God Hongtian

Chapter 344: Light Realm, Sea of ​​Clouds Formation

The next day, early in the morning.

Yun Hao, Xia Xuan, and all the people of the Bai family left Mucheng together.

When leaving the city.

Even if the soldiers of the garrison camp of Mucheng gathered here, no one dared to stand up and stop them.

Last night, Yun Hao's sword was too amazing.

Those who have felt the great terror brought by that sword still tremble and tremble when they think about it.

After leaving the city.

The people of the Bai family couldn't help but look back, looking at this place where the Bai family has taken root for more than 300 years, with helplessness, sadness, and anger on their faces!

This time, we must seek justice for the Bai family!


When the figures of the group disappeared from the sight of the soldiers guarding the city.

"Hurry... hurry up and send a message. The people of the Bai family who killed the city lord and the battalion commander have left Mucheng. They should go to the Guangming Realm of the Martial Hall!"

Guangming Realm is the base camp of the Martial Hall of the Ancient Xia Kingdom.

Without the permission of the Martial Hall, no official of the Ancient Xia Kingdom is allowed to enter Guangming Realm without permission!

This is the contract between the Martial Palace and the ancient country of Daxia.

In the evening.

A middle-aged man, ignoring the soldiers of the garrison camp of Mucheng, flew through the air, rushed into the city in an instant, and came to the place where the Bai family was.

At this time, the Bai family had been demolished and only the broken walls and ruins were left.

After the Bai family withdrew, the people of the garrison camp came to loot and searched for the good things that the Bai family could not take away.

After that, the people of Mucheng came in batches, smashing every piece of rubble and turning over every inch of the ground, trying to find some hidden treasures.

The middle-aged man looked at the scene in front of him, and a nameless anger suddenly broke out.

His breathing became heavy in an instant, his eyes were filled with angry flames, and he raised his hand and grabbed it. With a powerful force, he sucked a person into his hand.

"Tell me, what happened to the Bai family!" The middle-aged man shouted angrily.

The person he caught, trembling, told what happened last night.

After listening, the middle-aged man finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately... Fortunately, the people of the Bai family were basically saved!

But his anger still did not dissipate.

"Listen to me, I am Qu Feng of the Guangming Hall of the Martial Palace. The Bai family is a family directly under the Guangming Hall and has made great contributions to the Martial Palace's exorcism of demons.

The Bai family is a family of loyalty and righteousness. The Bai family is innocent and has no collusion with the demons!"

As soon as the voice fell, Qu Feng's figure flashed and disappeared.

"Qu Feng... He is Qu Feng, one of the ten great demon-suppressing envoys of the Martial Palace!"

"This... Should we believe him or He Yong?"

"Of course we believe Qu Feng. The demons killed by Qu Feng can be piled up into several mountains!"

"It turns out that the Bai family was wronged, but why did the demon-suppressing envoys of the Feiying Hall deal with the Bai family?"

"Is it possible... that there was a conflict... inside the Martial Palace?"

At this moment, a loud explosion came from the direction of the City Lord's Mansion.

Then, another loud shout echoed in the sky above Mucheng.


The Lord of Mucheng, you have put the Bai family in danger and injustice, and you deserve to die. If the ancient country of Daxia is dissatisfied, just come to me, Qu Feng!" Qu Feng left these words, and then shot out of Mucheng.

After leaving the city, the anger in his heart was still hard to dissipate. He drew out a knife, and the unparalleled blade light broke through the air, splitting the wall of Mucheng and collapsing it, and then he left completely.

He rushed to the direction of Guangming Realm, the headquarters of the Martial Hall, at the fastest speed.

At the same time, a jade plate appeared in his hand, and a wisp of vitality was injected into the jade plate, and a layer of light ripples appeared on the surface of the jade plate.

A rough face appeared.

"Qu Feng, how are you?"

An anxious and nervous voice came from the jade plate.

"Reporting to Deputy Hall Master Tian, ​​the Bai family was attacked by the demons last night, and Bai Changtian died.

