God Hongtian

Chapter 33 Black Market

The black market is located in the west city of Liuyun City.

After passing through several dark alleys and entering an inconspicuous and dilapidated courtyard, there was a man standing guard next to the entrance of a well.

The fat man stepped forward directly and paid twenty taels of silver.

The people guarding the wellhead should get out of the way.

Yun Hao and Fatty immediately jumped into the well.

At the bottom of the well, there is a dim passage. Walking along this passage, you can reach the black market built underground.

"Brother Yun, I really don't need to wear a mask?"

Fatty muttered.

Yun Hao: "No, your features are too obvious. Even if you wear a mask, others can recognize you."

The fat man sighed, touched the fat on his face, and said: "The most beautiful man in Liuyun City, he can't keep a low profile even if he wants to, it's all because of his damn temperament!"

Yun Hao: "..."

Following this dim passage, he walked forward for about a few hundred meters, and then passed through a rippling formation light curtain.


An open underground space appeared in Yunhao's sight.

The lights were bright and the crowds were bustling. A large number of monks from Liuyun City were selecting and bargaining in front of the vendors, and some were arguing fiercely because they couldn't agree on the price.

"Hey, isn't that Yun Hao from the Mad Sword Martial Arts School?"

"That prodigal fat guy from the Su family is here too."

"How dare these two guys come to the black market? Aren't they afraid of being cheated and losing all their money?"

There was a lot of chatter around.

The black market is all about discernment.

Whether the things here are good or bad, there is no quality guarantee.

As long as the transaction is completed, even if you find that you have bought a waste product, you can only break your teeth and swallow it in your stomach.

Some people buy valuable treasures at low prices here.

But there are also many people who have lost all their money, but what they get is garbage that would not take up space even if they were thrown into the latrine.

"The two heroes of Liuyun are both talented and talented. These people are jealous of our handsomeness and temperament. Don't pay attention to them!" The fat man raised his head and chest, patted Yun Hao on the shoulder and said, "Let's do something!"



In a loft in the black market.

Jiang Chuan was enjoying the service of several enchanting women in the room. Just as he was about to get into the mood, a voice suddenly sounded at the door.

"Young City Master, Yun Hao and that shameless fat guy from the Su family came to the black market."

Jiang Chuan frowned, casually pulled the sheet over his body, and opened the door.

His men stood at the door, lowered their heads, and said: "Young City Master, would you like to take this opportunity to give him..."

Jiang Chuan pondered for a moment, then shook his head: "In recent days, it is not appropriate to cause turmoil here. There will be many opportunities to kill Yun Hao in the future, let's forget it today."

Use the black market to build momentum and attract more monks from Liuyun City to actively sign up to explore the ancient tombs of life and death. This matter is of higher importance than anything else. This was assigned by the Shenyong Hou Mansion, and Jiang Chuan did not dare to do it at this juncture. Some shit.

After finishing speaking, Jiang Chuan added: "Go and watch him, see what he wants to do when he comes to the black market, and find a way to make him suffer!"


The guards immediately took the order and left.

Jiang Chuan closed the door again and looked at those voluptuous women who were naked. He couldn't help but think of Ling Feiyu's appearance...

He immediately lost interest in these women.

A thousand or ten thousand of these coquettish bitches are not as good as one finger of Ling Feiyu...

He gritted his teeth and growled: "Ling Feiyu, how can I, Jiang Chuan, be inferior to that bastard Yun Hao? You have never been willing to look at me... Humph, I will definitely get the woman I want. .

When our plan is launched, Yun Tiankuo will die, Yun Hao will die, and my father will become the governor of Beihan County, and my status will be greatly improved. I will not believe that you will not surrender to me. Give me a hug! "

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