God Hongtian

Chapter 342: Brother, use Wusheng Swordsmanship

"Clatter, crash, crash!"

The soldiers of Mucheng's garrison, wearing heavy armor and holding spears and swords, surrounded the Bai family.

Immediately afterwards.

A loud shout sounded.

"The Bai family colluded with the demons and endangered the safety of Mucheng. He Changgui of Wudian Feiyingtang secretly investigated and obtained evidence of the Bai family's crimes. Knowing that they were exposed, the Bai family jumped over the wall in a hurry, killed several demon-suppressing guards of Wudian Feiyingtang, and held He Changgui hostage!

All the evidence of your Bai family's crimes are already in the hands of the City Lord's Mansion.

The people of the Bai family should immediately put down their weapons, kneel down and surrender, otherwise they will be killed without mercy! "

The person who shouted was the commander of the Mucheng garrison. This man had a powerful aura and was a cultivator in the cave heaven realm. His loud voice swept across all directions.

Outside the circle surrounded by soldiers in the garrison, the people of Mucheng gathered.

When the Bai family fought against the demons, the garrison camp blocked this area. The sound of the battle had already disturbed countless people, but no one could break through the blockade of the garrison camp and had no idea what was going on.

Now, the commander of the garrison camp directly confused right and wrong, raked the water upside down, and poured all the sewage on the Bai family.

"This...how is this possible...the Bai family actually colluded with the demon clan..."

"The Bai family has always been kind and charitable, and the children of the Bai family never bully others!"

"The Bai family has been based in Mucheng for more than three hundred years. The reputation of the Bai family has always been excellent... It is absolutely impossible for them to collude with the demon clan!"

Many people in Mucheng did not believe what the garrison commander said.

But no matter how beloved the Bai family is in Mucheng, they still have enemies.

At this time, many people were adding insult to injury and gossiping.

"Hmph, I've known for a long time that the Bai family are all sanctimonious and shameless people. They collude with the demons. This is a capital crime!"

"A bunch of hypocritical villains, they behave like dogs on weekdays, but secretly they are so dirty and nasty!"

"Everyone in the Bai family must be punished!"

"They all deserve to die!"

At this time.

Bai Changfeng, Elder Bai Jia, Bai Ming, Yun Hao and others rose into the sky.

Since no one recognized Bai Changfeng, it was the elder of the Bai family who was at the pinnacle of the Guiyi Realm who spoke.

The elder's face was filled with indignation and he roared: "Our Bai family has been loyal to others for generations and has never had any dealings with the demon clan, and takes slaying demons as our own responsibility.

Today, the demons are attacking.

The Bai family will fight to the end!

The noise of the battle is so loud, and the battle is taking place on the streets of Mucheng, but why has no one come to help our Bai family? Why did Mucheng's garrison camp watch the fire from across the bank and seal off the surrounding area?

Our Bai family managed to kill all the invading demons, and our family leader also died because of the demons' plot.

The battle has just ended, but the people from the garrison surrounded our Bai family, and they are still slandering us and slandering the Bai family for colluding with the demons. Where is the justice? Where is the law of heaven! "

His words immediately resonated with many people around him.

Indeed, what happened today was so abnormal.

The battle was very noisy, but the garrison camp blocked the surrounding area, which was very wrong.

If the Bai family was really attacked by demons, the garrison would only seal off the battlefield and do nothing.

This is a big problem!

Or maybe the Bai family really colluded with the demons and was discovered by He Changgui and others from Wudian Feiyingtang. The Bai family jumped over the wall and attacked Wudian He Changgui and the others. The garrison battalion should also take action to help Wudian...

The commander of the garrison battalion, with sharp eyes, shouted: "The evidence is conclusive, you can't deny it. I say it again, general, put down your weapons, kneel down and surrender, otherwise, the garrison battalion will destroy the Bai family, leaving no one alive, and killing without mercy!" "

"Let me see who of you dares!" The Bai family shouted, "The Bai family is a family directly under the Guangming Hall of Wudian!"

After the words fell, the elder of the Bai family took out a token.

The token flew into the air, blooming with blazing light, with the word "Martial Palace" engraved on the front and a white word on the back!