He Yong of Feiying Hall and the Lord of Mucheng City want to completely kill all the people in the Bai family.

A mysterious young man took action and completely stimulated the Immortal Sword Dao brand of the chief hall master, and killed He Yong and other three cave heaven realms with one sword.

This morning, the Bai family and the mysterious young man left Mucheng, probably to go to Guangming Realm.

They also detained He Yong's son He Changgui as a witness.

I am worried that those bastards from Feiying Hall and Kuangdao Hall will intercept and kill them halfway after receiving the news, and now they are chasing them with all their strength!"

"I know, I will handle this matter personally, Qu Feng, you quickly rush to the other family closest to you, remember, to ensure their safety at all costs!"


Qu Feng immediately put away the jade plate, and then turned around and went to another family closest to this place.

This incident happened too suddenly, catching the Martial Hall off guard. All the personnel that could be sent out have been dispatched, but...

Qu Feng knew that the loss was irreversible.

After all, not every family can meet a mysterious boy who can fully stimulate the power of the Wusheng Sword Dao.

When he thought of the mysterious boy, Qu Feng was filled with infinite curiosity.

What kind of swordsmanship genius is he?

To be able to fully stimulate the imprint of the Wusheng Sword Dao left by the head of the hall...

Even the super swordsmanship genius cultivated by the main hall may not be able to do it?


On the way to the Martial Hall Guangming Realm, Yun Hao got a deeper understanding of the Martial Hall through the peak elder of the Guiyi Realm of the Bai family.

The Martial Hall originated in the core area of ​​the East Wilderness.

The Martial Hall branch of the ancient country of Daxia was established three thousand years ago.

Since the establishment of the Martial Hall in the ancient country of Daxia, it has always been responsible for clearing out the demons and has signed a Dao contract with the ancient country of Daxia.

A piece of land was divided into the ancient kingdom of Daxia, and it was the Guangming Realm as the headquarters of the Martial Palace.

The officials of the ancient country of Daxia are not allowed to forcibly interfere with the affairs of the Martial Palace.

Without the consent of Martial Palace, the official power of the Ancient Kingdom of Great Xia is not allowed to step into the realm of light.

The Martial Palace helps the ancient country of Daxia to resist the invasion of demons.

Over the past three thousand years, Wu Dian has exterminated twelve demons in the ancient kingdom of Daxia.

Cave, countless demons were killed!

There are three halls in the Martial Hall in the ancient country of Daxia, namely Guangming Hall, Feiying Hall, and Crazy Blade Hall.

Guangmingtang is the core and is the strongest strength of Wudian.

Outlying families like the Bai family have always been responsible only to Guangmingtang.

Feiyingtang is mainly responsible for intelligence collection and assassination missions against demons.

As for the Crazy Blade Hall, it more represents the power of the Martial Palace and handles some things in the ancient country of Daxia that are detrimental to the Martial Palace.

Traveling at full speed for several days, the group deliberately avoided official roads.

"Master Yun, in front of you is the sea of ​​clouds. After passing through the sea of ​​clouds, you will enter the realm of light." The peak elder of the Guiyi Realm of the Bai family pointed forward and said.

The sea of ​​clouds, as the name suggests, is boundless with rolling clouds and mist.

This is a high-grade ground-level formation. Clouds and mist can block sight and block mental perception.

It can also transform powerful attacks to form a solid defense, and it can also combine many effects such as confusion and siege!

As a peripheral family of Wudian Guangmingtang, the Bai family naturally knows how to safely pass through the sea of ​​clouds.

"It's safe if you enter the sea of ​​clouds!" Bai Changfeng sighed.

Along the way, everyone in the Bai family was on tenterhooks, worried that the spies and traitors from Wudian would intercept him along the way, and worried that the official power of the ancient Great Xia Kingdom would pursue them.

"Let's go." Yun Hao said.

Seeing it, the group was about to enter the sea of ​​clouds.

Suddenly, several figures rushed out from the sea of ​​clouds, blocking Yun Hao's path.

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