God Hongtian

Chapter 32: Su Family, Prepare Materials

"When the time comes, I will accompany Uncle Yun."

After Yuntiankuo left, Ling Feiyu suddenly said.

Yun Hao looked startled.

Ling Feiyu: "Although my strength is not as good as Uncle Yun, I am still a monk in the Sea Transformation Realm. If there is really a danger, I can help share some of it. Don't think so much. You haven't had much rest in the past few days. Hurry up. Eat something and have a good sleep."

Yunhao hurried back because he was worried that his father and Ling Feiyu would fall into the trap and wanted to remind them.


Both of them made the decision to go to the Tomb of Life and Death!

His mood fluctuated slightly, but he quickly calmed down.

Everyone has their own ideas and persistence.

Yunhao stopped persuading.

As long as he can collect the materials for the formation before the city lord's palace recruits a large number of people to enter the ancient tomb of life and death, he can protect his father and Ling Feiyu no matter how many conspiracies there are!

Yun Hao can be sure that the opponent will never arrange large-scale personnel to enter the ancient tomb of life and death before the blood sacrifice formation arranged by the opponent is completed.

According to the formation masters and formation bases he observed today, it will take at least several days to complete.

This time is his opportunity!

"I almost forgot, fat brother asked me to meet tonight

, I will go there now. Yun Hao said.

The Su family where Fatty lives is engaged in the ore business, and is also involved in formation materials.

The materials he wants to collect may not all be found in Liuyun City, so he must seize the time to sort out this matter clearly without any delay. Therefore, even though it is already evening, Yun Hao still plans to do it immediately!

Ling Feiyu frowned slightly and said, "It's so late, can't we go tomorrow?"

Yun Hao showed a faint smile and said, "I'll be back soon."

Ling Feiyu's face turned cold.

"That damn fat guy knows how to eat, drink and have fun all day long. You can go to him, but you absolutely can't go drink wine with him!" After Ling Feiyu finished speaking, he snorted again, then turned around and left, ignoring Yun Hao. .

Yun Hao: "..."

In my impression...that seems to be the case.

Fat people like to go to shady places to drink!

No wonder Ling Feiyu would be unhappy if he went to find Fatty now...


The Su family's mansion is located in the most prosperous area of ​​Liuyun City.

The high-gate courtyard is luxurious and luxurious.

Since Yun Hao had a good relationship with Fatty, all the guards of the Su family knew him. After Yunhao explained that he was here to find Fatty, the guards let Yun Hao in directly.


In the yard, the fat man walked out of the room excitedly, holding a pill in his hand.

"Hehehe, with the help of this magical elixir, Fatty, I will shoot like a dragon today, and we will fight until dawn!"

"Fat brother."

Yun Hao's voice sounded.

The fat man looked startled.

"Brother Yun, why are you here? My good brother, how do you know that I have something good today? Come on, come on, let's go out and fight on the battlefield later!"

With that said, he broke the elixir in his hand into two halves and handed one half to Yun Hao.

Yun Hao: "..."

Just by looking at it, I knew what this elixir was for.

"Fat brother, it's better to eat less of this stuff."

"Don't worry, brother, I know it in my heart. Even if I don't have this thing, I'm still invincible!"

Yun Hao had no intention of talking about this kind of topic with the fat man, and said, "Brother Fatty, I have business with you."

Upon hearing this, the fat man's expression became more serious and said, "You tell me."

Yun Hao directly took out a list he had prepared earlier and said, "Can you get these things?"

The fat man took the list, read it over, and said with a serious look on his face: "I can get most of them, but I have to figure out, do you want it, or do you want it for others?"

"Is there any difference?" Yun Hao asked.

The fat man nodded

: "If you want it, it's free. If others want it, these things are worth a lot of money!"

Yun Hao: "I want to use it."

Fatty: "Okay!"

He read the list carefully again, and then said: "Except for the Liguang Stone, everything else on the list will be collected for you tomorrow!"

Liguangshi is a relatively rare mineral.

Moreover, it is also the core material for Yun Hao to restart part of the power of the dazzling infinite array in the Tomb of Life and Death.

Without the Liguang Stone, even if all the other materials were collected, Yun Hao's plan would not be able to be carried out.

The fat man saw Yun Hao frowning and said, "Brother Yun, don't be depressed. I haven't even finished what I said. There might be a place like this!"


"black market!"

Fatty said: "I received news that just today, a large number of things dug out from the outer areas of the Tomb of Life and Death appeared on the black market. We can go and take a look now!"

Yun Hao's eyes flashed.

Over at the City Lord's Mansion, there was an action just today to recruit monks to go to the Tomb of Life and Death.

Tonight, there are a lot of things from the ancient tombs of life and death in the black market of Liuyun City.

Obviously, these things came from the city lord's palace. They did this deliberately. They wanted to use the things in the ancient tombs of life and death to further stimulate the people of Liuyun City and make them eager to report.

Go explore the ancient tombs of life and death.

"Okay, let's go now." Yun Hao said.

Fatty: "Wait a minute, I'm going to borrow some banknotes from my father. Otherwise, even if we find the Liguang Stone, we won't be able to afford it."

"The head of the Su family should have gone to the City Lord's Mansion to discuss exploring the ancient tombs of life and death, right?"

Fatty: "Yes, it's because my father is not at home that I can find a way to borrow banknotes. If he were at home, he would not lend me even a hair of his iron cock."

Yun Hao: "..."

The fat man chuckled and said, "Brother Yun, wait for me for a moment."

It didn't take long for the fat man, covered in dust, to return home with a full load, holding a large stack of banknotes in his hand, and muttering: "My dad is so stupid that he didn't hide the banknotes properly, so he buried them under the bed. How stupid. No, he’s been robbed!”

Yun Hao: "...Fat brother, just think I borrowed it from you and pay it back later."

The fat man waved his hands carelessly and said: "Why are we brothers so polite? What my father has is mine, and what is mine is yours.

Besides, if my father dies one day, with my ability, I can’t be the head of the Su family. If I don’t spend some of the Su family’s money now, how can I keep it for others to spend? "

Yunhao felt that it made sense... and was speechless.

Then, the two left the Su family together and headed to the black market.

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