"The token of Wudian Guangmingtang..."

"The Bai family is actually a family under the command of Wu Dian Guangming Hall..."

"In this case, it is absolutely impossible for the Bai family to collude with the demons. The Bai family is the force placed by Wudian in Mucheng to monitor the demons and silently guard us!"

Wu Dian has great influence in the ancient country of Daxia. When it comes to dealing with demons, the people of the ancient country of Daxia have absolute trust in Wu Dian, more than they trust the royal family of the ancient country of Daxia!

at this time.

A palm print came.

The elder of the Bai family, who was at the peak of the Guiyi Realm, immediately retreated.

The palm print directly crushed the family token of Wudian Guangmingtang!

Immediately afterwards.

The demon-suppressing envoys from Feiyingtang and the city lord from Mucheng came in the air.

"How dare you pretend to be a member of the Wudian Guangmingtang family?

How audacious! "He Yong shouted with sharp eyes and a cold voice.

The city lord of Mucheng, with his bloated face facing the people gathered around, said: "Don't be fooled by the Bai family's tricks. You should have heard of the name of the man next to me. He is Wu Dianfei." He Yong, the Demon Suppressor of Shadow Hall.

He Yongzhen Demon Envoy said this, which proves that the Bai family is indeed not a family under the command of Wudian Guangmingtang.

The son of the demon envoy He Zhen is He Changgui, who found out that the Bai family was colluding with the demon clan. Now the young master of the He family is still controlled by the Bai family thieves.

The truth has been put in front of everyone, let's all disperse.

The Bai family is so conscientious that they can even do things like colluding with the demons. If they take action later, even if the soldiers in the garrison will try their best to ensure everyone's safety, it is difficult to guarantee that everyone will not be fooled. These beasts are hurt! "


The people in the garrison camp began to disperse the people who had gathered.

The mayor of Mucheng said calmly: "He Zhenmo Envoy, how do you want to deal with it next? The soldiers of the garrison camp will fully cooperate with you."

The battalion commander of the garrison camp flew in front of He Yong and said: "He Zhenmo Envoy needs the garrison camp to cooperate with you, just tell him!"

He Yong nodded, then looked at the people of the Bai family and shouted: "Hand over my son!"

At this time.

Yun Hao, who was flying in the air, took a step forward and stood in front of the people of the Bai family, saying: "Back off."

"Mr. Yun, be careful!"

Bai Changfeng warned, and then led everyone to retreat a distance.

The elder of the Bai family who was at the peak of the Return to One Realm was full of worry: "Can he... do it?"

Bai Changfeng nodded and said: "Since he dared to promise, he will definitely be able to do it. He... has never let anyone down!"

Opposite. Behind He Yong, a man stepped forward and said, "Sir Demon Suppression Envoy, it's him... The young master was captured by him!"

He Yong's body suddenly burst out with terrible murderous intent, his eyes were fierce, and he shouted, "What a bastard who doesn't know how to live or die, if you dare to touch my son, I will tear you into pieces and write my name He Yong upside down!"

As he spoke, at least the power of the second level of the Cave Heaven Realm swept out of his body.

The battalion commander of the garrison battalion also drew out a long sword, and the cultivation of the first level of the Cave Heaven Realm was ready to go!

Behind the two of them, the mayor of Mucheng showed a smile like an old fox.

Yun Hao raised his sword.

The long sword trembled slightly!

Just now, the reason why Yun Hao didn't attack immediately was because he was waiting for an opportunity.

Waiting for the opponent's strong men to gather together!

Now, the opportunity has come!


He Yong could no longer suppress the murderous intent in his heart. With a roar, he killed Yun Hao. Wherever he passed, the space collapsed, and he killed Yun Hao in an instant.

"Brother, can I borrow your Wusheng Sword Dao?" Yun Hao said softly to the sword. As soon as the words fell, the traces of Di Fei's Wusheng Sword Dao hidden in the sword body burst out completely! In an instant. The area of ​​several miles around was completely covered by a terrifying sharp edge. At this moment, everyone seemed to be trapped between life and death!

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