God Hongtian

Chapter 31: Incentive and coercion

It was already evening when Yun Hao returned to Kuangjian Martial Arts Hall.

A dense crowd gathered at the city gate.

Yun Hao stepped forward and saw two notices posted at the city gate.

A notice proving his innocence.

There is also a report that the city lord's palace wants to recruit warriors in Liuyun City to dig the ancient tombs of life and death!

"City Lord Jiang is indeed the Master Qingtian of Liuyun City. If anything good happens, we, the people of Liuyun City, will be considered first!"

"The exploration of the Ancient Tomb of Life and Death has made significant progress today. The huge noise coming from the Ancient Tomb of Life and Death was caused by the city lord's palace breaking the formation of the Ancient Tomb of Life and Death."

"The biggest danger in the ancient tomb of life and death has been resolved, and we are about to come into contact with the most precious treasures in the ancient tomb. However, City Lord Jiang chose to let us share these opportunities together. Such a big-hearted and generous person cannot but be admired!"

"But... even so, isn't there still a risk?"

"Oh, you don't dare to take even a little risk? Do you still deserve to be called a warrior? Wealth is obtained through risk. The city lord's mansion has reduced the risk to a minimum, and this time the city lord will personally lead the team into the ancient tomb. "If you don't dare to go, don't go. When we come back with the baby, don't be jealous!"

The discussion was lively.

Yun Hao listened to the sounds around him and looked at the content on the notice, but there was an extremely cold light in his eyes.

Over there, a blood sacrifice formation is being set up.

Here, the warriors in the city are already being lured into entering the ancient tomb of life and death.

What they want to do is self-evident.

They want to sacrifice a large number of lives to forcefully open the ancient tomb of life and death. These warriors from Liuyun City are the ones who will be sacrificed!

Yun Haodang even quickened his pace and returned to madness

Sword martial arts hall.

No matter what others think.

He had to remind his father and Ling Feiyu to prevent them from falling into the scheme.

But just when Yun Hao returned to the gate of Mad Sword Martial Arts Hall.

I saw a group of soldiers from the City Lord's Mansion walking out of the Mad Sword Martial Arts Hall.

The leader glanced at Yun Hao, snorted coldly, and then led the team away.

Yun Hao had an ominous premonition in his heart and immediately rushed into the martial arts hall and found Yun Tiankuo in the main hall.

Ling Feiyu is also there.

"Dad, Feiyu, those people from the City Lord's Mansion just now..."

Before Yun Hao could finish speaking, Yuntiankuo spoke: "The city lord's palace has recruited monks from Liuyun City to excavate the ancient tombs of life and death, and share the opportunity. As a force with great influence in Liuyun City, the Mad Sword Martial Arts Hall, my gym Lord, we have to go, the people from the City Lord’s Mansion just came with the City Lord’s handwriting to issue the notice.”

Ling Feiyu added: "Not only Uncle Yun has to go, but also other respectable monks in Liuyun City must go. The notice issued by the City Lord's Palace shows a very tough attitude. If you don't go, you will be responsible for the consequences."

Yun Hao frowned.

The other party wants to activate the blood sacrifice. The higher the cultivation level, the better the sacrifice for them.

Aiming at the ordinary warriors in the city, they used bewitching methods to induce them.

And these warriors with certain strength simply want to force the arrangement!

Yun Tiankuo: "I know what you are worried about. The situation of the Ancient Tomb of Life and Death must be different from what the City Lord's Mansion announced to the public, but it is impossible not to go. Otherwise, the Mad Sword Martial Arts School will not be able to continue to have a foothold in Liuyun City.

This time, City Lord Jiang is going himself, so the risk shouldn’t be particularly high. If you’re lucky, you can get something good inside, and maybe there will be some raindrops for you.

Practice will be of great help. "


Yun Tiankuo put his hand on Yun Hao's shoulder, not giving him a chance to continue to persuade him, and said: "Your father, I am also a master of the sea transformation realm. If I go there, it will be in danger. Then Liu Yun The other warriors in the city have gone, aren't they almost dead?

The City Lord's Mansion does not dare to take risks on such things, which proves that they are indeed sure.

Okay, this matter has been settled. The city lord's palace will summon us to discuss this matter later. I will go and prepare it first. You and Feiyu stay in the martial arts hall and don't run around. Do you understand? "

After saying that, Yuntiankuo left directly.

The forced recruitment from the City Lord's Mansion was only one of the reasons why he wanted to go to the Ancient Tomb of Life and Death.

The more important reason is that he also believes that there are treasures in the Tomb of Life and Death, and he wants to find a chance for Yun Hao and Ling Feiyu to come back!

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