wusheng Sword Dao was perfectly exploded. This sharp edge that made the world seem to be on the verge of life and death interpreted the true meaning of Di Fei's sword Dao!

He Yong, who was in the second level of the Cave Heaven Realm and wanted to cut Yun Hao into pieces, was drowned by the terrifying sword energy and cold light. He was immediately filled with boundless panic!

As the Demon Suppression Envoy of the Martial Hall, he certainly knew what kind of power this was.

This is the sword Dao of the Chief Hall Master!

There is more than one sword in the Martial Hall of the Ancient Kingdom of Daxia that contains the trace of the sword Dao of the Chief Hall Master.

But he has never seen anyone who can explode the power of this trace of sword Dao so thoroughly...

He has never even heard that anyone in the entire Martial Hall of the East Wilderness can do this.

He Yong's power was torn apart and disintegrated by the sword energy and cold light of the Wusheng Sword Dao.

Everything he had seemed so insignificant under this powerful attack.


An extremely shrill scream came from He Yong's mouth. The sword energy bursting out from the Wusheng Sword Dao broke his body and then slashed at the battalion commander of the garrison battalion behind him.

The battalion commander of the Mucheng garrison battalion had his pupils locked. In this life-or-death situation, his whole body was instantly soaked with cold sweat. He didn't even have time to think of escaping. The sword energy of the Wusheng Sword Dao also cut his body in half!

After slashing two strong men in the Cave Heaven Realm in succession, the power of this sword was still fierce and terrifying, and then it slashed on the city lord of Mucheng.

The city lord of Mucheng roared, and his fat and bloated body trembled violently. The fat on his body seemed to burn in an instant. His body became as thin as a stick, and his breath soared directly to the level of the Cave Heaven Realm.

However, all his efforts were in vain.


The sword energy slashed down, and the city lord of Mucheng was directly split in half!

Beside the city lord of Mucheng, his confidants were also shredded into pieces by the sharp aftermath of Yun Hao's sword!

Instantly, the whole place was dead silent.

Even if the sword light dissipated, the might that put everyone on the line of life and death had disappeared, but that kind of absolute panic still lingered in everyone's heart, completely defeating their courage.

Just one sword.

This young man, who was only filled with the aura of the Golden Core Realm, slashed out with a sword and killed three Dongtian Realm in seconds!

So terrifying!

Even if Bai Changfeng believed that Yun Hao would never let people down, he didn't know what means Yun Hao would use to resolve this crisis.

The Bai family did not have a strong formation foundation, and Yun Hao's attainments in the formation had no room to play. What Bai Changfeng never expected was that Yun Hao's means of resolving the crisis of the Bai family was actually such a casual and simple sword.

He guessed that Yun Hao must have used the sword mark of the chief hall master of the Martial Hall, because,

Before this, Yun Hao could easily control the seal of the Martial Hall!

The rest of the Bai family were also surprised and happy.

The soldiers of the garrison camp under the City Lord's Mansion were all trembling at this time.

"Get out!"

Yun Hao shouted loudly, with a loud voice and terrible power. The light shining from the ordinary-looking long sword in his hand made everyone's heart palpitate to the extreme.

This is a supreme sword that can easily kill three cave heaven realms!

Therefore, after Yun Hao shouted angrily, the soldiers of the garrison camp immediately retreated in panic.

After a while, there was no one around the Bai family.

Yun Hao returned to the courtyard where he lived.

Bai Changfeng brought Bai Ming, the elders of the Bai family and other core members of the Bai family into the courtyard.

"Thank you, Master Yun, for saving our Bai family from the dire situation. The Bai family will always remember Master Yun's kindness and virtue. If Master Yun needs our Bai family in the future, we will go through fire and water without hesitation!"

Yun Hao: "What are the plans of the Bai family next?"

The elder of the Bai family who was at the peak of the Return to One Realm sighed, and then said: "Our Bai family has fought for the Martial Palace for hundreds of years, but today we have ended up in disgrace. I am not satisfied with this. I will take everyone in the Bai family to the Guangming Hall of the Martial Palace to seek justice!"

"That's right, The crisis of our Bai family tonight has been resolved, but in the eyes of everyone in Mucheng, the Bai family has become a despicable and shameless group that colluded with the demons. We must strive to clear this slander for the Bai family, otherwise, we will be ashamed of our ancestors, and our descendants will not be able to raise their heads as human beings! "

"Let's set off tomorrow and go to the Martial Hall. Not only must we clear the injustice of the Bai family being slandered, but we must also ask the Martial Hall to give an explanation. He Yong, the demon-suppressing envoy of Feiying Hall, framed and plotted against our Bai family. We can't just let it go!"

A group of Bai family members were indignant.

Although He Yong is dead, this matter is not over yet!

Yun Hao nodded: "Then let's set off tomorrow morning."

Mucheng is indeed not suitable for staying for a long time.

Although his sword just now had a strong deterrent effect.

But after the sword, the traces of the Wusheng Sword Dao contained in the sword have been completely consumed.

The mayor of Mu City and the commander of the garrison battalion were both killed by that sword. The official power of the ancient country of Daxia will certainly not let it go.

So, get organized tonight, set off early in the morning, leave Mucheng, and head to the Martial Palace!

Although it is obvious that extremely serious problems have arisen within the Martial Palace, Yunhao believes that the interior of the Martial Palace is not completely corrupt.

Otherwise, He Yong, the demon-suppressing envoy of Feiyingtang, would not use the demons to use borrowed swords to kill people. This means that there is still a very strong force within the Martial Hall to uphold justice!

Everyone in the Bai family started to get busy.

Tomorrow, they will leave Mucheng and this

Let’s go to the Martial Hall and Guangming Hall, where the Bai family has taken root for more than three hundred years, to ask for justice!

Yunhao returned to the room.


Xia Xuan threw the half-dead He Changgui into the corner and immediately stepped forward to greet him, saying: "The sword you just struck was so powerful. Is that the Wusheng Sword Master's Wusheng Sword Technique?"

Yun Hao was known as the Yunxiao Sword Emperor in his previous life, while Di Fei was called the Wusheng Sword Lord by the world.

A flash of surprise flashed in Yun Hao's eyes, and he said, "Do you know Wu Sheng Sword Dao?"

Xia Xuan grunted, nodded, and said: "I know, Master told me about the relationship between Master and Wusheng Sword Master. Master practiced the Nine Hell Demonic Art, and the first eight Nine Hell Demonic Bodies from the beginning to the end Perfection, all got help from the Wusheng Sword Lord.

About 1,300 years ago, the Wusheng Sword Master went to the abyss. I don’t know exactly what happened... By the way, I remembered that Master once mentioned that, saying that there is no life. Shengjianzun went into the abyss for the sake of the master. The master also said that when she perfects the Nine Hell Demonic Skills, she will also enter the abyss..."

Yun Hao frowned.

Is there something related to myself in the abyss?

Did Di Fei enter the abyss for himself?

what exactly is it? !

Yun Hao couldn't figure it out. It seemed that if he wanted to know the truth, he had to either find Cang Yao's Ninth Hell Demon Body, or contact Di Fei in the abyss through the source of the seal!

Tomorrow, we will set off for the Martial Palace of the Ancient Kingdom of Daxia. We are getting closer and closer to the truth!

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