God Hongtian

Chapter 2711 Kill!

The forces prepared by Cangwu Immortal Emperor for Yun Hao are very powerful.

A tenth-level immortal named Feng Yan, although he has not yet attained enlightenment, is also a powerful elder of the Xiantong ancestral land!

In addition, there are two lower-level immortals.

Hundreds of immortal emperors!

Moreover, Cangwu Immortal Emperor directly gave Yun Hao an eighth-level top-grade immortal boat.

Such a battle can hold out for a while even if it encounters the power of the immortal emperor level.

In front of the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan, only Yaya’s ancestor is at the level of the immortal emperor, and the supreme elder who started the rebellion is at the same level as Feng Zhenxiang, the supreme elder of the Burning Heaven Immortal Palace.

A tenth-level enlightened immortal.

If this force enters the tribe of the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan, unless... it is directly blocked by the army led by the supreme elder of the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan, otherwise, it will be a straight march.

As soon as they entered the tribe of the Golden Winged Dapeng, there was almost no possibility that they would be blocked by the army led by the Supreme Elder of the Golden Winged Dapeng. After all, they were still waiting for the power of the Phoenix Clan's Burning Heaven Palace to help. They could not imagine that the people who went there were... the elite of the Xiantong Ancestral Land led by Yun Hao!

The fairy boat crossed the starry sky.

Yaya was uneasy.

It was the first time she left the tribe of the Golden Winged Dapeng.

And it had been a while since she left.

During this time, she had experienced too much.

For the young girl, all of this was too complicated and too difficult.

In particular, she also knew that the ancestor who treated her very well had really fallen into the abyss of death. She was worried... afraid that her ancestor would not be able to hold on before she returned...

Yaya stood on the deck of the fairy boat, looking towards the direction of home, her two little hands tightly grasping the railing in front of her.

Yun Hao came to her side, also looking into the distance, and said: "Don't worry, everything will be fine."

Yaya hummed heavily, nodded vigorously, and said: "Uncle Yun, thank you..."

Yun Hao smiled, and just like before, he raised his palm and fell on Yaya's head, rubbed it gently, and said: "Yaya, I remember that when I first saw you, your height was only up to my waist, and now, it has reached my chest."

Yaya turned her head, looked up at Yun Hao, and said: "Uncle Yun, Yaya has grown up!"

Yun Hao nodded and said: "Yes, Yaya has grown up."

Yaya said: "When I grow up, I can do more and more things. I will help the ancestors to restore stability to the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan. I will also go to the Phoenix Clan's Xiantong Ancestral Land to practice hard."

"Uncle Yun, you are good to Yaya, Yaya knows it, remembers it in my heart, and will never forget it. Yaya must learn skills, become very strong, and then repay Uncle Yun as much as possible."

Yun Hao looked at this sensible little girl, with a warm smile on his face, and said: "I believe Yaya will be very, very powerful one day in the future."

At this time.

The tenth-level immortal Feng Yan from the Xiantong Ancestral Land came over.

"Palace Master Yun, the immortal boat has now started at its fastest speed. Although this immortal boat is only an eighth-grade top-grade, its speed can barely match that of a ninth-grade lower-grade immortal boat. At this speed, it should be able to reach the clan land of the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan in about ten days."

Yun Hao nodded and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Elder Feng Yan."

Feng Yan: "Palace Master Yun, you are too polite. You helped the Cangwu Immortal Emperor to prove the truth, which is a great favor to our Xiantong ancestral land. It is my honor to serve you."

To Yun Hao, the tenth-level immortal master of the Phoenix Clan, he maintained a very respectful attitude.

Yun Hao and Ya Ya each returned to the cabin of the immortal boat.

Yun Hao's mind moved.

Take out Yi's body.

Even though Yi's body has lost its immortal soul and the breath of life, its body is immortal and still contains incomparably terrifying power.

Previously, Yun Hao had used the power of the fighting immortal spirit to condense the fighting pill, which had tapped into the power of this body. Some time ago, he also spared the powerful combat power of this body with the heart of an immortal emperor.

According to the pale hand, Yi's peak and complete form is definitely a strong man at the level of the emperor!

What is the emperor?

Only those who have reached the ninth level of the immortal emperor can be called the emperor!

"After finishing the trip to the tribe of the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan, we will go to the Bailian Galaxy..."

"Senior, you asked me to send your body back to the Bailian Galaxy. I will do what I promised soon."

Yun Hao said softly to Yi's body.

His thoughts were flying, and he was full of yearning and curiosity for the Bailian Galaxy.

The origin of the Nine Secret Immortal Art...

It is also the place of proof, the battlefield of the immortal!

Especially about the Nine Secret Immortal Art... After all, he can use this art in the exile land, and for the creatures in the exile land, the Nine Secret Immortal Art is also a supreme inheritance.

This is the most powerful immortal technique that can be used regardless of any environment or era.

He thought for a moment.

Yun Hao put Yi's body away again.

He calmed his mind and began to practice.

But the technique he was practicing was not the Way of Only Me, nor the Art of the Immortal Dragon and Phoenix, but... the Nine Secret Immortal Techniques: the Secret Immortal Techniques of Bing, Dou, Zhen, Lie, and Xing!

Five Secret Immortal Techniques, running at the same time!

The Five Secret Immortal Seals appeared, circling around his body, filled with mysterious immortal light.

Cangwu Immortal Emperor said that he would have a unique advantage after practicing the Nine Secret Immortal Arts and entering the Bailian Galaxy.

Then... while there is still time, practice as much as possible to deepen your understanding of the Five Secret Immortal Arts, and then you will be more relaxed when you enter the Bailian Galaxy.

He knew it very well.

Once he went to the Bailian Galaxy, he would be greeted by a storm... that had happened in the Yuanchu Black Hole!

In that storm, Yun Hao killed too many people from the seven star fields of the human race's cultivation civilization.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't get out of the Yuanchu Black Hole at that time, that storm would even bring an extremely terrifying impact to the Zhuxian Sect that supported him.

At that time, after leaving the Yuanchu Black Hole, he continued to choose to "fake death" because he wanted to come to the Endless Fire Region to find Ling Feiyu, and another important reason was to avoid being implicated by the people around him.

There is a storm on the Bailian Galaxy, and all the tribes will go there. By then, the truth about his fake death will be revealed...

However, Yun Hao is now more confident.

After all, in addition to the support of the Zhuxian Sect of the human race, the Phoenix tribe has also become his backing, and the Golden Winged Dapeng tribe will soon become his ally!

Even the Dragon tribe, after entering the Bailian Galaxy, can find an opportunity to develop the Dragon tribe into its own helper! ...

The Golden Winged Dapeng tribe, as a top-level bloodline creature, has a star field that is far less large than the Endless Fire Domain, but the area it covers also has thousands of stars.

Because the Supreme Elder of the Golden Winged Dapeng tribe is waiting for the power of the Phoenix tribe's Burning Heaven Fairy Palace to come to reinforce, he has always arranged for one of his immortals to lead a large number of elites to wait on a star adjacent to the Endless Fire Domain.

At this time

The huge immortal boat from the Endless Fire Region came across the starry sky. The Golden Winged Dapeng Clan cultivators on this star were all excited and extremely excited.

Finally... arrived!

The Golden Winged Dapeng Clan Immortal Venerable, who took the lead, immediately led his cultivators to fly into the sky, greeted the immortal boat, and made a gesture of welcome!

Yun Hao took Yaya's hand and came to the deck of the immortal boat, overlooking the group of Golden Winged Dapeng Clan cultivators below, and then said in a cold tone: "Kill!"

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